UMR 186 (IPME) dans la base Horizon  


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Bagayoko I., Celli M. G., Romay G., Poulicard Nils, Galzi Agnès, Julian C., Filloux D., Roumagnac P., Sereme D., Bragard C., Hébrard Eugénie. (2021). Genetic diversity of rice stripe necrosis virus and new insights into evolution of the genus Benyvirus. Viruses, 13 (5), p. 737 [12 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010081531

  2. Barro M., Kassankogno A. I., Wonni I., Sereme D., Somda I., Kabore H. K., Béna Gilles, Brugidou Christophe, Tharreau D., Tollenaere Charlotte. (2021). Spatiotemporal survey of multiple rice diseases in irrigated areas compared to rainfed lowlands in the Western Burkina Faso. Plant Disease, 105 (12), p. 3907-3917. ISSN 0191-2917.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010084273

  3. Béna Gilles, Fory P. A., Rico J. E., Mosquera G. M. (2021). VNTR typing of the bacterial rice pathogen Burkholderia glumae reveals the coexistence of several diverging lineages in a single field in Colombia. Plant Disease, 105 (11), p. 3466-3473. ISSN 0191-2917.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010085713

  4. Busset Nicolas, Gully Djamel, Teulet Albin, Fardoux Joël, Camuel A., Cornu D., Severac D., Giraud Eric, Mergaert P. (2021). The Type III effectome of the symbiotic Bradyrhizobium vignae strain ors3257. Biomolecules, 11 (11), p. 1592 [19 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010083783

  5. Campos P. E., Crego C. G., Boyer K., Gaudeul M., Baider C., Richard D., Pruvost O., Roumagnac P., Szurek Boris, Becker N., Gagnevin L., Rieux A. (2021). First historical genome of a crop bacterial pathogen from herbarium specimen : insights into citrus canker emergence. PLoS Pathogens, 17 (7), e1009714 [25 p.]. ISSN 1553-7366.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010082708

  6. Catara V., Cubero J., Pothier J. F., Bosis E., Bragard C., Dermic E., Holeva M. C., Jacques M. A., Petter F., Pruvost O., Robene I., Studholme D. J., Tavares F., Vicente J. G., Koebnik Ralf, Costa J. (2021). Trends in molecular diagnosis and diversity studies for phytosanitary regulated Xanthomonas. Microorganisms, 9 (4), p. 862 [30 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010081373

  7. Chevenet François, Fargette Denis, Guindon S., Banuls Anne-Laure. (2021). EvoLaps : a web interface to visualize continuous phylogeographic reconstructions. BMC Bioinformatics, 22 (1), p. 463 [12 p.]. ISSN 1471-2105.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010083165

  8. Costa J., Pothier J. F., Boch J., Stefani E., Jacques M. A., Catara V., Koebnik Ralf. (2021). Integrating science on Xanthomonadaceae for sustainable plant disease management in Europe. Molecular Plant Pathology, 22 (12), p. 1461-1463. ISSN 1464-6722.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010083347

  9. Dassou A. G., Idohou R., Azandeme-Hounmalon G. Y., Sabi-Sabi A., Houndete J., Silvie Pierre, Dansi A. (2021). Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) in maize cropping systems in Benin : abundance, damage, predatory ants and potential control. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 41 (4), 2627-2636. ISSN 1742-7584.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010080966

  10. Djerrab D., Bertrand B., Breitler J. C., Leran S., Dechamp E., Campa Claudine, Barrachina C., Conejero G., Etienne H., Sulpice R. (2021). Photoperiod-dependent transcriptional modifications in key metabolic pathways in Coffea arabica. Tree Physiology, 41 (2), p. 302-316. ISSN 0829-318X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010081530

  11. Duy P. N., Lan D. T., Thu H. P., Thu H. P. T., Thanh H. N., Pham N. P., Auguy Florence, Thu H. B. T., Manh T. B., Cunnac Sébastien, Pham X. H. (2021). Improved bacterial leaf blight disease resistance in the major elite Vietnamese rice cultivar TBR225 via editing of the OsSWEET14 promoter. PLoS One, 16 (9), p. e0255470 [16 p.]. ISSN 1932-6203.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010083878

  12. Garcia-Ruiz H., Szurek Boris, Van den Ackerveken G. (2021). Stop helping pathogens : engineering plant susceptibility genes for durable resistance. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 70, p. 187-195. ISSN 0958-1669.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010082610

  13. Gondiho Mendes R.A., Basso M.F., Melo B.P. de, Pires Ribeiro T., Lima R.N., Araujo J. F. de, Grossi-de-Sa M., Silva Mattos V. da, Coiti Togawa R., Saliba Albuquerque E.V., Lisei de Sa M.E., Mattar da Silva M.C., Macedo L.L.P., Rocha Fragoso D. da, Fernandez Diana, Vignols F., Grossi-de-Sa M.F. (2021). The Mi-EFF1/Minc17998 effector interacts with the soybean GmHub6 protein to promote host plant parasitism by Meloidogyne incognita. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 114, 101630 [11 p.]. ISSN 0885-5765.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010081995

  14. Hily J. M., Komar V., Poulicard Nils, Velt A., Renault L., Mustin P., Vigne E., Spilmont A. S., Lemaire O. (2021). Evidence of differential spreading events of grapevine pinot Gris virus in Italy using datamining as a tool. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 161 (3), 735-742. ISSN 0929-1873.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010082739

  15. Hily J. M., Komar V., Poulicard Nils, Vigne E., Jacquet O., Protet N., Spilmont A. S., Lemaire O. (2021). Biological evidence and molecular modeling of a grapevine Pinot gris virus outbreak in a vineyard. Phytobiomes Journal, 5 (4), p. 464-472.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010083935

  16. Hily J. M., Poulicard Nils, Kubina J., Reynard J. S., Spilmont A. S., Fuchs M., Lemaire O., Vigne E. (2021). Metagenomic analysis of nepoviruses : diversity, evolution and identification of a genome region in members of subgroup A that appears to be important for host range. Archives of Virology, 166 (10), 2789-2801. ISSN 0304-8608.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010082626

  17. Issaka S., Traore O., Longue R. D. S., Galzi Agnès, Gill M. S., Dellicour S., Bastide P., Guindon S., Hébrard Eugénie, Dugue M. J., Sere Y., Semballa S., Ake S., Lemey P., Fargette Denis. (2021). Rivers and landscape ecology of a plant virus, Rice yellow mottle virus along the Niger Valley. Virus Evolution, 7 (2), veab072 [14 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010084300

  18. Kini K., Agnimonhan R., Dossa R., Silue D., Koebnik Ralf. (2021). Genomics-informed multiplex PCR scheme for rapid identification of rice-associated bacteria of the genus Pantoea. Plant Disease, 105 (9), p. 2389-2394. ISSN 0191-2917.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010083832

  19. Kini K., Wonni I., Silue D., Koebnik Ralf. (2021). Development of two loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) genomics-informed diagnostic protocols for rapid detection of Pantoea species on rice. MethodsX, 8, 101216 [8 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010083237

  20. Koebnik Ralf, Burokiene D., Bragard C., Chang C., Fischer-Le Saux M., Kolliker R., Lang J. M., Leach J. E., Luna E. K., Portier P., Sagia A., Ziegle J., Cohen S. P., Jacobs J. M. (2021). The complete genome sequence of Xanthomonas theicola, the causal agent of canker on tea plants, reveals novel secretion systems in clade-1 Xanthomonads. Phytopathology, 111 (4), p. 611-616. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010081451

  21. Lacombe Séverine, Bangratz Martine, Ta H. A., Nguyen T. D., Gantet Pascal, Brugidou Christophe. (2021). Optimized RNA-silencing strategies for rice ragged stunt virus resistance in rice. Plants, 10 (10), 2008 [17 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010083327

  22. Mahrach L., Gutierrez A., Huchard M., Keip P., Marnotte P., Silvie Pierre, Martin P. (2021). Combining implications and conceptual analysis to learn from a pesticidal plant knowledge base. In : Braun T. (ed.), Gehrke M. (ed.), Hanika T. (ed.), Hernandez N. (ed.). Graph-based representation and reasoning. Cham : Springer, 57-72. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 12879). ICCS.International Conference on Conceptual Structures, 26., En ligne, 2021/09/20-22. ISBN 978-3-030-86981-6.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010084434

  23. Mendes R. A. G., Basso M. F., de Araujo J. F., de Melo B. P., Lima R. N., Ribeiro T. P., Mattos V. D., Albuquerque E. V. S., Grossi-de-Sa M., Tameirao S. N. D., Fragoso R. D., da Silva M. C. M., Vignols F., Fernandez Diana, Grossi-de-Sa M. F. (2021). Minc00344 and Mj-NULG1a effectors interact with GmHub10 protein to promote the soybean parasitism by Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica. Experimental Parasitology, 229, p. 108153 [12 p.]. ISSN 0014-4894.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010082831

  24. Mondedji A. D., Silvie Pierre, Nyamador W. S., Martin P., Agboyi L. K., Amevoin K., Ketoh G. K., Glitho I. A. (2021). Cabbage production in West Africa and IPM with a focus on plant-based extracts and a complementary worldwide vision. Plants, 10 (3), p. 529 [36 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010081170

  25. Nguye P. V., Tran T. B., Nguyen P. T., Nguyen L. N. T., Bien T. L. T., Ton L. B., Le T. T. H., Ton A. T., Nguyen Q. C. B., Huynh B. V., Le D. D., Bellafiore Stéphane. (2021). The response of rice varieties to Meloidogyne graminicola from the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Nematology, 23 (10), p. 1153-1170. ISSN 1388-5545.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010083402

  26. Phan N. T., Besnard G., Ouazahrou R., Sanchez W. S., Gil L., Manzi S., Bellafiore Stéphane. (2021). Genome sequence of the coffee root-knot nematode Meloidogyne exigua. Journal of Nematology, 53, p. 1-6. ISSN 0022-300X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010082323

  27. Pouteau Robin, Biurrun I., Brunel Caroline, Chytry M., Dawson W., Essl F., Fristoe T., Haveman R., Hobohm C., Jansen F., Kreft H., Lenoir J., Lenzner B., Meyer C., Moeslund J. E., Pergl J., Pysek P., Svenning J. C., Thuiller W., Weigelt P., Wohlgemuth T., Yang Q., van Kleunen M. (2021). Potential alien ranges of European plants will shrink in the future, but less so for already naturalized than for not yet naturalized species. Diversity and Distributions, 27 (11), 2063-2076. ISSN 1366-9516.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010082592

  28. Reshetnyak G., Jacobs J. M., Auguy Florence, Sciallano C., Claude L., Medina C., Perez-Quintero A. L., Comte Aurore, Thomas E., Bogdanove A., Koebnik Ralf, Szurek Boris, Dievart A., Brugidou Christophe, Lacombe Séverine, Cunnac Sébastien. (2021). An atypical class of non-coding small RNAs is produced in rice leaves upon bacterial infection. Scientific Reports - Nature, 11 (1), 24141 [20 p.]. ISSN 2045-2322.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010083857

  29. Riah N., Lajudie Philippe de, Béna Gilles, Heulin K., Djekoun A. (2021). Variability in symbiotic efficiency with respect to the growth of pea and lentil inoculated with various rhizobial genotypes originating from sub-humid and semi-arid regions of eastern Algeria. Symbiosis, [Early access], p. [14 p.]. ISSN 0334-5114.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010083364

  30. Silvie Pierre, Martin P., Huchard M., Keip P., Gutierrez A., Sarter S. (2021). Prototyping a knowledge-based system to identify botanical extracts for plant health in Sub-Saharan Africa. Plants, 10 (5), 896 [24 p.]. ISSN 2223-7747.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010080326

  31. Somera M., Fargette Denis, Hébrard Eugénie, Sarmiento C., ICTV Report Consortium. (2021). ICTV virus taxonomy profile : Solemoviridae 2021. Journal of General Virology, 102 (12), 001707 [2 p.]. ISSN 0022-1317.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010084216

  32. Vancheva T., Bogatzevska N., Moncheva P., Mitrev S., Verniere C., Koebnik Ralf. (2021). Molecular epidemiology of Xanthomonas euvesicatoria strains from the Balkan peninsula revealed by a new multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis scheme. Microorganisms, 9 (3), p. 536 [19 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010081164

  33. Vannini C., Domingo G., Fiorilli V., Seco D. G., Novero M., Marsoni M., Wisniewski-Dye F., Bracale M., Moulin Lionel, Bonfante P. (2021). Proteomic analysis reveals how pairing of a Mycorrhizal fungus with plant growth-promoting bacteria modulates growth and defense in wheat. Plant Cell and Environment, 44 (6), 1946-1960. ISSN 0140-7791.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010081096

  34. Vermeire M. L., Thoresen J., Lennard K., Vikram S., Kirkman K., Swemmer A. M., Te Beest M., Siebert F., Gordijn P., Venter Z., Brunel Caroline, Wolfaard G., Krumins J. A., Cramer M. D., Hawkins H. J. (2021). Fire and herbivory drive fungal and bacterial communities through distinct above-and-belowground mechanisms. Science of the Total Environment, 785, p. 147189 [11 p.]. ISSN 0048-9697.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010082209

  35. Vermeire Marie-Liesse, Bottinelli Nicolas, Villenave C., Jouquet Pascal, Hue Nguye Thie, Maeght Jean-Luc, Aribi Jamel , Aroui Boukbida Hanane, Minh Tien Tran, Masson A.S., Chapuis Elodie, Bellafiore Stéphane. (2021). Comparison of nematode communities in anecic earthworm casts and adjacent soil reveal a land use-independent trophic group signature. Global Ecology and Conservation, 27, e01565 [7 p.]. ISSN 2351-9894.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010081240

  36. Wallner A., Moulin Lionel, Busset Nicolas, Rimbault Isabelle, Béna Gilles. (2021). Genetic diversity of type 3 secretion system in Burkholderia s.l. and links with plant host adaptation. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, 761215 [13 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010083334

  37. Yainna S., Negre N., Silvie Pierre, Brevault T., Tay W. T., Gordon K., dAlencon E., Walsh T., Nam K. (2021). Geographic monitoring of insecticide resistance mutations in native and invasive populations of the fall armyworm. Insects, 12 (5), p. 468 [12 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010081513

  38. Zarate-Chaves C. A., de la Cruz D. G., Verdier Valérie, Lopez C. E., Bernal A., Szurek Boris. (2021). Cassava diseases caused by Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. manihotis and Xanthomonas cassavae. Molecular Plant Pathology, 22 (12), 1520-1537. ISSN 1464-6722.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010082248

  39. Zarate-Chaves C. A., Osorio-Rodriguez D., Mora R. E., Perez-Quintero A. L., Dereeper Alexis, Restrepo S., Lopez C. E., Szurek Boris, Bernal A. (2021). TAL effector repertoires of strains of Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. manihotis in commercial Cassava crops reveal high diversity at the country scale. Microorganisms, 9 (2), 315 [26 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010081064


  1. Barro M., Konate K.A., Wonni I., Kassankogno A.I., Sabot François, Albar Laurence, Somda I., Béna Gilles, Ghesquière Alain, Kam H., Sié M., Cubry Philippe, Tollenaere Charlotte. (2021). Assessment of genetic diversity of rice in registered cultivars and farmers' fields in Burkina Faso. Crops, 1 (3), 129-141. ISSN 2673-7655.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010083579

Chapitres ou parties d'ouvrages

  1. Silvie Pierre, Martin P., Keip P., Huchard M., Marnotte P., Ilboudo Z., Tagne A., Sarter S. (2021). Le management des connaissances liées aux usages des plantes : une initiative combinant savoirs traditionnels et publications scientifiques pour l'approche One Health. In : Profizi Jean Pierre (ed.), Ardila-Chauvet Stéphanie (ed.), Billot C. (ed.), Couteron Pierre (ed.), Delmas M. (ed.), Diep T.M.H. (ed.), Grandcolas P. (ed.), Kokou K. (ed.), Muller S. (ed.), Rana Anshuman (ed.), Ranarijaona H. L. T. (ed.), Sonke B. (ed.). Biodiversité des écosystèmes intertropicaux : connaissance, gestion durable et valorisation. Marseille : IRD, 683-699. (Synthèses). ISBN 978-2-7099-2938-7.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010084807

Colloques, congrès, séminaires

  1. Saoud J., Gutierrez A., Huchard M., Silvie Pierre, Martin P. (2021). Identifying explicit and tacit knowledge in a life science knowledge base [poster]. Antony : SFBI, 1 p. multigr. JOBIM.Journées Ouvertes de Biologie, Informatique et Mathématique, 21., Paris [En ligne] (FRA), 2021/07/6-9.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010084430


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Bangratz Martine, Wonni I., Kini K., Sondo M., Brugidou Christophe, Béna Gilles, Gnacko Fatoumata, Barro M., Koebnik Ralf, Silue D., Tollenaere Charlotte. (2020). Design of a new multiplex PCR assay for rice pathogenic bacteria detection and its application to infer disease incidence and detect co-infection in rice fields in Burkina Faso. PLoS One, 15 (4), e0232115 [13 p.]. ISSN 1932-6203.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010078129

  2. Brunel Caroline, Pouteau Robin, Dawson W., Pester M., Ramirez K. S., van Kleunen M. (2020). Towards unraveling macroecological patterns in rhizosphere microbiomes. Trends in Plant Science, 25 (10), p. 1017-1029. ISSN 1360-1385.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079777

  3. Caradonia F., Ronga D., Fiore A., Barbieri R., Moulin Lionel, Terzi V., Francia E. (2020). Biostimulants and cherry rootstock increased tomato fruit yield and quality in sustainable farming systems. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 15 (2), p. 121-131. ISSN 1125-4718.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079136

  4. Chapuis Elodie, Ali N., Nous C., Besnard G. (2020). Adaptive response to olive cultivation in a generalist parasitic nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) [+ Corrigendum, 2021, 132, 232]. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 131 (2), 356-368 [+ Corrigendum, 2021, 132, 232]. ISSN 0024-4066.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079881

  5. Charr J. C., Garavito A., Guyeux C., Crouzillat D., Descombes P., Fournier C., Ly S. N., Raharimalala E. N., Rakotomalala J. J., Stoffelen P., Janssens S., Hamon Perla, Guyot Romain. (2020). Complex evolutionary history of coffees revealed by full plastid genomes and 28,800 nuclear SNP analyses, with particular emphasis on Coffea canephora (Robusta coffee). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 151, p. 106906 [13 p.]. ISSN 1055-7903.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079508

  6. Cohen P., Butchacas J., Roman-Reyna V., Long J., Pesce C., Vancheva T., Bini F., Otto I., Szurek Boris, Leach J. E., Kumlehn J., Bragard C. G., Koebnik Ralf, Jacobs J. M. (2020). Tattle-TALEs : tools for testing type three targeting. Phytopathology, 110 (12), p. 196-196. American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting Aug 10-14, 2020 ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010083250

  7. Cohen S. P., Luna E. K., Lang J. M., Ziegle J., Chang C., Leach J. E., Le-Saux M. F., Portier P., Koebnik Ralf, Jacobs J. M. (2020). High-quality genome resource of Xanthomonas hyacinthi generated via long-read sequencing. Plant Disease, 104 (4), p. 1011-1012. ISSN 0191-2917.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079720

  8. De la Fuente Canto Carla, Simonin Marie, King E., Moulin Lionel, Bennett M. J., Castrillo G., Laplaze Laurent. (2020). An extended root phenotype : the rhizosphere, its formation and impacts on plant fitness. Plant Journal, 103 (3), 951-964. ISSN 0960-7412.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010078066

  9. Di Mattia J., Ryckebusch F., Vernerey M. S., Pirolles E., Sauvion N., Peterschmitt M., Zeddam Jean-Louis, Blanc S. (2020). Co-acquired nanovirus and geminivirus exhibit a contrasted localization within their common aphid vector. Viruses, 12 (3), p. art. 299 [14 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079007

  10. Di Mattia J., Vernerey M. S., Yvon M., Pirolles E., Villegas M., Gaafar Y., Ziebell H., Michalakis Y., Zeddam Jean-Louis, Blanc S. (2020). Route of a multipartite nanovirus across the body of its aphid vector. Journal of Virology, 94 (9), p. e01998-19 [15 p.]. ISSN 0022-538X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079024

  11. Duangsodsri T., Villain L., Vestalys I. R., Michalet S., Abdallah Cécile, Breitler J. C., Bordeaux M., Villegas A. M., Raherimandimby M., Legendre L., Etienne H., Bertrand B., Campa Claudine. (2020). 5-CQA and mangiferin, two leaf biomarkers of adaptation to full sun or shade conditions in Coffea arabica L.. Metabolites, 10 (10), p. 383 [22 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079946

  12. Dubrow Z., Audran C., Noel L., Szurek Boris, Lange H. W., Smart C. D., Blanquet G., Fuentes I., Bogdanove A. J., Carpenter S. (2020). Black Rot of crucifers in New York State and the role of transcription activator-like effectors. Phytopathology, 110 (12), p. 94-94. American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010083249

  13. El Adouzi M., Arriaga-Jimenez A., Dormont L., Barthes N., Labalette A., Lapeyre B., Bonato Olivier, Roy L. (2020). Modulation of feed composition is able to make hens less attractive to the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae. Parasitology, 147 (2), p. 171-181. ISSN 0031-1820.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010077998

  14. Gluck-Thaler E., Cerutti A., Perez-Quintero A. L., Butchacas J., Roman-Reyna V., Madhavan V. N., Shantharaj D., Merfa M. V., Pesce C., Jauneau A., Vancheva T., Lang J. M., Allen C., Verdier Valérie, Gagnevin L., Szurek Boris, Beckham G. T., De La Fuente L., Patel H. K., Sonti R. V., Bragard C., Leach J. E., Noel L. D., Slot J. C., Koebnik Ralf, Jacobs J. M. (2020). Repeated gain and loss of a single gene modulates the evolution of vascular plant pathogen lifestyles. Science Advances, 6 (46), p. eabc4516 [10 p.]. ISSN 2375-2548.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010080024

  15. Guyot Romain, Hamon Perla, Couturon Emmanuel, Raharimalala N., Rakotomalala J. J., Lakkanna S., Sabatier S., Affouard A., Bonnet P. (2020). WCSdb : a database of wild Coffea species [Data paper]. Database, baaa069 [6 p.]. ISSN 1758-0463.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010080466

  16. Hily J. M., Poulicard Nils, Candresse T., Vigne E., Beuve M., Renault L., Velt A., Spilmont A. S., Lemaire O. (2020). Datamining, genetic diversity analyses, and phylogeographic reconstructions redefine the worldwide evolutionary history of grapevine Pinot gris virus and grapevine berry inner necrosis virus. Phytobiomes Journal, 4 (2), p. 165-177.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010078111

  17. Hufnagel B., Marques A., Soriano A., Marques L., Divol F., Doumas P., Sallet E., Mancinotti D., Carrere S., Marande W., Arribat S., Keller J., Huneau C., Blein T., Aime D., Laguerre M., Taylor J., Schubert V., Nelson M., Geu-Flores F., Crespi M., Gallardo K., Delaux P. M., Salse J., Berges H., Guyot Romain, Gouzy J., Peret B. (2020). High-quality genome sequence of white lupin provides insight into soil exploration and seed quality. Nature Communications, 11 (1), p. art. 492 [12 p.]. ISSN 2041-1723.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079158

  18. Kante M., Flores C., Moufid Y., Wonni I., Hutin Mathilde, Thomas E., Fabre S., Gagnevin L., Dagno K., Verdier Valérie, Koita O., Szurek Boris. (2020). First report of Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. manihotis, the causal agent of cassava bacterial blight, in Mali. Plant Disease, 104 (6), p. 1852-1853. ISSN 0191-2917.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010078114

  19. Kini K., Lefeuvre P., Poulin L., Silue D., Koebnik Ralf. (2020). Genome resources of three West African strains of Pantoea ananatis causing bacterial blight and grain discoloration of rice. Phytopathology, 110 (9), p. 1500-1502. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079687

  20. Klonowska Agnieszka, Moulin Lionel, Ardley J. K., Braun F., Gollagher M. M., Zandberg J. D., Marinova D. V., Huntemann M., Reddy T. B. K., Varghese N. J., Woyke T., Ivanova N., Seshadri R., Kyrpides N., Reeve W. G. (2020). Novel heavy metal resistance gene clusters are present in the genome of Cupriavidus neocaledonicus STM 6070, a new species of Mimosa pudica microsymbiont isolated from heavy-metal-rich mining site soil. BMC Genomics, 21 (1), p. 214 [18 p.]. ISSN 1471-2164.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010080933

  21. Konan J. A., Guyot Romain, Koffi K. K., Vroh-Bi I., Zoro A. I. B. (2020). Molecular confirmation of varietal status in bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) using genotyping-by-sequencing. Genome, 63 (11), p. 535-545. ISSN 0831-2796.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079962

  22. Lemos S. M. C., Foncatti L. F. C., Guyot Romain, Paschoal A. R., Domingues D. S. (2020). Genome-wide screening and characterization of non-coding RNAs in Coffea canephora. Non-Coding RNA, 6 (3), p. 39 [15p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079866

  23. Liu J., Fernandez Diana, Gao Y. J., Silvie Pierre, Gao Y. D., Dai G. H. (2020). Enzymology, histological and ultrastructural effects of ar-turmerone on Culex pipiens pallens larvae. Insects, 11 (6), p. art. 336 [13 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079366

  24. Lorenzo M. E., Bao L., Mendez L., Grille G., Bonato Olivier, Basso C. (2020). Preference of Orius insidiosus and Orius tristicolor (Hemiptera : Anthocoridae) for host plants in olfactometry and free-choice experiments. Florida Entomologist, 103 (4), p. 492-498. ISSN 0015-4040.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010080893

  25. Ly S. N., Garavito A., De Block P., Asselman P., Guyeux C., Charr J. C., Janssens S., Mouly A., Hamon Perla, Guyot Romain. (2020). Chloroplast genomes of Rubiaceae : comparative genomics and molecular phylogeny in subfamily Ixoroideae. PLoS One, 15 (4), p. art. e0232295 [21 p.]. ISSN 1932-6203.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010078132

  26. Marie L., Abdallah Cécile, Campa Claudine, Courtel P., Bordeaux M., Navarini L., Lonzarich V., Bosselmann A. S., Turreira-Garcia N., Alpizar E., Georget F., Breitler J. C., Etienne H., Bertrand B. (2020). G x E interactions on yield and quality in Coffea arabica : new F1 hybrids outperform American cultivars. Euphytica, 216 (5), p. art. 78 [17 p.]. ISSN 0014-2336.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079000

  27. Martin P., Silvie Pierre, Marnotte P., Goebel F. R. (2020). A decision support system for determining sugarcane pest reservoir. Sugar Tech, 22 (4), 655-661. ISSN 0972-1525.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079055

  28. Masson A. S., Bich H. H., Simonin Marie, Thi H. N., Czernic P., Moulin Lionel, Bellafiore Stéphane. (2020). Deep modifications of the microbiome of rice roots infected by the parasitic nematode Meloidogyne graminicola in highly infested fields in Vietnam. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 96 (7), p. fiaa099 [14 p.]. ISSN 0168-6496.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079587

  29. Mota A. P. Z., Fernandez Diana, Arraes F. B. M., Petitot Anne-Sophie, de Melo B. P., de Sa M. E. L., Grynberg P., Saraiva M. A. P., Guimaraes P. M., Brasileiro A. C. M., Albuquerque E. V. S., Danchin E. G. J., Grossi-de-Sa M. F. (2020). Evolutionarily conserved plant genes responsive to root-knot nematodes identified by comparative genomics. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 295 (4), 1063-1078. ISSN 1617-4615.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079030

  30. Ngan Thi Phan, Orjuela J., Danchin E. G. J., Klopp C., Perfus-Barbeoch L., Kozlowski D. K., Koutsovoulos G. D., Lopez-Roques C., Bouchez O., Zahm M., Besnard G., Bellafiore Stéphane. (2020). Genome structure and content of the rice root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola). Ecology and Evolution, 10 (20), 11006-11021. ISSN 2045-7758.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079696

  31. Nguyen T. H., To Thi Mai H., Moukouanga Daniel, Lebrun Michel, Bellafiore Stéphane, Champion Antony. (2020). CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing of the jasmonate biosynthesis OsAOC gene in rice. In : Champion Antony (ed.), Laplaze Laurent (ed.). Jasmonate in plant biology : methods and protocols. New York : Humana Press, 199-209. (Methods in Molecular Biology). ISBN 978-1-0716-0141-9.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010082340

  32. Orozco-Arias S., Pina J. S., Tabares-Soto R., Castillo-Ossa L. F., Guyot Romain, Isaza G. (2020). Measuring performance metrics of machine learning algorithms for detecting and classifying transposable elements. Processes, 8 (6), p. art. 638 [18p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079425

  33. Orozco-Arias S., Tobon-Orozco N., Pina J. S., Jimenez-Varon C. F., Tabares-Soto R., Guyot Romain. (2020). TIP_finder : an HPC software to detect transposable element insertion polymorphisms in large genomic datasets. Biology, 9 (9), p. 281 [17 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079857

  34. Petitot Anne-Sophie, Dereeper Alexis, Da Silva C., Guy J., Fernandez Diana. (2020). Analyses of the root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola) transcriptome during host infection highlight specific gene expression profiling in resistant rice plants. Pathogens, 9 (8), p. 644 [22 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079570

  35. Ramirez E., Dereeper Alexis, Bernal A., Szurek Boris, Lopez C. (2020). Resistance and susceptibility to Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. manihotis in cassava : a transcriptomic comparison (or two sides of the same coin). Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 112, p. 101535 [11 p.]. ISSN 0885-5765.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010080460

  36. Read A. C., Hutin Mathilde, Moscou M. J., Rinaldi F. C., Bogdanove A. J. (2020). Cloning of the rice Xo1 resistance gene and interaction of the Xo1 protein with the defense-suppressing Xanthomonas effector Tal2h. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 33 (10), p. 1189-1195. ISSN 0894-0282.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079810

  37. Rimlinger A., Raharimalala N., Letort V., Rakotomalala J. J., Crouzillat D., Guyot Romain, Hamon Perla, Sabatier S. (2020). Phenotypic diversity assessment within a major ex situ collection of wild endemic coffees in Madagascar. Annals of Botany, 126 (5), p. 849-863. ISSN 0305-7364.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010080405

  38. Roman-Reyna V., Luna E. K., Pesce C., Vancheva T., Chang C., Ziegle J., Bragard C., Koebnik Ralf, Lang J. M., Leach J. E., Jacobs J. M. (2020). Genome resource of barley bacterial blight and leaf streak pathogen Xanthomonas translucens pv. translucens strain UPB886. Plant Disease, 104 (1), p. 13-15. ISSN 0191-2917.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010078036

  39. Roy L., Taudiere A., Papaix J., Blatrix R., Chiron G., Zriki G., Bonato Olivier, Barnagaud J. Y. (2020). Evaluating the link between predation and pest control services in the mite world. Ecology and Evolution, 10 (18), 9968-9980. ISSN 2045-7758.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079516

  40. Simonin Marie, Dasilva C., Terzi V., Ngonkeu E. L. M., Diouf D., Kane A., Béna Gilles, Moulin Lionel. (2020). Influence of plant genotype and soil on the wheat rhizosphere microbiome : evidences for a core microbiome across eight African and European soils. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 96 (6), p. fiaa067 [18 p.]. ISSN 0168-6496.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079588

  41. Struelens Quentin, Silvie Pierre. (2020). Orienting insecticide research in the tropics to meet the sustainable development goals. In : Dangles Olivier (ed.), Crespo-Pérez V. (ed.). Special section on insects and the UN sustainable development goals. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 40, 24-30. ISSN 2214-5745.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079724

  42. Tall H., Aribi Jamel, Camara S., Galzi Agnès, Poulicard Nils, Fargette Denis, Hébrard Eugénie. (2020). Near-complete genome sequences of rice yellow mottle virus isolates from Senegal. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 9 (2), p. e00937-19 [3 p.]. ISSN 2576-098X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010077780

  43. Tall H., Tekete C., Noba K., Koita O., Cunnac Sébastien, Hutin Mathilde, Szurek Boris, Verdier Valérie. (2020). Confirmation report of bacterial blight caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae on rice in Senegal. Plant Disease, 104 (3), p. 968-968. ISSN 0191-2917.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079688

  44. Tekete C., Cunnac Sébastien, Doucouré H., Dembele M., Keita I., Sarra S., Dagno K., Koita O., Verdier Valérie. (2020). Characterization of new races of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in Mali informs resistance gene deployment. Phytopathology, 110 (2), p. 267-277. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010077878

  45. Teulet Albin, Gully Djamel, Rouy Z., Camuel A., Koebnik Ralf, Giraud Eric, Lassalle F. (2020). Phylogenetic distribution and evolutionary dynamics of nod and T3SS genes in the genus Bradyrhizobium. Microbial Genomics, 6 (9), p. 000407 [18 p.]. ISSN 2057-5858.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079809

  46. Tibiri E. B., Pita J. S., Tiendrebeogo F., Bangratz Martine, Neya J. B., Brugidou Christophe, Some K., Barro N. (2020). Characterization of virus species associated with sweetpotato virus diseases in Burkina Faso. Plant Pathology, 69 (6), 1003-1017. ISSN 0032-0862.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079034

  47. Wu S. Y., Guyot Romain, Bocs S., Droc G., Oktavia F., Hu S. N., Tang C. R., Montoro P., Leclercq J. (2020). Structural and functional annotation of transposable elements revealed a potential regulation of genes involved in rubber biosynthesis by TE-derived siRNA interference in Hevea brasiliensis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21 (12), 4220 [21 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079380

  48. Zhang Z. J., Liu Y. J., Brunel Caroline, van Kleunen M. (2020). Evidence for Elton's diversity-invasibility hypothesis from belowground. Ecology, 101 (12), e03187 [10 p.]. ISSN 0012-9658.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079792

  49. Zhang Z. J., Liu Y. J., Brunel Caroline, van Kleunen M. (2020). Soil-microorganism-mediated invasional meltdown in plants. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 4 (12), 1612-1621. ISSN 2397-334X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079798

  50. Zuluaga A. P., Bidzinski P., Chanclud E., Ducasse A., Cayrol B., Selvaraj M. G., Ishitani M., Jauneau A., Deslandes L., Kroj T., Michel C., Szurek Boris, Koebnik Ralf, Morel J. B. (2020). The rice DNA-binding protein ZBED controls stress regulators and maintains disease resistance after a mild drought. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, p. 1265 [15p.]. ISSN 1664-462X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079565


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  29. Klass T. L., Long J. J., Summers J. A., Roman-Reyna V., Koebnik Ralf, Jacobs J. M., Hand F. P. (2019). First report of bacterial blight of peony caused by Xanthomonas hortorum in Ohio. Plant Disease, 103 (11), p. 2940-2941. ISSN 0191-2917.
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  31. Lang J. M., Perez-Quintero A. L., Koebnik Ralf, DuCharme E., Sarra S., Doucoure H., Keita I., Ziegle J., Jacobs J. M., Oliva R., Koita O., Szurek Boris, Verdier Valérie, Leach J. E. (2019). A Pathovar of Xanthomonas oryzae infecting wild grasses provides insight into the evolution of pathogenicity in rice agroecosystems. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, 507 [15 p.]. ISSN 1664-462X.
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  32. Lecorre F., Lai-Kee-Him J., Blanc S., Zeddam Jean-Louis, Trapani S., Bron P. (2019). The cryo-electron microscopy structure of Broad Bean Stain Virus suggests a common capsid assembly mechanism among comoviruses. Virology, 530, p. 75-84. ISSN 0042-6822.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010075598

  33. Lorenzo M. E., Bao L., Mendez L., Grille G., Bonato Olivier, Basso C. (2019). Effect of two oviposition feeding substrates on Orius insidiosus and Orius tristicolor (Hemiptera : Anthocoridae). Florida Entomologist, 102 (2), p. 395-402. ISSN 0015-4040.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010076121

  34. Mangel N., Fudge J. B., Li K. T., Wu T. Y., Tohge T., Fernie A. R., Szurek Boris, Fitzpatrick T. B., Gruissem W., Vanderschuren H. (2019). Enhancement of vitamin B-6 levels in rice expressing Arabidopsis vitamin B-6 biosynthesis de novo genes. Plant Journal, 99 (6), 1047-1065. ISSN 0960-7412.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010076519

  35. Mantelin S., Thi H. N., Ho-Bich H., Armstrong M. R., Xiong L., Jones J. T., Hein I., Bellafiore Stéphane. (2019). Towards the characterisation of a novel resistance gene to control the rice root-knot nematode. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 32 (Suppl. 10), p. 146. Congress of International Society for Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions (IS-MPMI), 18., Glasgow (GBR), 2019/07/14-18. ISSN 0894-0282.
    Identifiant IRD :  PAR00019870

  36. Mattos V. D., Mulet K., Cares J. E., Gomes C. B., Fernandez Diana, de Sa M. F. G., Carneiro R. M. D. G., Castagnone-Sereno P. (2019). Development of diagnostic SCAR markers for Meloidogyne graminicola, M-oryzae, and M-salasi associated with irrigated rice fields in Americas. Plant Disease, 103 (1), p. 83-88. ISSN 0191-2917.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010074863

  37. Nguyen H. T., To H. T. M., Lebrun Michel, Bellafiore Stéphane, Champion Antony. (2019). Jasmonates : the master regulator of rice development, adaptation and defense. Plants, 8 (9), 339 [19 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010077082

  38. Oliva R., Ji C. H., Atienza-Grande G., Huguet-Tapia J. C., Perez-Quintero A., Li T., Eom J. S., Li C. H., Nguyen H., Liu B., Auguy Florence, Sciallano C., Luu V., Dossa G. S., Cunnac Sébastien, Schmidt S. M., Slamet-Loedin I. H., Cruz C. V., Szurek Boris, Frommer W. B., White F. F., Yang B. (2019). Broad-spectrum resistance to bacterial blight in rice using genome editing. Nature Biotechnology, 37 (11), p. 1344-1350 + 1 p. ISSN 1087-0156.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010077322

  39. Orozco-Arias S., Isaza G., Guyot Romain. (2019). Retrotransposons in plant genomes : structure, identification, and classification through bioinformatics and machine learning. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20 (15), p. art. 3837 [31 p.]. ISSN 1661-6596.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010076634

  40. Orozco-Arias S., Isaza G., Guyot Romain, Tabares-Soto R. (2019). A systematic review of the application of machine learning in the detection and classification of transposable elements. PeerJ, 7, p. e8311 [29 p.]. ISSN 2167-8359.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010077475

  41. Perez-Quintero A. L., Szurek Boris. (2019). A decade decoded : spies and hackers in the history of TAL effectors research. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 57, p. 459-481. ISBN 978-0-8243-1357-9.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010076641

  42. Rache L., Blondin L., Flores C., Trujillo C., Szurek Boris, Restrepo S., Koebnik Ralf, Bernal A., Verniere C. (2019). An optimized microsatellite scheme for assessing populations of Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. manihotis. Phytopathology, 109 (5), p. 859-869. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010076148

  43. Rakotomalala M., Abera B. B., Rakotoarisoa J., Alemu D., Hébrard Eugénie, Galzi Agnès, Fargette Denis. (2019). Complete genome sequences of rice yellow mottle virus isolates from the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 8 (30), p. e00589-19 [3p.]. ISSN 2576-098X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010076503

  44. Rakotomalala M., Vrancken B., Galzi Agnès, Ramavovololona P., Hébrard Eugénie, Randrianangaly J. S., Dellicour S., Lemey P., Fargette Denis. (2019). Comparing patterns and scales of plant virus phylogeography : rice yellow mottle virus in Madagascar and in continental Africa. Virus Evolution, 5 (2), p. vez023 [12 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010077745

  45. Rocca J. D., Simonin Marie, Bernhardt E. S., Washburne A. D., Wright J. P. (2019). Rare microbial taxa emerge when communities collide : freshwater and marine microbiome responses to experimental mixing. Ecology, [Early Access], p. e02956 [14 p.]. ISSN 0012-9658.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010077886

  46. Soewarto J., Hamelin C., Bocs S., Mournet P., Vignes H., Berger A., Armero A., Martin G., Dereeper Alexis, Sarah G., Carriconde F., Maggia L. (2019). Transcriptome data from three endemic Myrtaceae species from New Caledonia displaying contrasting responses to myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii) [Data paper]. Data in Brief, 22, p. 794-811. ISSN 2352-3409.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010075175

  47. Souza Prado G., Bamogo P. K. A., Cordeiro de Abreu J. A., Gillet F. X., Olinto dos Santos V., Mattar Silva M. C., Brizard Jean-Paul, Porto Bemquerer M., Bangratz Martine, Brugidou Christophe, Sérémé D., Grossi-de-Sa M. F., Lacombe Séverine. (2019). Nicotiana benthamiana is a suitable transient system for high-level expression of an active inhibitor of cotton boll weevil alpha-amylase. BMC Biotechnology, 19, p. art. 15 [13 p.]. ISSN 1472-6750.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010075306

  48. Teulet A., Busset N., Fardoux Joël, Gully Djamel, Chaintreuil Clémence, Cartieaux Fabienne, Jauneau A., Comorge V., Okazaki S., Kaneko T., Gressent F., Nouwen Nico, Arrighi Jean-François, Koebnik Ralf, Mergaert P., Deslandes L., Giraud Eric. (2019). The rhizobial type III effector ErnA confers the ability to form nodules in legumes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116 (43), p. 21758-21768. ISSN 0027-8424.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010077167

  49. Tibiri E. B., Some K., Pita J. S., Tiendrebeogo F., Bangratz Martine, Neya J. B., Brugidou Christophe, Barro N. (2019). Effects of sweet potato feathery mottle virus, sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus and their co-infection on sweet potato yield in Western Burkina Faso. Open Agriculture, 4 (1), p. 758-766. ISSN 2391-9531.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010077735

  50. To H. T. M., Nguyen H. T., Dang N. T. M., Nguyen N. H., Bui T. X., Lavarenne J., Phung N. T. P., Gantet Pascal, Lebrun Michel, Bellafiore Stéphane, Champion Antony. (2019). Unraveling the genetic elements involved in shoot and root growth regulation by jasmonate in rice using a genome-wide association study. Rice, 12 (1), p. art. 69 [18 p.]. ISSN 1939-8425.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010076668

  51. Toniutti L., Breitler J. C., Guittin C., Doulbeau Sylvie, Etienne H., Campa Claudine, Lambot C., Herrera Pinilla J. C., Bertrand B. (2019). An altered circadian clock coupled with a higher photosynthesis efficiency could explain the better agronomic performance of a new coffee clone when compared with a standard variety. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20 (3), 736 [19 p.]. ISSN 1422-0067.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010075512

  52. Vidal L. A., Grynberg P., Petitot Anne-Sophie, Mota A. Z., Togawa R., Fernandez Diana, Albuquerque E. V. S. (2019). Involvement of Miraculin-Like Protein genes in the coffee immune response to nematode. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 32 (Suppl.10), p. 98. Congress of International Society for Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions (IS-MPMI), 18., Glasgow (GBR), 2019/07/14-18. ISSN 0894-0282.
    Identifiant IRD :  PAR00019869

  53. Vincent B., Juillot Farid, Fritsch Emmanuel, Klonowska Agnieszka, Gerbert N., Acherar S., Grangeteau C., Hannibal Laure, Galiana A., Ducousso M., Jourand Philippe. (2019). A leguminous species exploiting alpha- and beta-rhizobia for adaptation to ultramafic and volcano-sedimentary soils : an endemic Acacia spirorbis model from New Caledonia. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 95 (8), p. fiz099 [15 p.]. ISSN 0168-6496.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010076672

  54. Wallner A., King E., Ngonkeu E. L. M., Moulin Lionel, Béna Gilles. (2019). Genomic analyses of Burkholderia cenocepacia reveal multiple species with differential host-adaptation to plants and humans. BMC Genomics, 20 (1), p. art. 803 [15 p.]. ISSN 1471-2164.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010077301

  55. Wu D. S., von Roepenack-Lahaye E., Buntru M., de Lange O., Schandry N., Perez-Quintero A. L., Weinberg Z., Lowe-Power T. M., Szurek Boris, Michael A. J., Allen C., Schillberg S., Lahaye T. (2019). A plant pathogen type III effector protein subverts translational regulation to boost host polyamine levels. Cell Host and Microbe, 26 (5), p. 638-649+ 5 p. ISSN 1931-3128.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010077209


  1. Song M., Chapuis Elodie, Leng V., Tivet F., De Waele D., Huê Nguyên Thi, Bellafiore Stéphane. (2019). Impact of a conservation agriculture system on soil characteristics, rice yield, and root-parasitic nematodes in a Cambodian lowland rice field. Journal of Nematology, 51, e2019-85 [15 p.]. ISSN 0022-300X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010080169

Directions d'ouvrages ou de revues

  1. Sabrié Marie-Lise (dir.), Mourier Thomas (dir.), Lavagne Corinne (dir.), Thivent V., Guérin Isabelle (contrib.), Roubaud François (contrib.), Guilmoto Christophe (contrib.), Razafindrakoto Mireille (contrib.), Pilon Marc (contrib.), Léglise Isabelle (contrib.), Le Meur Pierre-Yves (contrib.), Ouattara Fatoumata (contrib), Seignobos Christian (contrib.), Chauveau Jean-Pierre (contrib.), Léonard Eric (contrib.), Guillaud Dominique (contrib.), Froment Alain (contrib.), Robin Nelly (contrib.), Agier Michel (contrib.), Bava Sophie (contrib.), Desgrées du Loû Annabel (contrib.), Gubert Flore (contrib.), Delaporte E. (contrib.), Jourdain Gonzague (contrib.), Dumont Alexandre (contrib.), Trèche Serge (contrib.), Berger Jacques (contrib.), Traissac Pierre (contrib.), Delaunay Valérie (contrib.), Robert Vincent (contrib.), Darriet Frédéric (contrib.), Sokhna Cheikh (contrib.), Cot Michel (contrib.), Peeters Martine (contrib.), Leroy Eric (contrib.), Desclaux Alice (contrib.), Hougard Jean-Marc (contrib.), Paugy Didier (contrib.), Boussinesq Michel (contrib.), Solano Philippe (contrib.), Missé Dorothée (contrib.), Gouagna Louis-Clément (contrib.), Lemesre Jean-Loup (contrib.), Banuls Anne-Laure (contrib.), Menkes Christophe (contrib.), Mangeas Morgan (contrib.), Sultan Benjamin (contrib.), Condom Thomas (contrib.), Gosset Marielle (contrib.), Janicot Serge (contrib.), Nocquet Jean-Mathieu (contrib.), Le Pennec Jean-Luc (contrib.), Hardy Sébastien (contrib.), Charvis Philippe (contrib.), Hello Yann (contrib.), Bonnet Emmanuel (contrib.), Strady Emilie (contrib.), Point David (contrib.), Ollivier Bernard (contrib.), Biegala Isabelle (contrib.), Feller Christian (contrib.), Valentin Christian (contrib.), Giraud Eric (contrib.), Blanchart Eric (contrib.), Montoroi Jean-Pierre (contrib.), Cecchi Philippe (contrib.), Albergel Jean (contrib.), Vouillamoz Jean-Michel (contrib.), Simonneaux Vincent (contrib.), Boulet Gilles (contrib.), Ruf Thierry (contrib.), Michon Geneviève (contrib.), Boutrais Jean-Baptiste (contrib.), Emperaire Laure (contrib.), Duponnois Robin (contrib.), Boulanger Jean-Philippe (contrib.), Hébrard Eugénie (contrib.), Verdier Valérie (contrib.), Szurek Boris (contrib.), Le Rü Bruno (contrib.), Calatayud Paul-André (contrib.), Dangles Olivier (contrib.), Aberlenc Frédérique (contrib.), Roussos Sevastianos (contrib.), Dobigny Gauthier (contrib.), Legendre Marc (contrib.), Gaertner Daniel (contrib.), Chavance Pierre (contrib.), Bach Pascal (contrib.), Bertrand Arnaud (contrib.), Vialard Jérôme (contrib.), Merle Jacques (contrib.), Voituriez Bruno (contrib.), Bourles Bernard (contrib.), Penven Pierrick (contrib.), Lebel Thierry (contrib.), Mahé Gil (contrib.), Descroix Luc (contrib.), Chevallier Pierre (contrib.), Calmant Stéphane (contrib.), Turcq Bruno (contrib.), Favreau Adrien (contrib.), Rajot Jean-Louis (contrib.), Pélissier Raphaël (contrib.), Cury Philippe (contrib.), Rodolfo-Metalpa Riccardo (contrib.), Tricornot Hervé de (contrib.), Simard Frédéric (contrib.), Etard Jean-François (contrib.), Taverne Bernard (contrib.), Fournet Florence (contrib.), Drogoul Alexis (contrib), Souris Marc (contrib.), Simier Monique (contrib.), Bonnin Marie (contrib.), Ghesquière Alain (contrib.), Hamon Serge (contrib.), Vigouroux Yves (contrib.), Gonzalez Sophie (contrib.), Molino Jean-François (contrib.), Bourdy Geneviève (contrib.), Moretti Christian (contrib.), Ottino Garanger Pierre (contrib.), Valdez Francisco (contrib.), Antheaume Benoît (contrib.), Gratiot Nicolas (contrib.). (2019). Science et développement durable : 75 ans de recherche au Sud. Marseille : IRD, 224 p. ISBN 978-2-7099-2737-6.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010075823

Chapitres ou parties d'ouvrages

  1. Bertrand B., Breitler J.C., Georget F., Penot E., Bordeaux M., Marraccini P., Léran S., Campa Claudine, Bonato Olivier, Villain L., Etienne H.. (2019). New varieties for innovative agroforestry coffee systems. In : Côte F.X. (ed.), Poirier-Magona E. (ed.), Perret S. (ed.), Roudier P. (ed.), Rapidel B. (ed.), Thirion M.C. (ed.). The agroecological transition of agricultural systems in the global South. Versailles : Quae, p. 161-176. (Agricultures et Défis du Monde). ISBN 978-2-7592-3057-0.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010076443

  2. Bertrand B., Breitler J.C., Georget F., Penot E., Bordeaux M., Marraccini P., Léran S., Campa Claudine, Bonato Olivier, Villain L., Etienne H.. (2019). De nouvelles variétés pour des systèmes caféiers agroforestiers innovants. In : Côte F.X. (ed.), Poirier-Magona E. (ed.), Perret S. (ed.), Roudier P. (ed.), Rapidel B. (ed.), Thirion M.C. (ed.). La transition agro-écologique des agricultures du Sud. Versailles : Quae, p. 165-180 [p. 203-255 - éd. en ligne]. (Agricultures et Défis du Monde). ISBN 978-2-7592-2822-5.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010078434

  3. Hébrard Eugénie (contrib.), Thivent V. (2019). Première cartographie de la panachure du riz. In : Sabrié Marie-Lise (dir.), Mourier Thomas (dir.), Lavagne Corinne (dir.). Science et développement durable : 75 ans de recherche au Sud. Marseille : IRD, p. 140. ISBN 978-2-7099-2737-6.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010089264

  4. Verdier Valérie (contrib.), Szurek Boris (contrib.), Thivent V. (2019). Du manioc et des bactéries en héritage. In : Sabrié Marie-Lise (dir.), Mourier Thomas (dir.), Lavagne Corinne (dir.). Science et développement durable : 75 ans de recherche au Sud. Marseille : IRD, p. 141. ISBN 978-2-7099-2737-6.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010089265

Thèses, mémoires, diplômes

  1. Chapuis Elodie. (2019). Variabilité des traits d'histoire de vie entre populations : expériences éco-évolutives de l'adaptation : dossier de synthèse. Montpellier : IRD ; Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, 56 p. HDR.Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010081751


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Adego A. K., Poulicard Nils, Galzi Agnès, Mukoye B., Fargette Denis, Were H. K., Hébrard Eugénie. (2018). Full-length genome sequences of recombinant and nonrecombinant sympatric strains of rice yellow mottle virus from Western Kenya. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 6 (8), p. e01508-17 [2p.]. ISSN 2576-098X.
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  2. Aribi Jamel, Ribière William, Villain L., Anthony François. (2018). Screening of wild coffee (coffea spp.) for resistance to meloidogyne incognita race 1. Nematropica, 48 (1), p. 5-14. ISSN 0099-5444.
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  3. Bezrutczyk M., Yang J. I., Eom J. S., Prior M., Sosso D., Hartwig T., Szurek Boris, Oliva R., Vera-Cruz C., White F. F., Yang B., Frommer W. B. (2018). Sugar flux and signaling in plant-microbe interactions. Plant Journal, 93 (4), p. 675-685. ISSN 0960-7412.
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  4. Bonato Olivier, Chadoeuf J. (2018). Arthropods life cycle and temperature : beyond isomorphy hypothesis. Journal of Thermal Biology, 75, p. 1-6. ISSN 0306-4565.
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  5. Bonel N., Noel E., Janicke T., Sartori K., Chapuis Elodie, Segard Adeline, Meconcelli S., Pelissie B., Sarda V., David P. (2018). Asymmetric evolutionary responses to sex-specific selection in a hermaphrodite. Evolution, 72 (10), p. 2181-2201. ISSN 0014-3820.
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  6. Bossa-Castro A. M., Tekete C., Raghavan C., Delorean E., Dereeper Alexis, Verdier Valérie, Dagno K., Koita O., Mosquera G. M., Leung H., Leach J. E. (2018). Broad-spectrum resistance and susceptibility to bacterial blight and bacterial leaf streak of rice. Phytopathology, 108 (10), p. 172-172. ICPP.International Congress of Plant Pathology, Boston (USA), 2018/07/29-2018/08/03. ISSN 0031-949X.
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  7. Bossa-Castro A. M., Tekete C., Raghavan C., Delorean E. E., Dereeper Alexis, Dagno K., Koita O., Mosquera G., Leung H., Verdier Valérie, Leach J. E. (2018). Allelic variation for broad-spectrum resistance and susceptibility to bacterial pathogens identified in a rice MAGIC population. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 16 (9), p. 1559-1568. ISSN 1467-7644.
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  8. Bournaud C., James E. K., de Faria S. M., Lebrun Michel, Melkonian R., Duponnois Robin, Tisseyre Pierre, Moulin Lionel, Prin Y. (2018). Interdependency of efficient nodulation and arbuscular mycorrhization in Piptadenia gonoacantha, a Brazilian legume tree. Plant Cell and Environment, 41 (9), p. 2008-2020. ISSN 0140-7791.
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  9. Breitler J. C., Dechamp E., Campa Claudine, Rodrigues L. A. Z., Guyot Romain, Marraccini P., Etienne H.. (2018). CRISPR/Cas9-mediated efficient targeted mutagenesis has the potential to accelerate the domestication of Coffea canephora. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 134 (3), p. 383-394. ISSN 0167-6857.
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  10. Brottier Laurent, Chaintreuil Clémence, Simion P., Scornavacca C., Rivallan R., Mournet P., Moulin Lionel, Lewis G. P., Fardoux Joël, Brown S. C., Gomez-Pacheco M., Bourges M., Hervouet C., Gueye M., Duponnois Robin, Ramanankierana H., Randriambanona H., Vandrot H., Zabaleta M., DasGupta M., D'Hont A., Giraud Eric, Arrighi Jean-François. (2018). A phylogenetic framework of the legume genus Aeschynomene for comparative genetic analysis of the Nod-dependent and Nod-independent symbioses. BMC Plant Biology, 18, p. art. 333 [15 p.]. ISSN 1471-2229.
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  11. Cabasan M. T. N., Kumar A., Bellafiore Stéphane, De Waele D. (2018). Reproductive, pathogenic and genotypic characterisation of five Meloidogyne graminicola populations from the Philippines on susceptible and resistant rice varieties. Nematology, 20 (4), p. 299-318. ISSN 1388-5545.
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  12. Chambault P., de Thoisy B., Huguin M., Martin J., Bonola M., Etienne D., Gresser J., Hielard G., Mailles J., Vedie F., Barnerias C., Sutter E., Guillemot B., Dumont-Dayot E., Regis S., Lecerf N., Lefebvre F., Frouin C., Aubert N., Guimera C., Bordes R., Thieulle L., Duru M., Bouaziz M., Pinson A., Flora F., Quénéhervé Patrick, Woignier T., Allenou J. P., Cimiterra N., Benhalilou A., Murgale C., Maillet T., Rangon Luc, Chanteux N., Chanteur B., Beranger C., Le Maho Y., Petit O., Chevallier D. (2018). Connecting paths between juvenile and adult habitats in the Atlantic green turtle using genetics and satellite tracking. Ecology and Evolution, 8 (24), p. 12790-12802. ISSN 2045-7758.
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  13. Charon J., Barra A., Walter J., Millot P., Hébrard Eugénie, Moury B., Michon T. (2018). First experimental assessment of protein intrinsic disorder involvement in an RNA virus natural adaptive process. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35 (1), p. 38-49. ISSN 0737-4038.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010071980

  14. Chen N. W. G., Serres-Giardi L., Ruh M., Briand M., Bonneau S., Darrasse A., Barbe V., Gagnevin L., Koebnik Ralf, Jacques M. A. (2018). Horizontal gene transfer plays a major role in the pathological convergence of Xanthomonas lineages on common bean. BMC Genomics, 19, p. art. 606 [20 p.]. ISSN 1471-2164.
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  15. Clerissi C., Touchon M., Capela D., Tang M. X., Cruveiller S., Parker M. A., Moulin Lionel, Masson-Boivin C., Rocha E. P. C. (2018). Parallels between experimental and natural evolution of legume symbionts [+ Corrigendum no 4641 du 02 nov. 2018]. Nature Communications, 9, art. 2264 [13 p. + corrigendum 4641 du 02 nov. 2018]. ISSN 2041-1723.
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  16. de Castro Nunes R., Orozco-Arias S., Crouzillat D., Mueller L. A., Strickler S. R., Descombes P., Fournier C., Moine D., Kochko Alexandre de, Yuyama P. M., Vanzela A. L. L., Guyot Romain. (2018). Structure and distribution of centromeric retrotransposons at diploid and allotetraploid Coffea centromeric and pericentromeric regions. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, p. art. 175 [14p.]. ISSN 1664-462X.
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  17. De Meyer S. E., Cnockaert M., Moulin Lionel, Howieson J. G., Vandamme P. (2018). Symbiotic and non-symbiotic Paraburkholderia isolated from South African Lebeckia ambigua root nodules and the description of Paraburkholderia fynbosensis sp. nov.. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 68 (8), p. 2607-2614. ISSN 1466-5026.
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  18. Dekkiche S., Benguedouar A., Sbabou L., Taha K., Filali-Maltouf A., Béna Gilles. (2018). Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is nodulated by unexpected wide diversity of Mesorhizobium species in Eastern Algeria. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 64 (2), p. 285-297. ISSN 0365-0340.
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  19. Dellicour S., Vrancken B., Trovao N. S., Fargette Denis, Lemey P. (2018). On the importance of negative controls in viral landscape phylogeography. Virus Evolution, 4 (2), p. vey023 [9 p.]. ISSN 2057-1577.
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  20. Denance N., Szurek Boris, Doyle E. L., Lauber E., Fontaine-Bodin L., Carrere S., Guy E., Hajri A., Cerutti A., Boureau T., Poussier S., Arlat M., Bogdanove A. J., Noel L. D. (2018). Two ancestral genes shaped the Xanthomonas campestris TAL effector gene repertoire. New Phytologist, 219 (1), p. 391-407. ISSN 0028-646X.
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  21. Doucoure H., Perez-Ouintero A. L., Reshetnyak G., Tekete C., Auguy Florence, Thomas E., Koebnik Ralf, Szurek Boris, Koita O., Verdier Valérie, Cunnac Sébastien. (2018). Functional and genome sequence-driven characterization of TAL effector gene repertoires reveals novel variants with altered specificities in closely related Malian Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae strains. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9, 1657 [17 p.]. ISSN 1664-302X.
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  22. Etienne H., Breton D., Breitler J. C., Bertrand B., Dechamp E., Awada R., Marraccini P., Leran S., Alpizar E., Campa Claudine, Courtel P., Georget F., Ducos J. P. (2018). Coffee somatic embryogenesis : how did research, experience gained and innovations promote the commercial propagation of elite clones from the two cultivated species ?. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, p. art. 1630 [21 p.]. ISSN 1664-462X.
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  23. Fernandez Diana, Hofte M., Huckelhoven R., Reignault P., Sache I., Siah A. (2018). Special issue "Deepen knowledge in plant pathology for innovative agroecology" [Foreword]. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 152 (4), p. 853-854. EFPP (European Foundation for Plant Pathology) - SFP (French Society for Phytopathology) Joint Conference, 12.-10., Malo-les-Bains (FRA), 2017/05/34-2017/06/02. ISSN 0929-1873.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010074752

  24. Fiorilli V., Vannini C., Ortolani F., Garcia-Seco D., Chiapello M., Novero M., Domingo G., Terzi V., Morcia C., Bagnaresi P., Moulin Lionel, Bracale M., Bonfante P. (2018). Omics approaches revealed how arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis enhances yield and resistance to leaf pathogen in wheat. Scientific Reports - Nature, 8, p. art. 9625 [ p.]. ISSN 2045-2322.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010073182

  25. Galzi Agnès, Hébrard Eugénie, Traoré O., Silué D., Albar Laurence. (2018). Protocol for RYMV inoculation and resistance evaluation in rice seedlings. Bio-Protocol, 8 (11), e2863 [13 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010075169

  26. Garcia-Gonzalez T., Saenz-Hidalgo H. K., Silva-Rojas H. V., Morales-Nieto C., Vancheva T., Koebnik Ralf, Avila-Quezada G. D. (2018). Enterobacter cloacae, an emerging plant-pathogenic bacterium affecting chili pepper seedlings. Plant Pathology Journal, 34 (1), p. 1-10. ISSN 1598-2254.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010072072

  27. Grossi de Sa M., Petitot Anne-Sophie, Lisei de Sa M. E., Mezzalira I., Beneventi M. A., Amora D. X., Albuquerque E. V. S., Grossi de Sa M. F., Fernandez Diana. (2018). Functional analysis of the MSP18 root-knot nematode virulence gene in rice. Phytopathology, 108 (10), p. 211-2011. ICPP.International Congress of Plant Pathology, Boston (USA), 2018/07/29-2018/08/03. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010074424

  28. Grynberg P., Petitot Anne-Sophie, Mota A., Togawa R., Fernandez Diana, Albuquerque E. V. S. (2018). Towards deciphering host resistance to phytonematodes : transcriptome analysis of a coffee incompatible response to Meloidogyne incognita. Phytopathology, 108 (10), p. 246-246. ICPP.International Congress of Plant Pathology, Boston (USA), 2018/07/29-2018/08/03. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010074425

  29. Habibi P., Soccol C. R., O'Keefe B. R., Krumpe L. R. H., Wilson J., de Macedo L. L. P., Faheem M., Dos Santos V. O., Prado G. S., Botelho M. A., Lacombe Séverine, Grossi-de-Sa M. F. (2018). Gene-silencing suppressors for high-level production of the HIV-1 entry inhibitor griffithsin in Nicotiana benthamiana. Process Biochemistry, 70, p. 45-54. ISSN 1359-5113.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010073624

  30. Hébrard Eugénie, Galzi Agnès, Oludare A., Poulicard Nils, Aribi Jamel, Fabre S., Issaka S., Mariac Cédric, Dereeper Alexis, Albar Laurence, Silue D., Fargette Denis. (2018). Identification of a hypervirulent pathotype of Rice yellow mottle virus : a threat to genetic resistance deployment in West-Central Africa. Phytopathology, 108 (2), p. 299-307. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010072488

  31. Hébrard Eugénie, Galzi Agnès, Oludare A., Poulicard Nils, Aribi Jamel, Fabre S., Issaka S., Mariac Cédric, Dereeper Alexis, Albar Laurence, Silue D., Fargette Denis. (2018). Identification of a hypervirulent pathotype of Rice yellow mottle virus : a threat to genetic resistance deployment in West-Central Africa. Phytopathology, 108 (10), p. 303-303. ICPP.International Congress of Plant Pathology, Boston (USA), 2018/07/29-2018/08/03. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010074426

  32. Hily J. M., Demaneche S., Poulicard Nils, Tannieres M., Djennane S., Beuve M., Vigne E., Demangeat G., Komar V., Gertz C., Marmonier A., Hemmer C., Vigneron S., Marais A., Candresse T., Simonet P., Lemaire O. (2018). Metagenomic-based impact study of transgenic grapevine rootstock on its associated virome and soil bacteriome. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 16 (1), p. 208-220. ISSN 1467-7644.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010072009

  33. Kante M., Blondin L., Flores C. M., Cardenal L. Y. R., Wonni I., Dagno K., Restrepo S., Bernal A. J., Koebnik Ralf, Verdier Valérie, Koita O., Vernière C., Szurek Boris. (2018). MLVA-based diversity analysis of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam) populations in Mali. Phytopathology, 108 (10), p. 88-88. ICPP.International Congress of Plant Pathology, Boston (USA), 2018/07/29-2018/08/03. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010074422

  34. Karim S., McNally R. R., Dereeper Alexis, Charkowski A. O., Triplett L. R. (2018). Automated primer design for DNA-based detection of the emerging potato pathogen Dickeya dianthicola. Phytopathology, 108 (10), p. 72-72. ICPP.International Congress of Plant Pathology, Boston (USA), 2018/07/29-2018/08/03. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010074421

  35. Klonowska Agnieszka, Melkonian R., Miché L., Tisseyre Pierre, Moulin Lionel. (2018). Transcriptomic profiling of Burkholderia phymatum STM815, Cupriavidus taiwanensis LMG19424 and Rhizobium mesoamericanum STM3625 in response to Mimosa pudica root exudates illuminates the molecular basis of their nodulation competitiveness and symbiotic evolutionary history. BMC Genomics, 19, art. no 105 [22 p. ]. ISSN 1471-2164.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010076445

  36. Lacombe Séverine, Bangratz Martine, Brizard Jean-Paul, Petitdidier Elodie, Pagniez Julie, Sérémé D., Lemesre Jean-Loup, Brugidou Christophe. (2018). Optimized transitory ectopic expression of promastigote surface antigen protein in Nicotiana benthamiana, a potential anti-leishmaniasis vaccine candidate. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 125 (1), p. 116-123. ISSN 1389-1723.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010072392

  37. Leach J. E., Bossa-Castro A. M., Huerta A. I., Delorean E., Raghavan C., Tekete C., Dereeper Alexis, Tonnessen B. W., Koita O., Mosquera G. M., Leung H., Verdier Valérie. (2018). Quantitative resistance to bacterial pathogens of rice. Phytopathology, 108 (10), p. 316-316. ICPP.International Congress of Plant Pathology, Boston (USA), 2018/07/29-2018/08/03. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010074428

  38. Niviere M., Chambault P., Perez T., Etienne D., Bonola M., Martin J., Barnerias C., Vedie F., Mailles J., Dumont-Dayot E., Gresser J., Hielard G., Regis S., Lecerf N., Thieulle L., Duru M., Lefebvre F., Milet G., Guillemot B., Bildan B., de Montgolfier B., Benhalilou A., Murgale C., Maillet T., Quénéhervé Patrick, Woignier T., Safi M., Le Maho Y., Petit O., Chevallier D. (2018). Identification of marine key areas across the Caribbean to ensure the conservation of the critically endangered hawksbill turtle. Biological Conservation, 223, p. 170-180. ISSN 0006-3207.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010073129

  39. Osdaghi E., Ansari M., Taghavi S. M., Zarei S., Koebnik Ralf, Lamichhane J. R. (2018). Pathogenicity and phylogenetic analysis of Clavibacter michiganensis strains associated with tomato plants in Iran. Plant Pathology, 67 (4), p. 957-970. ISSN 0032-0862.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010072755

  40. Osdaghi E., Taghavi S. M., Koebnik Ralf, Lamichhane J. R. (2018). Multilocus sequence analysis reveals a novel phylogroup of Xanthomonas euvesicatoria pv. perforans causing bacterial spot of tomato in Iran. Plant Pathology, 67 (7), p. 1601-1611. ISSN 0032-0862.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010073771

  41. Perez-Quintero A. L., Lamy Léo, Zarate C. A., Cunnac Sébastien, Doyle E., Bogdanove A., Szurek Boris, Dereeper Alexis. (2018). DaTALbase : a database for genomic and transcriptomic data related to TAL effectors. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 31 (4), p. 471-480. ISSN 0894-0282.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010072484

  42. Phan N. T., De Waele D., Lorieux Mathias, Xiong L. Z., Bellafiore Stéphane. (2018). A hypersensitivity-like response to Meloidogyne graminicola in rice (Oryza sativa). Phytopathology, 108 (4), p. 521-528. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010072489

  43. Sant'Ana G. C., Pereira L. F. P., Pot D., Ivamoto S. T., Domingues D. S., Ferreira R. V., Pagiatto N. F., da Silva B. S. R., Nogueira L. M., Kitzberger C. S. G., Scholz M. B. S., de Oliveira F. F., Sera G. H., Padilha L., Labouisse J. P., Guyot Romain, Charmetant P., Leroy T. (2018). Genome-wide association study reveals candidate genes influencing lipids and diterpenes contents in Coffea arabica L. Scientific Reports - Nature, 8, p. art. 465 [ 12 p.]. ISSN 2045-2322.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010072002

  44. Schandry N., Jacobs J. M., Szurek Boris, Perez-Quintero A. L. (2018). A cautionary TALE : how plant breeding may have favoured expanded TALE repertoires in Xanthomonas. Molecular Plant Pathology, 19 (6), p. 1297-1301. ISSN 1464-6722.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010072848

  45. Silva M. S., Arraes F. B. M., Campos M. D., Grossi-de-Sa M., Fernandez Diana, Candido E. D., Cardoso M. H., Franco O. L., Grossi-de-Sa M. F. (2018). Potential biotechnological assets related to plant immunity modulation applicable in engineering disease-resistant crops. Plant Science, 270, p. 72-84. ISSN 0168-9452.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010072814

  46. Taha K., Berraho E. B., El Attar I., Dekkiche S., Aurag J., Béna Gilles. (2018). Rhizobium laguerreae is the main nitrogen-fixing symbiont of cultivated lentil (Lens culinaris) in Morocco. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 41 (2), p. 113-121. ISSN 0723-2020.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010072779

  47. Tran T. T., Doucoure H., Hutin M., Nino L. M. J., Szurek Boris, Cunnac Sébastien, Koebnik Ralf. (2018). Efficient enrichment cloning of TAL effector genes from Xanthomonas. Methodsx, 5, p. 1027-1032. ISSN 2215-0161.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010074855

  48. Tran T. T., Perez-Quintero A. L., Wonni I., Carpenter S. C. D., Yu Y. H., Wang L., Leach J. E., Verdier Valérie, Cunnac Sébastien, Bogdanove A. J., Koebnik Ralf, Hutin M., Szurek Boris. (2018). Functional analysis of African Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae TALomes reveals a new susceptibility gene in bacterial leaf blight of rice. PLoS Pathogens, 14 (6), e1007092 [25 p.]. ISSN 1553-7366.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010073703

  49. Zaka A., Grande G., Coronejo T., Quibod I. L., Chen C. W., Chang S. J., Szurek Boris, Arif M., Cruz C. V., Oliva R. (2018). Natural variations in the promoter of OsSWEET13 and OsSWEET14 expand the range of resistance against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Plos One, 13 (9), p. e0203711 [15 p.]. ISSN 1932-6203.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010074067


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    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010069165

  2. Koita K., Neya F.B., Opoku N., Baissac Y., Campa Claudine, Sankara P. (2017). Phytochemical analysis of Ziziphus mucronata Willd. extract and screening for antifungal activity against peanut pathogens. African Journal of Plant Science, 11 (10), 394-402. ISSN 1996-0824.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010084094

Directions d'ouvrages ou de revues

  1. Blanc S. (dir.), Boëtsch G. (dir.), Hossaert-McKey M. (dir.), Renaud F. (dir.), Thiébault S. (préf.), Paupy Christophe (collab.), Simard Frédéric (collab.), Banuls Anne-Laure (collab.), Becquart Pierre (collab.), Chandre Fabrice (collab.), Choisy Marc (collab.), Fargette Denis (collab.), Hébrard Eugénie (collab.), Liégeois Florian (collab.), Poulicard Nils (collab.), Roche Benjamin (collab.), et al. (2017). Ecologie de la santé : pour une nouvelle lecture de nos maux. Paris ; Paris : Le Cherche Midi ; CNRS, 191 p. ISBN 978-2-7491-5425-1.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010071853

Chapitres ou parties d'ouvrages

  1. Kochko Alexandre de, Hamon Serge, Guyot Romain, Couturon Emmanuel, Poncet Valérie, Dubreuil Tranchant Christine, Crouzillat D., Rigoreau M., Hamon Perla. (2017). Omics applications : Coffee. In : Chowdappa P. (ed.), Karun A. (ed.), Rajesh M.K. (ed.), Ramesh S.V. (ed.). Biotechnology of plantation crops. New Delhi : Daya Publishing House, p. 589-606. ISBN 9789386071729.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010069162


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Adler S., Mouille G., Fock-Bastide I., Citerne S., Noirot Michel. (2016). Comparison between Coffea arabica L. 'Laurina' and C. arabica 'Bourbon' seedlings grown in daylight or darkness for their polysaccharidic cell wall composition and caffeine and chlorogenic acid contents. Trees : Structure and Function, 30 (3), p. 665-674. ISSN 0931-1890.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066945

  2. Afolabi O., Amoussa R., Bile M., Oludare A., Gbogbo V., Poulin Lucie, Koebnik Ralf, Szurek Boris, Silue D. (2016). First report of bacterial leaf blight of rice caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in Benin. Plant Disease, 100 (2), p. 515-515. ISSN 0191-2917.
    Identifiant IRD :  PAR00014296

  3. Ali N., Tavoillot Johannes, Chapuis Elodie, Mateille Thierry. (2016). Trend to explain the distribution of root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne spp. associated with olive trees in Morocco. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 225, p. 22-32. ISSN 0167-8809.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066951

  4. Auguy Florence, Fahr M., Moulin Esmard Patricia, El Mzibri M., Smouni A., Filali-Maltouf A., Béna Gilles, Doumas P. (2016). Transcriptome changes in Hirschfeldia incana in response to lead exposure. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6, p. art. 1231 [13 p.]. ISSN 1664-462X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066103

  5. Barak J. D., Vancheva T., Lefeuvre P., Jones J. B., Timilsina S., Minsavage G. V., Vallad G. E., Koebnik Ralf. (2016). Whole-genome sequences of Xanthomonas euvesicatoria strains clarify taxonomy and reveal a stepwise erosion of type 3 effectors. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, p. art. 1805 [12 p.]. ISSN 1664-462X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068740

  6. Bontemps C., Rogel M. A., Wiechmann A., Mussabekova A., Moody S., Simon M. F., Moulin Lionel, Elliott G. N., Lacercat-Didier L., Dasilva C., Grether R., Camargo-Ricalde S. L., Chen W. M., Sprent J. I., Martinez-Romero E., Young J. P. W., James E. K. (2016). Endemic Mimosa species from Mexico prefer alphaproteobacterial rhizobial symbionts. New Phytologist, 209 (1), p. 319-333. ISSN 0028-646X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066038

  7. Breitler J. C., Campa Claudine, Georget F., Bertrand B., Etienne H. (2016). A single-step method for RNA isolation from tropical crops in the field. Scientific Reports - Nature, 6, p. art. 38368 [6 p.]. ISSN 2045-2322.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068775

  8. Cabasan M. T. N., Bellafiore Stéphane, Kumar A., De Waele D. (2016). The effect of temperature on resistance in african rice (oryza glaberrima steud.) genotypes to the rice root-knot nematode meloidogyne graminicola. Nematropica, 46 (2), p. 221-228. ISSN 0099-5444.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010069471

  9. Chapuis Elodie, Besnard G., Andrianasetra S., Rakotomalala M., Hieu Trang Nguyen, Bellafiore Stéphane. (2016). First report of the root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola) in Madagascar rice fields. Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 11 (1), 32 [4 p.]. ISSN 1833-928X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010080348

  10. Cunnac Sébastien, Gantet P., Ghesquière Alain, Guiderdoni E., Doan Trung Luu. (2016). Le riz, une plante modèle à croquer !. In : Les top-modèles végétaux : ce que les plantes nous apprennent du vivant. Biofutur, (380), p. 30-34. ISSN 0294-3506.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010067382

  11. Dall'Agnol R. F., Plotegher F., Souza R. C., Mendes I. C., dos Reis F. B., Béna Gilles, Moulin Lionel, Hungria M. (2016). Paraburkholderia nodosa is the main N-2-fixing species trapped by promiscuous common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the Brazilian 'Cerradao'. Fems Microbiology Ecology, 92 (8), p. fiw108 [14 p.]. ISSN 0168-6496.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068156

  12. Djedatin Gustave, Ndjiondjop M. N., Sanni A., Lorieux Mathias, Verdier Valérie, Ghesquière Alain. (2016). Identification of novel major and minor QTLs associated with Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (African strains) resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Rice, 9, 1-10. ISSN 1939-8425.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066900

  13. Fernandez Diana, de Sa M. G., Mezzalira I., Beneventi M., de Sa M. L., Amora D., Baimey H., Petitot A., Engler J. D., Albuquerque E. S. (2016). Functional analysis of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) virulence genes in rice. Phytopathology, 106 (12), p. 153-153. APS Annual Meeting, Tampa (USA), 2016/07/31-2016/08/03. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068835

  14. Galzi Agnès, Dubreuil Tranchant Christine, Hébrard Eugénie, Mariac Cédric, Ghesquière Alain, Albar Laurence. (2016). Mutations in Rice yellow mottle virus polyprotein P2a involved in RYMV2 gene resistance breakdown. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, 1779 [11 p.]. ISSN 1664-462X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068716

  15. Garavito A., Montagnon C., Guyot Romain, Bertrand B. (2016). Identification by the DArTseq method of the genetic origin of the Coffea canephora cultivated in Vietnam and Mexico. BMC Plant Biology, 16, 242 [12 p.]. ISSN 1471-2229.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068327

  16. Grau J., Reschke M., Erkes A., Streubel J., Morgan R. D., Wilson G. G., Koebnik Ralf, Boch J. (2016). AnnoTALE : bioinformatics tools for identification, annotation, and nomenclature of TALEs from Xanthomonas genomic sequences. Scientific Reports - Nature, 6, p. art. 21077 [12 p.]. ISSN 2045-2322.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066222

  17. Guentas L., Gensous S., Cavaloc Y., Ducousso M, Hamir A., Georges de Ledenon B. de, Moulin Lionel, Jourand Philippe. (2016). Burkholderia novacaledonica sp. nov. and B. ultramafica sp. nov. isolated from roots of Costularia spp. pioneer plants of ultramaficsoils in New Caledonia [Plus corrigenda]. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 39 (3), p. 151-159 [+ corrigenda vol.30, no 5, p. 359 et 2019, vol. 42, p. 422]. ISSN 0723-2020.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065744

  18. Guignon V., Hueber Y., Rouard M., Bocs S., Couvin D., De Lamotte F., Droc G., Dufayard J.F., El Hassouni N., Farcy C., Gkanogiannis A., Hamelin C., Larivière D., Martin G., Ortega E., Pitollat B., Pointet S., Ruiz M., Sarah G., Summo M., This D., Ravel S., Larmande Pierre, Monat C., Sabot François, Tando Ndomassi, Dubreuil Tranchant Christine, Sempere G., Dereeper Alexis. (2016). The South Green portal : a comprehensive resource for tropical and Mediterranean crop genomics. In : Naithani S. (ed.), Van de Peer Y. (ed.). Genomic resources and databases. Current Plant Biology, 7-8, 6-9. ISSN 2214-6628.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010080164

  19. Guyot Romain, Darre T., Dupeyron M., Kochko Alexandre de, Hamon Serge, Couturon Emmanuel, Crouzillat D., Rigoreau M., Rakotomalala J. J., Raharimalala N. E., Akaffou S. D., Hamon Perla. (2016). Partial sequencing reveals the transposable element composition of Coffea genomes and provides evidence for distinct evolutionary stories. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 291 (5), p. 1979-1990. ISSN 1617-4615.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068137

  20. Huerta A., Delorean E., Bossa-Castro A., Raghavan C., Corral R., Verdier Valérie, Leung H., Leach J. (2016). Quantitative resistance loci identified for the bacterial blight causative agent, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Phytopathology, 106 (12), p. 81-81. APS Annual Meeting, Tampa (USA), 2016/07/31-2016/08/03. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068832

  21. Hutin M., Cesari S., Chalvon V., Michel C., Tran T. T., Boch J., Koebnik Ralf, Szurek Boris, Kroj T. (2016). Ectopic activation of the rice NLR heteropair RGA4/RGA5 confers resistance to bacterial blight and bacterial leaf streak diseases. Plant Journal, 88 (1), p. 43-55. ISSN 0960-7412.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068698

  22. Jacques M. A., Arlat M., Boulanger A., Boureau T., Carrere S., Cesbron S., Chen N. W. G., Cociancich S., Darrasse A., Denance N., Fischer-Le Saux M., Gagnevin L., Koebnik Ralf, Lauber E., Noel L. D., Pieretti I., Portier P., Pruvost O., Rieux A., Robene I., Royer M., Szurek Boris, Verdier Valérie, Vernière C. (2016). Using ecology, physiology, and genomics to understand host specificity in Xanthomonas. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 54, p. 163-187.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068769

  23. Janicke T., Chapuis Elodie. (2016). Condition dependence of male and female reproductive success : insights from a simultaneous hermaphrodite. Ecology and Evolution, 6 (3), 830-841. ISSN 2045-7758.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066203

  24. Johnson J. M., Houngnandan P., Kane A., Chatagnier O., Sanon K. B., Neyra Marc, van Tuinen D. (2016). Colonization and molecular diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with the rhizosphere of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) in Benin (West Africa) : an exploratory study. Annals of Microbiology, 66 (1), p. 207-221. ISSN 1590-4261.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066247

  25. Lang J., Koebnik Ralf, Perez-Quintero A., DuCharme E., Szurek Boris, Leach J., Verdier Valérie. (2016). Two complete genome sequences of a new pathovar of Xanthomonas oryzae infecting wild grasses provide insight into evolution of pathogenicity. Phytopathology, 106 (12), p. 147-147. APS Annual Meeting, Tampa (USA), 2016/07/31-2016/08/03. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068834

  26. Lashermes Philippe, Hueber Yann, Combes Marie-Christine, Severac D., Dereeper Alexis. (2016). Inter-genomic DNA exchanges and homeologous gene silencing shaped the nascent allopolyploid coffee genome (Coffea arabica L.). G3 : Genes Genomes Genetics, 6 (9), p. 2937-2948. ISSN 2160-1836.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068256

  27. Lorenzo M. E., Grille G., Basso C., Bonato Olivier. (2016). Host preferences and biotic potential of Trialeurodes vaporariorum and Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera : Aleyrodidae) in tomato and pepper. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 10 (4), p. 293-301. ISSN 1872-8855.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010067705

  28. Ming R., Wai C. M., Guyot Romain. (2016). Pineapple genome : a reference for monocots and CAM photosynthesis. Trends in Genetics, 32 (11), p. 690-696. ISSN 0168-9525.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068676

  29. Nicolas S. D., Peros J. P., Lacombe T., Launay A., Le Paslier M. C., Berard A., Mangin B., Valiere S., Martins F., Le Cunff L., Laucou V., Bacilieri R., Dereeper Alexis, Chatelet P., This P., Doligez A. (2016). Genetic diversity, linkage disequilibrium and power of a large grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) diversity panel newly designed for association studies. BMC Plant Biology, 16, p. art. 74 [19 p.]. ISSN 1471-2229.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066693

  30. Noirot Michel, Charrier A., Stoffelen P., Anthony François. (2016). Reproductive isolation, gene flow and speciation in the former Coffea subgenus : a review. Trees : Structure and Function, 30 (3), p. 597-608. ISSN 0931-1890.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066944

  31. Petitot Anne-Sophie, Dereeper Alexis, Agbessi M., Da Silva C., Guy J., Ardisson M., Fernandez Diana. (2016). Dual RNA-seq reveals Meloidogyne graminicola transcriptome and candidate effectors during the interaction with rice plants. Molecular Plant Pathology, 17 (6), p. 860-874. ISSN 1464-6722.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010067694

  32. Quibod I. L., Perez-Quintero A., Booher N. J., Dossa G. S., Grande G., Szurek Boris, Cruz C. V., Bogdanove A. J., Oliva R. (2016). Effector diversification contributes to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae phenotypic adaptation in a semi-isolated environment. Scientific Reports - Nature, 6, p. art. 34137 [11 p.]. ISSN 2045-2322.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068146

  33. Rache Cardenal L., Flores C., Lopez C., Szurek Boris, Vernier C., Koebnik Ralf, Restrepo S., Bernal A. (2016). A strategy to study population variation of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis using a new set of multiple-locus variable number tandem repeats. Phytopathology, 106 (12), p. 137-137. APS Annual Meeting, Tampa (USA), 2016/07/31-2016/08/03. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068833

  34. Rocha D. M., Marques A., Andrade Cgtj, Guyot Romain, Chaluvadi S. R., Pedrosa-Harand A., Houben A., Bennetzen J. L., Vanzela A. L. L. (2016). Developmental programmed cell death during asymmetric microsporogenesis in holocentric species of Rhynchospora (Cyperaceae). Journal of Experimental Botany, 67 (18), p. 5391-5401. ISSN 0022-0957.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068282

  35. Roncal J., Guyot Romain, Hamon Perla, Crouzillat D., Rigoreau M., Konan O. N., Rakotomalala J. J., Nowak M. D., Davis A. P., Kochko Alexandre de. (2016). Active transposable elements recover species boundaries and geographic structure in Madagascan coffee species. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 291 (1), p. 155-168. ISSN 1617-4615.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066167

  36. Roy L., Bon M. C., Cesarini C., Serin J., Bonato Olivier. (2016). Pinpointing the level of isolation between two cryptic species sharing the same microhabitat : a case study with a scarabaeid species complex. Zoologica Scripta, 45 (4), p. 407-420. ISSN 0300-3256.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010067637

  37. Sakrouhi I., Belfquih M., Sbabou L., Moulin Esmard Patricia, Béna Gilles, Filali-Maltouf A., Le Quéré Antoine. (2016). Recovery of symbiotic nitrogen fixing acacia rhizobia from Merzouga Desert sand dunes in South East Morocco : identification of a probable new species of Ensifer adapted to stressed environments. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 39 (2), p. 122-131. ISSN 0723-2020.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066783

  38. Sbabou L., Regragui A., Filali-Maltouf A., Ater M., Béna Gilles. (2016). Local genetic structure and worldwide phylogenetic position of symbiotic Rhizobium leguminosarum strains associated with a traditional cultivated crop, Vicia ervilia, from Northern Morocco. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 39 (6), p. 409-417. ISSN 0723-2020.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068144

  39. Sempéré G., Philippe Florian, Dereeper Alexis, Ruiz M., Sarah G., Larmande Pierre. (2016). Gigwa - Genotype investigator for genome-wide analyses [+ erratum]. Gigascience, 5, art. 25 [9 p.+ erratum : vol. 5, art. no 48]. ISSN 2047-217X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066961

  40. Tollenaere Charlotte, Susi H., Laine A. L. (2016). Evolutionary and epidemiological implications of multiple infection in plants. Trends in Plant Science, 21 (1), p. 80-90. ISSN 1360-1385.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066171

  41. Triplett L. R., Cohen S. P., Heffelfinger C., Schmidt C. L., Huerta A. I., Tekete C., Verdier Valérie, Bogdanove A. J., Leach J. E. (2016). A resistance locus in the American heirloom rice variety Carolina Gold Select is triggered by TAL effectors with diverse predicted targets and is effective against African strains of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola. Plant Journal, 87 (5), p. 472-483. ISSN 0960-7412.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068751


  1. Etienne H., Bertrand B., Dechamp E., Maurel P., Georget F., Guyot Romain, Breitler J.C. (2016). Are genetic and epigenetic instabilities of plant embryogenic cells a fatality ? : the experience of coffee somatic embryogenesis. Human Genetics and Embryology, 6 (1), 5 p. ISSN 2161-0436.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010084065

  2. Sbabou L., Idir Y., Bruneel Odile, Le Quéré Antoine, Aurag J., Béna Gilles, Filali-Maltouf A. (2016). Characterization of root-nodule bacteria isolated from Hedysarum spinosissimum L, growing in mining sites of Northeastern region of Morocco. SOJ Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 4 (3), 8 p. [en ligne]. ISSN 2372-0956.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010069861


  1. Couturon Emmanuel, Raharimalala N.E., Rakotomalala J.J., Hamon Serge, Kochko Alexandre de, Guyot Romain, Hamon Perla. (2016). Caféiers sauvages : un trésor en péril au coeur des forêts tropicales ! = Wild coffee-trees : a threatened treasure in the heart of tropical forests !. Montpellier : Association Biodiversité, Ecovalorisation et Caféiers, 117 p. ISBN 978-2-7466-9109-4.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010067198


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Adler S., Noirot Michel, Fock-Bastide I., Citerne S., Mouille G. (2015). Variations in cell wall monosaccharide composition during seed development in Coffea arabica L. : Comparison between Coffea arabica var. Bourbon and Coffea arabica var. Laurina. Trees-Structure and Function, 29 (6), p. 1871-1881. ISSN 0931-1890.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065665

  2. Adler S., Verdeil J. L., Conejero G., Zaharia I. L., Sarrazin A., Hoareau J., Fock-Bastide I., Noirot Michel. (2015). Impact of the laurina mutation in Coffea arabica L. on semi-dwarfism, cell number and hormonal profiles in hypocotyls of seedlings growing under daylight. Trees-Structure and Function, 29 (4), p. 1197-1205. ISSN 0931-1890.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064762

  3. Albuquerque E. V. S., Bezerra C. A., Romero J. V., Valencia J. W. A., Valencia-Jimenez A., Pimenta L. M., Barbosa Aead, Silva M. C. M., Meneguim A. M., Sa M. E. L., Engler G., de Almeida-Engler J., Fernandez Diana, Grossi-de-Sa M. F. (2015). Seed-specific stable expression of the alpha-AI1 inhibitor in coffee grains and the in vivo implications for the development of the coffee berry borer. Tropical Plant Biology, 8 (3-4), p. 98-107. ISSN 1935-9756.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066022

  4. Ali N., Tavoillot Johannes, Mateille Thierry, Chapuis Elodie, Besnard G., El Bakkali A., Cantalapiedra-Navarrete C., Liebanas G., Castillo P., Palomares-Rius J. E. (2015). A new root-knot nematode Meloidogyne spartelensis n. sp. (Nematoda : Meloidogynidae) in Northern Morocco. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 143 (1), p. 25-42. ISSN 0929-1873.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064896

  5. Bellafiore Stéphane, Jougla C., Chapuis Elodie, Besnard G., Suong M., Vu P. N., De Waele D., Gantet Pascal, Thi X. N. (2015). Intraspecific variability of the facultative meiotic parthenogenetic root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola) from rice fields in Vietnam. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 338 (7), p. 471-483. ISSN 1631-0691.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064807

  6. Bertrand B., Bardil A., Baraille H., Dussert Stéphane, Doulbeau Sylvie, Dubois E., Severac D., Dereeper Alexis, Etienne H. (2015). The greater phenotypic homeostasis of the allopolyploid Coffea arabica improved the transcriptional homeostasis over that of both diploid parents. Plant and Cell Physiology, 56 (10), p. 2035-2051. ISSN 0032-0781.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065464

  7. Beulé T., Agbessi M. D. T., Dussert Stéphane, Jaligot E., Guyot Romain. (2015). Genome-wide analysis of LTR-retrotransposons in oil palm. Bmc Genomics, 16, 795. ISSN 1471-2164.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065385

  8. Chaparro C., Gayraud T., Souza R.F. de, Domingues D.S., Akaffou S., Laforga Vanzela A.L., Kochko Alexandre de, Rigoreau M., Crouzillat D., Hamon Serge, Hamon Perla, Guyot Romain. (2015). Terminal-repeat retrotransposons with GAG domain in plant genomes : a new testimony on the complex world of transposable elements. Genome Biology and Evolution, 7 (2), p. 493-504. ISSN 1759-6653.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010063587

  9. Clavijo F., Diedhiou I., Vaissayre Virginie, Brottier L., Acolatse J., Moukouanga Daniel, Crabos Amandine, Auguy Florence, Franche Claudine, Gherbi Hassen, Champion Antony, Hocher Valérie, Barker D., Bogusz Didier, Tisa L. S., Svistoonoff Sergio. (2015). The Casuarina NIN gene is transcriptionally activated throughout Frankia root infection as well as in response to bacterial diffusible signals. New Phytologist, 208 (3), p. 887-903. ISSN 0028-646X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065498

  10. Combes Marie-Christine, Hueber Yann, Dereeper Alexis, Rialle S., Herrera J. C., Lashermes Philippe. (2015). Regulatory divergence between parental alleles determines gene expression patterns in hybrids. Genome Biology and Evolution, 7 (4), p. 1110-1121. ISSN 1759-6653.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064653

  11. Coudert Y., Le V. A. T., Adam Hélène, Bes M., Vignols Florence, Jouannic Stefan, Guiderdoni E., Gantet Pascal. (2015). Identification of CROWN ROOTLESS1-regulated genes in rice reveals specific and conserved elements of postembryonic root formation. New Phytologist, 206 (1), p. 243-254. ISSN 0028-646X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064013

  12. Czernic P., Gully Djamel, Cartieaux Fabienne, Moulin Lionel, Guefrachi I., Patrel Delphine, Pierre O., Fardoux Joël, Chaintreuil Clémence, Nguyen P., Gressent F., Da Silva C., Poulain J., Wincker P., Rofidal V., Hem S., Barrière Q., Arrighi Jean-François, Mergaert P., Giraud Eric. (2015). Convergent evolution of endosymbiont differentiation in dalbergioid and inverted repeat-lacking clade legumes mediated by nodule-specific cysteine-rich peptides. Plant Physiology, 169 (2), p. 1254-1265. ISSN 0032-0889.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065536

  13. Dereeper Alexis, Bocs S., Rouard M., Guignon V., Ravel Sébastien, Dubreuil Tranchant Christine, Poncet Valérie, Garsmeur O., Lashermes Philippe, Droc G. (2015). The coffee genome hub : a resource for coffee genomes. Nucleic Acids Research, 43 (D1), D1028-D1035. ISSN 0305-1048.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064052

  14. Dereeper Alexis, Homa F., Andres G., Sempere G., Sarah G., Hueber Yann, Dufayard J. F., Ruiz M. (2015). SNiPlay3 : a web-based application for exploration and large scale analyses of genomic variations. Nucleic Acids Research, 43 (W1), p. W295-W300. ISSN 0305-1048.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064929

  15. Diouf F., Diouf D., Klonowska Agnieszka, Le Quéré Antoine, Bakhoum N., Fall D., Neyra Marc, Parrinello H., Diouf M., Ndoye I., Moulin Lionel. (2015). Genetic and genomic diversity studies of acacia symbionts in Senegal reveal new species of Mesorhizobium with a putative geographical pattern. Plos One, 10 (2), p. e0117667 [20 p.]. ISSN 1932-6203.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010063951

  16. Fernandez Diana, Petitot Anne-Sophie, Grossi de Sá M., Vũ Phong Nguyên, Almeida Engler J. de, Kyndt T. (2015). Recent advances in understanding plant : nematode interactions in monocots. In : Escobar C. (ed.), Fenoll C. (ed.). Plant nematode interactions : a view on compatible interrelationships. Amsterdam : Academic Press, p. 189-219. (Advances in Botanical Research ; 73). ISBN 978-0-12-417161-9. ISSN 0065-2296.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066333

  17. Galzi Agnès, Traore O., Sere Y., Hébrard Eugénie, Fargette Denis. (2015). The biogeography of viral emergence : rice yellow mottle virus as a case study. Current Opinion in Virology, 10, p. 7-13. ISSN 1879-6257.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064089

  18. Graham S., Chapuis Elodie, Meconcelli S., Bonel N., Sartori K., Christophe A., Alda P., David P., Janicke T. (2015). Size-assortative mating in simultaneous hermaphrodites : an experimental test and a meta-analysis. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 69 (11), p. 1867-1878. ISSN 0340-5443.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065340

  19. Hamza M. A., Ferji Z., Ali N., Tavoillot Johannes, Chapuis Elodie, El Oualkadi A., Moukhli A., Khadari B., Boubaker H., Lakhtar H., Roussos Sevastianos, Mateille Thierry, El Mousadik A. (2015). Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with olive tree in Southern Morocco. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 17 (4), p. 719-726. ISSN 1560-8530.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064826

  20. Hutin M., Perez-Quintero A. L., Lopez C., Szurek Boris. (2015). MorTAL Kombat : the story of defense against TAL effectors through loss-of-susceptibility [plus corrigendum]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6, art. 535 [12 p.] + corrigendum art. 647 [1 p.]. ISSN 1664-462X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064872

  21. Hutin Mathilde, Sabot François, Ghesquière Alain, Koebnik Ralf, Szurek Boris. (2015). A knowledge-based molecular screen uncovers a broad-spectrum OsSWEET14 resistance allele to bacterial blight from wild rice. Plant Journal, 84 (4), 694-703. ISSN 0960-7412.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066114

  22. Jacobs J. M., Pesce C., Lefeuvre P., Koebnik Ralf. (2015). Comparative genomics of a cannabis pathogen reveals insight into the evolution of pathogenicity in Xanthomonas. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6, p. art. 431 [13 p.]. ISSN 1664-462X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064773

  23. Jalloul A., Sayegh M., Champion Antony, Nicole Michel. (2015). Bacterial blight of cotton. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 54 (1), p. 3-20. ISSN 0031-9465.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064151

  24. Janicke T., David P., Chapuis Elodie. (2015). Environment-dependent sexual selection : Bateman's parameters under varying levels of food availability. American Naturalist, 185 (6), p. 756-768. ISSN 0003-0147.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064229

  25. Khong G. N., Pati P. K., Richaud F., Parizot B., Bidzinski P., Mai C. D., Bes M., Bourrie I., Meynard D., Beeckman T., Selvaraj M. G., Manabu I., Genga A. M., Brugidou Christophe, Do V. N., Guiderdoni E., Morel J. B., Gantet Pascal. (2015). OsMADS26 negatively regulates resistance to pathogens and drought tolerance in rice. Plant Physiology, 169 (4), p. 2935-2949. ISSN 0032-0889.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066136

  26. Kone D., Dao S., Tekete C., Doumbia I., Koita O., Abo K., Wicker E., Verdier Valérie. (2015). Confirmation of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis causing Cassava Bacterial Blight in Ivory Coast. Plant Disease, 99 (10), p. 1445-1445. ISSN 0191-2917.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010077596

  27. Landey R. B., Cenci Alberto, Guyot Romain, Bertrand B., Georget F., Dechamp E., Herrera J. C., Aribi Jamel, Lashermes Philippe, Etienne H. (2015). Assessment of genetic and epigenetic changes during cell culture ageing and relations with somaclonal variation in Coffea arabica. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 122 (3), p. 517-531. ISSN 0167-6857.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064917

  28. Lima E. A., Furlanetto C., Nicole Michel, Gomes A. C. M. M., Almeida M. R. A., Jorge A., Correa V. R., Salgado S. M., Ferrao M. A. G., Carneiro R. M. D. G. (2015). The multi-resistant reaction of drought-tolerant coffee 'Conilon Clone 14' to Meloidogyne spp. and late hypersensitive-like response in Coffea canephora. Phytopathology, 105 (6), p. 805-814. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064755

  29. Ming R., VanBuren R., Wai C. M., Tang H. B., Schatz M. C., Bowers J. E., Lyons E., Wang M. L., Chen J., Biggers E., Zhang J. S., Huang L. X., Zhang L. M., Miao W. J., Zhang J., Ye Z. Y., Miao C. Y., Lin Z. C., Wang H., Zhou H. Y., Yim W. C., Priest H. D., Zheng C. F., Woodhouse M., Edger P. P., Guyot Romain, Guo H. B., Guo H., Zheng G. Y., Singh R., Sharma A., Min X. J., Zheng Y., Lee H., Gurtowski J., Sedlazeck F. J., Harkess A., McKain M. R., Liao Z. Y., Fang J. P., Liu J., Zhang X. D., Zhang Q., Hu W. C., Qin Y., Wang K., Chen L. Y., Shirley N., Lin Y. R., Liu L. Y., Hernandez A. G., Wright C. L., Bulone V., Tuskan G. A., Heath K., Zee F., Moore P. H., Sunkar R., Leebens-Mack J. H., Mockler T., Bennetzen J. L., Freeling M., Sankoff D., Paterson A. H., Zhu X. G., Yang X. H., Smith J. A. C., Cushman J. C., Paull R. E., Yu Q. Y. (2015). The pineapple genome and the evolution of CAM photosynthesis. Nature Genetics, 47 (12), p. 1435-1442 + 3 p. d'annexes : online methods. ISSN 1061-4036.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065534

  30. Ndikumana I., Galzi Agnès, Mzengeza T., Msolla S. N., Njau P., Choi I. R., Murori R., Bigirimana J., Fargette Denis, Hébrard Eugénie. (2015). First report of Rice yellow mottle virus in Rice in Malawi. Plant Disease, 99 (6), p. 899. ISSN 0191-2917.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065945

  31. Nguyen T. D., Lacombe Séverine, Bangratz Martine, Ta H. A., Vinh D. N., Gantet Pascal, Brugidou Christophe. (2015). P2 of Rice grassy stunt virus (RGSV) and p6 and p9 of Rice ragged stunt virus (RRSV) isolates from Vietnam exert suppressor activity on the RNA silencing pathway. Virus Genes, 51 (2), p. 267-275. ISSN 0920-8569.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065308

  32. Ochola D., Issaka S. L., Rakotomalala M., Galzi Agnès, Ndikumana I., Hubert J., Hébrard Eugénie, Sere Y., Tusiime G., Fargette Denis. (2015). Emergence of rice yellow mottle virus in eastern Uganda : recent and singular interplay between strains in East Africa and in Madagascar. Virus Research, 195, p. 64-72. ISSN 0168-1702.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010063722

  33. Oludare B. A., Sow M., Afolabi O., Galzi Agnès, Hébrard Eugénie, Silue D. (2015). First report of Rice stripe necrosis virus infecting rice in Benin. Plant Disease, 99 (5), p. 735. ISSN 0191-2917.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065946

  34. Perez-Quintero Alvaro, Lamy L., Gordon J. L., Escalon A., Cunnac Sébastien, Szurek Boris, Gagnevin L. (2015). QueTAL : a suite of tools to classify and compare TAL effectors functionally and phylogenetically. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6, p. art. 545 [16 p.]. ISSN 1664-462X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064926

  35. Poulin Lucie, Grygiel P., Magne M., Gagnevin L., Rodriguez L. M., Serna N. F., Zhao S., El Rafii M., Dao S., Tekete C., Wonni I., Koita O., Pruvost O., Verdier Valérie, Vernière C., Koebnik Ralf. (2015). New multilocus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis tool for surveillance and local epidemiology of bacterial leaf blight and bacterial leaf streak of rice caused by Xanthomonas oryzae. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 81 (2), p. 688-698. ISSN 0099-2240.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010063668

  36. Roux B., Bolot S., Guy E., Denancé N., Lautier M., Jardinaud M. F., Fischer-Le Saux M., Portier P., Jacques M. A., Gagnevin L., Pruvost O., Lauber E., Arlat M., Carrère S., Koebnik Ralf, Noël L. D. (2015). Genomics and transcriptomics of Xanthomonas campestris species challenge the concept of core type III effectome. BMC Genomics, 16, 975 [19 p.]. ISSN 1471-2164.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065487

  37. Santos F. C., Guyot Romain, do Valle C. B., Chiari L., Techio V. H., Heslop-Harrison P., Vanzela A. L. L. (2015). Chromosomal distribution and evolution of abundant retrotransposons in plants : gypsy elements in diploid and polyploid Brachiaria forage grasses. Chromosome Research, 23 (3), p. 571-582. ISSN 0967-3849.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065489

  38. Sicard A., Zeddam Jean-Louis, Yvon M., Michalakis Y., Gutierrez S., Blanc S. (2015). Circulative nonpropagative aphid transmission of nanoviruses : an oversimplified view. Journal of Virology, 89 (19), p. 9719-9726. ISSN 0022-538X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065256

  39. Silva Dias Elaine, Hatt Clémence, Hamon Perla, Hamon Serge, Rigoreau M., Crouzillat D., Carareto C.M.A., Kochko Alexandre de, Guyot Romain. (2015). Large distribution and high sequence identity of a Copia‑type retrotransposon in angiosperm families. Plant Molecular Biology, 89 (1-2), p. 83-97. ISSN 0167-4412.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064998

  40. Tran T. T., Nga N. V., Ngan P. T., Hong N. T., Szurek Boris, Koebnik Ralf, Ham L. H., Cuong H. V., Cunnac Sébastien. (2015). Confirmation of bacterial leaf streak of rice caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola in Vietnam. Plant Disease, 99 (12), p. 1853. ISSN 0191-2917.
    Identifiant IRD :  PAR00014080

  41. Triplett L. R., Verdier Valérie, Campillo T., Van Malderghem C., Cleenwerck I., Maes M., Deblais L., Corral R., Koita O., Cottyn B., Leach J. E. (2015). Characterization of a novel clade of Xanthomonas isolated from rice leaves in Mali and proposal of Xanthomonas maliensis sp. nov.. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology, 107 (4), p. 869-881. ISSN 0003-6072.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064023

  42. VanBuren R., Zeng F. C., Chen C. X., Zhang J. S., Wai C. M., Han J., Aryal R., Gschwend A. R., Wang J. P., Na J. K., Huang L. X., Zhang L. M., Miao W. J., Gou J. Q., Arro J., Guyot Romain, Moore R. C., Wang M. L., Zee F., Charlesworth D., Moore P. H., Yu Q. Y., Ming R. (2015). Origin and domestication of papaya Y-h chromosome. Genome Research, 25 (4), p. 524-533. ISSN 1088-9051.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064149

  43. VanchevaT., Bogatzevska N., Moncheva P., Lefeuvre P., Koebnik Ralf. (2015). Draft genome sequences of two Xanthomonas vesicatoria strains from the Balkan peninsula. Genome Announcements, 3 (1), e01558-14 [2 p.]. ISSN 2576-098X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010084027

  44. Wonni I., Ouedraogo L., Dao S., Tekete C., Koita O., Taghouti G., Portier P., Szurek Boris, Verdier Valérie. (2015). First report of Cassava Bacterial Blight caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis in Burkina Faso. Plant Disease, 99 (4), p. 551-551. ISSN 0191-2917.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010067157


  1. Pesce C., Bolot S., Cunnac Sébastien, Portier P., Fischer-Le Saux M., Jacques M.J., Gagenvin L., Arlat M., Noël L.D., Carrère S., Bragard C., Koebnik Ralf. (2015). High-quality draft genome sequence of the Xanthomonas translucens pv. cerealis pathotype strain CFBP 2541. Genome Announcements, 3 (1), art. no e01574-14 [2 p.]. ISSN 2169-8287.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010072985

Chapitres ou parties d'ouvrages

  1. Hamon Perla, Hamon Serge, Razafinarivo Norosoa J., Guyot Romain, Siljak-Yakovlev S., Couturon Emmanuel, Crouzillat D., Rigoreau M., Akaffou S., Rakotomalala J.J., Kochko Alexandre de. (2015). Coffea genome organization and evolution. In : Preedy V. (ed.). Coffee in health and disease prevention. San Diego : Academic Press, p. 29-37. ISBN 978-0-12-409517-5.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010063204

  2. Hamon Perla, Rakotomalala J.J., Akaffou S., Razafinarivo Norosoa J., Couturon Emmanuel, Guyot Romain, Crouzillat D., Hamon Serge, Kochko Alexandre de. (2015). Caffeine-free species in the genus Coffea. In : Preedy V. (ed.). Coffee in health and disease prevention. San Diego : Academic Press, p. 39-44. ISBN 978-0-12-409517-5.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010063205

  3. Moulin Lionel, James E.K., Klonowska Agnieszka, Miana de Faria S., Simon M.F. (2015). Phylogeny, diversity, geographical distribution, and host range of legume-nodulating betaproteobacteria : what Is the role of plant taxonomy ?. In : De Bruijn F.J (ed.). Biological nitrogen fixation. Chichester : J. Wiley, p. 177-190. ISBN 978-1-119-05309-5.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010070132

  4. Mueller L., Strickler S., Domingues D., Pereira L., Andrade A., Marraccini P., Ming R., Wai J., Albert V., Giuliano G., Fiore A., Pietrella M., Aprea G., Descombes P., Moine D., Guyot Romain, Poncet Valérie, Hamon Perla, Hamon Serge, Dubreuil Tranchant Christine, Couturon Emmanuel, Kochko Alexandre de, Lepelley M., Bellanger L., Merot-L'Anthoene V., Vandecasteele C., Rigoreau M., Crouzillat D., Paschoal Rossi A., Sankoff D., Zheng C., Kuhn G., Korlach J., Chin J. (2015). Towards a better understanding of the Coffea arabica genome structure. In : Proceedings of the 25th international conference on coffee science. ASIC, p 42-45. International Conference on Coffe Science, 25., Armenia (COL), 2015/09/08-13. ISBN 978-2-900212-24-0.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065067


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  28. Nguyen P. V., Bellafiore Stéphane, Petitot Anne-Sophie, Haidar R., Bak A., Abed A., Gantet Pascal, Mezzalira I., Engler J. D., Fernandez Diana. (2014). Meloidogyne incognita - rice (Oryza sativa) interaction : a new model system to study plant-root-knot nematode interactions in monocotyledons. Rice, 7, 23 [13 p.]. ISSN 1939-8425.
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  29. Poulicard N., Galzi Agnès, Fargette Denis, Hébrard Eugénie. (2014). Alternative mutational pathways, outside the VPg, of rice yellow mottle virus to overcome eIF(iso)4G-mediated rice resistance under strong genetic constraints. Journal of General Virology, 95 (1), p. 219-224. ISSN 0022-1317.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010062393

  30. Poulin Lucie, Raveloson H., Sester M., Raboin L. M., Silue D., Koebnik Ralf, Szurek Boris. (2014). Confirmation of bacterial leaf streak caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola on rice in Madagascar. Plant Disease, 98 (10), p. 1423-1423. ISSN 0191-2917.
    Identifiant IRD :  PAR00012298

  31. Pruvost O., Magne M., Boyer K., Leduc A., Tourterel C., Drevet C., Ravigné V., Gagnevin L., Guérin F., Chiroleu F., Koebnik Ralf, Verdier Valérie, Vernière C. (2014). A MLVA genotyping scheme for global surveillance of the Citrus pathogen Xanthomonas citri pv. citri suggests a worldwide geographical expansion of a single genetic lineage. Plos One, 9 (6), e98129. ISSN 1932-6203.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010062370

  32. Rakotomalala M. R., Abera B., Galzi Agnès, Rakotoarisoa J., Alemu D., Fargette Denis. (2014). First report of rice yellow mottle virus in rice in Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Plant Disease, 98 (10), p. 1449-1450. ISSN 0191-2917.
    Identifiant IRD :  PAR00012294

  33. Richter A., Streubel J., Blucher C., Szurek Boris, Reschke M., Grau J., Boch J. (2014). A TAL effector repeat architecture for frameshift binding. Nature Communications, 5, p. art. 3447. ISSN 2041-1723.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010061956

  34. Robin G. P., Ortiz E., Szurek Boris, Brizard Jean-Paul, Koebnik Ralf. (2014). Comparative proteomics reveal new HrpX-regulated proteins of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Journal of Proteomics, 97, p. 256-264. ISSN 1874-3919.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064610

  35. Romero G., Vasquez L. M., Lashermes Philippe, Herrera J. C. (2014). Identification of a major QTL for adult plant resistance to coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) in the natural Timor hybrid (Coffea arabica x C. canephora). Plant Breeding, 133 (1), p. 121-129. ISSN 0179-9541.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010061747

  36. Scott S. W., MacFarlane S. A., McGavin W. J., Fargette Denis. (2014). Cassava Ivorian bacilliform virus is a member of the genus Anulavirus. Archives of Virology, 159 (10), p. 2791-2793. ISSN 0304-8608.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010062583

  37. Sérémé D., Lacombe Séverine, Konaté M., Bangratz Martine, Galzi Agnès, Fargette Denis, Traoré A. S., Konaté G., Brugidou Christophe. (2014). Sites under positive selection modulate the RNA silencing suppressor activity of rice yellow mottle virus movement protein P1. Journal of General Virology, 95 (1), p. 213-218. ISSN 0022-1317.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010062392

  38. Sereme D., Neya B. J., Bangratz Martine, Brugidou Christophe, Ouedraogo I. (2014). First report of rice stripe necrosis virus infecting rice in Burkina Faso. Plant Disease, 98 (10), p. 1451-1451. ISSN 0191-2917.
    Identifiant IRD :  PAR00012293

  39. Soubeyrand S., Tollenaere Charlotte, Haon-Lasportes E., Laine A.L. (2014). Regression-based ranking of pathogen strains with respect to their contribution to natural epidemics. Plos One, 9 (1), e86591 [8 p.]. ISSN 1932-6203.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010080771

  40. Talhinhas P., Azinheira H. G., Vieira B., Loureiro A., Tavares S., Batista D., Morin E., Petitot Anne-Sophie, Paulo O. S., Poulain J., Da Silva C., Duplessis S., Silva M. D., Fernandez Diana. (2014). Overview of the functional virulent genome of the coffee leaf rust pathogen Hemileia vastatrix with an emphasis on early stages of infection. Frontiers in Plant Science, 5, art. 88 [17 p.]. ISSN 1664-462X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010061842

  41. Tollenaere Charlotte, Pernechele B., Mäkinen H.S., Parratt S.R., Németh M.Z., Kovács G.M., Kiss L., Tack A.J.M., Laine A.L. (2014). A hyperparasite affects the population dynamics of a wild plant pathogen. Molecular Ecology, 23 (23), 5877–5887. ISSN 0962-1083.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010080768

  42. Triplett L., Verdier Valérie, Alexander M., Cohen S., Craven J., Bogdanove A., Leach J. (2014). A novel rice resistance phenotype to Xanthomonas oryzae TAL effectors does not require the effector transcriptional activation domain. Phytopathology, 104 (11), p. 120-120. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010077597

  43. Trujillo C. A., Arias-Rojas N., Poulin Lucie, Medina C. A., Tapiero A., Restrepo S., Koebnik Ralf, Bernal A. J. (2014). Population typing of the causal agent of cassava bacterial blight in the Eastern Plains of Colombia using two types of molecular markers. Bmc Microbiology, 14, p. art. 161. ISSN 1471-2180.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010062315

  44. Wonni I., Cottyn B., Detemmerman L., Dao S., Ouedraogo L., Sarra S., Tekete C., Poussier S., Corral R., Triplett L., Koita O., Koebnik Ralf, Leach J., Szurek Boris, Maes M., Verdier Valérie. (2014). Analysis of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola population in Mali and Burkina Faso reveals a high level of genetic and pathogenic diversity. Phytopathology, 104 (5), p. 520-531. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010061940


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    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010061347

  2. Ash G. J., Lang J. M., Triplett L. R., Stodart B. J., Verdier Valérie, Leach J. E. (2013). Loop-mediated isothermal amplification for the detection of Pseudomonas fuscovaginae. Phytopathology, 103 (6 suppl. 2), p. 10-10. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010060612

  3. Baufume Servane, Meynard D., Reschke M., Sole M., Cunnac Sébastien, Szurek Boris, Guiderdoni E., Boch J., Koebnik Ralf. (2013). New rice resistance genes via targeted genome editing. Phytopathology, 103 (6 suppl. 2), p. 13-13. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010060613

  4. Boch J., Boureau T., Brin C., Cunnac Sébastien, David P., Feng J. X., Hajri A., Hutin M., Koebnik Ralf, Mo W. L., Pesce C., Poussier S., Streubel J., Szurek Boris, Tang J. L., Tang W., Tran T. T., Verdier Valérie, Wu F., Zhao S. (2013). Contribution of type III/TAL effectors to pathogenicity. Phytopathology, 103 (6 suppl. 2), p. 170-170. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010060618

  5. Bodnar A. M., Bernal A., Szurek Boris, Lopez C. E. (2013). Tell me a tale of TALEs. Molecular Biotechnology, 53 (2), p. 228-235. ISSN 1073-6085.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010058243

  6. Bossa-Castro A. M., Raghavan C., Vera-Cruz C., Leung H., Mosquera G. M., Verdier Valérie, Leach J. E. (2013). Identifying novel bacterial disease resistance sources for rice. Phytopathology, 103 (6 suppl. 2), p. 19-19. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010060614

  7. Carpio C., Dangles Olivier, Dupas Stéphane, Léry Xavier, Lopez-Ferber M., Orbe K., Paez D., Rebaudo François, Santillan A., Yangari B., Zeddam Jean-Louis. (2013). Development of a viral biopesticide for the control of the Guatemala potato tuber moth Tecia solanivora. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 112 (2), p. 184-191. ISSN 0022-2011.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010058973

  8. Castiblanco L. F., Gil J., Rojas A., Osorio D., Gutierrez S., Munoz-Bodnar A., Perez-Quintero A. L., Koebnik Ralf, Szurek Boris, Lopez C., Restrepo S., Verdier Valérie, Bernal A. J. (2013). TALE1 from Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis acts as a transcriptional activator in plant cells and is important for pathogenicity in cassava plants. Molecular Plant Pathology, 14 (1), p. 84-95. ISSN 1464-6722.
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  9. Cenci Alberto, Combes Marie-Christine, Lashermes Philippe. (2013). Differences in evolution rates among eudicotyledon species observed by analysis of protein divergence. Journal of Heredity, 104 (4), p. 459-464. ISSN 0022-1503.
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  10. Combes Marie-Christine, Dereeper Alexis, Severac D., Bertrand B., Lashermes Philippe. (2013). Contribution of subgenomes to the transcriptome and their intertwined regulation in the allopolyploid Coffea arabica grown at contrasted temperatures. New Phytologist, 200 (1), p. 251-260. ISSN 1469-8137.
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  11. Cruz C. M. V., Nguyen M. H. R., Lang J. M., Burgos M. R. G., Cottyn B., Verdier Valérie, Mishra D., Raj Y., Leach J. E. (2013). Detection of Xanthomonas oryzae pathovars from rice seeds : an assay potentially viable for use in seed trade and germplasm exchange. Phytopathology, 103 (6 suppl. 2), p. 152-152. ISSN 0031-949X.
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  12. Darrasse A., Carrere S., Barbe V., Boureau T., Arrieta-Ortiz M. L., Bonneau S., Briand M., Brin C., Cociancich S., Durand K., Fouteau S., Gagnevin L., Guerin F., Guy E., Indiana A., Koebnik Ralf, Lauber E., Munoz A., Noel L. D., Pieretti I., Poussier S., Pruvost O., Robene-Soustrade I., Rott P., Royer M., Serres-Giardi L., Szurek Boris, van Sluys M. A., Verdier Valérie, Verniere C., Arlat M., Manceau C., Jacques M. A. (2013). Genome sequence of Xanthomonas fuscans subsp fuscans strain 4834-R reveals that flagellar motility is not a general feature of xanthomonads. Bmc Genomics, 14, p. 761. ISSN 1471-2164.
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  13. Dereeper Alexis, Guyot Romain, Dubreuil Tranchant Christine, Anthony François, Argout X., de Bellis F., Combes Marie-Christine, Gavory F., Kochko Alexandre de, Kudrna D., Leroy T., Poulain J., Rondeau M., Song X., Wing R., Lashermes Philippe. (2013). BAC-end sequences analysis provides first insights into coffee (Coffea canephora P.) genome composition and evolution. Plant Molecular Biology, 83 (3), p. 177-189. ISSN 0167-4412.
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  15. Gagnevin L., Roux B., Bolot S., Carrere S., Charbit E., Cunnac Sébastien, Jacques M. A., Noel L. D., Arlat M., Koebnik Ralf. (2013). Genome and transcriptome analysis to reveal adaptation to new environments and hosts. Phytopathology, 103 (6 suppl. 2), p. 170-171. ISSN 0031-949X.
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  17. Hubert J. G., Galzi Agnès, Dibwe D., Cinyabuguma E., Kaboré A., Fargette Denis, Silué D., Hébrard Eugénie, Séré Y. (2013). First report of Rice yellow mottle virus on rice in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Plant Disease, 97 (12), p. 1664. ISSN 0191-2917.
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  18. Jeong K., Bodnar A. M., Poulin Lucie, Rojas N. A., Rodriguez L. M., Gagnevin L., Pruvost O., Koebnik Ralf. (2013). CRISPR systems in plant pathogens : a new tool for epidemiological surveillance. Phytopathology, 103 (6 suppl. 2), p. 67-68. ISSN 0031-949X.
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  19. Landey R. B., Cenci Alberto, Georget F., Bertrand B., Camayo G., Dechamp E., Herrera J. C., Santoni S., Lashermes Philippe, Simpson J., Etienne H. (2013). High genetic and pigenetic stability in coffea arabica plants derived from embryogenic suspensions and secondary embryogenesis as revealed by AFLP, MSAP and the phenotypic variation rate. Plos One, 8 (2), p. e56372. ISSN 1932-6203.
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  22. Noel L. D., Denance N., Szurek Boris. (2013). Predicting promoters targeted by TAL effectors in plant genomes : from dream to reality. Frontiers in Plant Science, 4, 333 [4 p. en ligne]. ISSN 1664-462X.
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  23. Perez-Quintero A. L., Rodriguez L. M., Dereeper Alexis, Lopez C., Koebnik Ralf, Szurek Boris, Cunnac Sébastien. (2013). An improved method for TAL effectors DNA-binding sites prediction reveals functional convergence in TAL repertoires of Xanthomonas oryzae strains. Plos One, 8 (7), p. e68464. ISSN 1932-6203.
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  24. Petitot Anne-Sophie, Barsalobres-Cavallari C., Ramiro D., Freire E. A., Etienne H., Fernandez Diana. (2013). Promoter analysis of the WRKY transcription factors CaWRKY1a and CaWRKY1b homoeologous genes in coffee (Coffea arabica). Plant Cell Reports, 32 (8), p. 1263-1276. ISSN 0721-7714.
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  25. Rakotomalala M., Galzi Agnès, Mpunami A., Randrianasolo A., Ramavovololona P., Rabenantoandro Y., Fargette Denis. (2013). Rice yellow mottle virus in Madagascar and in the Zanzibar Archipelago ; island systems and evolutionary time scale to study virus emergence. Virus Research, 171 (1), p. 71-79. ISSN 0168-1702.
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  26. Riahi L., Ayari B., Zoghlami N., Dereeper Alexis, Laucou V., Mliki A., This P. (2013). High efficiency and informativeness of a set of SNP molecular markers in Tunisian local grapevines discrimination. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 51, p. 175-183. ISSN 0305-1978.
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  29. Riahi L., Zoghlami N., Fournier-Level A., Dereeper Alexis, Le Cunff L., Laucou V., Mliki A., This P. (2013). Characterization of single nucleotide polymorphism in Tunisian grapevine genome and their potential for population genetics and evolutionary studies. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 60 (3), p. 1139-1151. ISSN 0925-9864.
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  30. Royer M., Koebnik Ralf, Marguerettaz M., Barbe V., Robin G. P., Brin C., Carrere S., Gomez C., Hugelland M., Voller G. H., Noell J., Pieretti I., Rausch S., Verdier Valérie, Poussier S., Rott P., Sussmuth R. D., Cociancich S. (2013). Genome mining reveals the genus Xanthomonas to be a promising reservoir for new bioactive non-ribosomally synthesized peptides. Bmc Genomics, 14, p. 658. ISSN 1471-2164.
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  31. Streubel J., Pesce C., Hutin M., Koebnik Ralf, Boch J., Szurek Boris. (2013). Five phylogenetically close rice SWEET genes confer TAL effector-mediated susceptibility to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. New Phytologist, 200 (3), p. 808-819. ISSN 1469-8137.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010061220

  32. Ta H. A., Nguyen D. P., Causse S., Nguyen T. D., Ngo V. V., Hébrard Eugénie. (2013). Molecular diversity of Rice grassy stunt virus in Vietnam. Virus Genes, 46 (2), p. 383-386. ISSN 0920-8569.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010060787

  33. Tollenaere Charlotte, Laine A.L. (2013). Investigating the production of sexual resting structures in a plant pathogen reveals unexpected self-fertility and genotype-by-environment effects. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 26 (8), 1716-1726. ISSN 1010-061X.
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  34. Villain L., Sarah J. L., Hernandez A., Bertrand B., Anthony François, Lashermes Philippe, Charmetant P., Anzueto F., Carneiro R. M. D. G. (2013). Diversity of root-knot nematodes parasitizing coffee in Central America. Nematropica, 43 (2), p. 194-206. ISSN 0099-5444.
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  35. Zeddam Jean-Louis, Léry Xavier, Gomez-Bonilla Y., Espinel-Correal C., Paez D., Rebaudo François, Lopez-Ferber M. (2013). Responses of different geographic populations of two potato tuber moth species to genetic variants of Phthorimaea operculella granulovirus. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 149 (2), p. 138-147. ISSN 0013-8703.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010061205

  36. Zhao Shuai, Mo W. L., Wu F., Tang W., Tang J. L., Szurek Boris, Verdier Valérie, Koebnik Ralf, Feng J. X. (2013). Identification of non-TAL effectors in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae Chinese strain 13751 and analysis of their role in the bacterial virulence. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 29 (4), p. 733-744. ISSN 0959-3993.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010060753

Chapitres ou parties d'ouvrages

  1. Barsalobres-Cavallari C.F., Petitot Anne-Sophie, Severino F.E., Maia I.G., Fernandez Diana. (2013). Host response profiling to fungal infection: molecular cloning, characterization and expression analysis of NPR1 gene from coffee (Coffea arabica). In : Mendez-Vilas A. (ed.). Microbial pathogens and strategies for combating them : science, technology and education. Badajoz : Formatex Research Center, p. 411-418. (Microbiology ; 4). ISBN 978-84-939843-9-7.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066331

  2. Calatayud Paul-André, Garrec J.P., Nicole Michel. (2013). Adaptation des plantes aux stress environnementaux. In : Sauvion N. (ed.), Calatayud Paul-André (ed.), Thiéry D. (ed.), Marion-Pol F. (ed.). Interactions insectes-plantes. Marseille ; Versailles : IRD ; Quae, p. 229-245. ISBN 978-2-7099-1746-9.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010060094

  3. Fernandez Diana, Talhinhas P., Duplessis S. (2013). Rust fungi : achievements and future challenges on genomics and hostparasite interactions. In : Kempken F. (ed.). The Mycota : vol XI. Agricultural applications. Berlin : Springer, p. 315-341. ISBN 978-3-642-36820-2.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010060128

  4. Vidal Claire, Gauthier Nathalie, Rochat D., Hérard F., Thiéry A., Vayssières J.F., Dupas S., Dangles Olivier, Silvain Jean-François, Torres-Leguizamon Magally, Zeddam Jean-Louis, Sforza R., Desneux N. (2013). Quelques exemples de bio-invasions dans le monde. In : Sauvion N. (ed.), Calatayud Paul-André (ed.), Thiéry D. (ed.), Marion-Pol F. (ed.). Interactions insectes-plantes. Marseille ; Versailles : IRD ; Quae, 57-96. ISBN 978-2-7099-1746-9.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010060089


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  3. Cenci Alberto, Combes Marie-Christine, Lashermes Philippe. (2012). Genome evolution in diploid and tetraploid Coffea species as revealed by comparative analysis of orthologous genome segments. Plant Molecular Biology, 78 (1-2), p. 135-145. ISSN 0167-4412.
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  4. Charrier A., Bertrand B., Lashermes Philippe. (2012). Des évolutions marquantes pour le café en ce début de XXIe siècle. Cahiers Agricultures, 21 (2-3), p. 73-76. ISSN 1166-7699.
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  5. Combes Marie-Christine, Cenci Alberto, Baraille H., Bertrand B., Lashermes Philippe. (2012). Homeologous gene expression in response to growing temperature in a recent allopolyploid (Coffea arabica L.). Journal of Heredity, 103 (1), p. 36-46. ISSN 0022-1503.
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  6. Diniz I., Talhinhas P., Azinheira H. G., Varzea V., Medeira C., Maia I., Petitot Anne-Sophie, Nicole Michel, Fernandez Diana, Do Ceu Silva M. (2012). Cellular and molecular analyses of coffee resistance to Hemileia vastatrix and nonhost resistance to Uromyces vignae in the resistance-donor genotype HDT832/2. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 133 (1), p. 141-157. ISSN 0929-1873.
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  7. Duncan A. B., Agnew P., Noël V., Demettre E., Seveno M., Brizard Jean-Paul, Michalakis Y. (2012). Proteome of Aedes aegypti in response to infection and coinfection with microsporidian parasites. Ecology and Evolution, 2 (4), p. 681-694. ISSN 2045-7758.
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  8. Espinel-Correal C., Lopez-Ferber M., Zeddam Jean-Louis, Villamizar L., Gomez J., Cotes A. M., Léry Xavier. (2012). Experimental mixtures of Phthorimaea operculella granulovirus isolates provide high biological efficacy on both Phthorimaea operculella and Tecia solanivora (Lepidoptera : Gelechiidae). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 110 (3), p. 375-381. ISSN 0022-2011.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010055987

  9. Fernandez Diana, Tisserant E., Talhinhas P., Azinheira H., Vieira A., Petitot Anne-Sophie, Loureiro A., Poulain J., Da Silva C., Silva M. D. C., Duplessis S. (2012). 454-pyrosequencing of Coffea arabica leaves infected by the rust fungus Hemileia vastatrix reveals in planta-expressed pathogen-secreted proteins and plant functions in a late compatible plant-rust interaction. Molecular Plant Pathology, 13 (1), p. 17-37. ISSN 1464-6722.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010054279

  10. Gomez-Bonilla Y., Lopez-Ferber M., Caballero P., Léry Xavier, Munoz D. (2012). Costa Rican soils contain highly insecticidal granulovirus strains against Phthorimaea operculella and Tecia solanivora. Journal of Applied Entomology, 136 (7), 530-538. ISSN 0931-2048.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010057019

  11. Hajri A., Brin C., Zhao S., David P., Feng J. X., Koebnik Ralf, Szurek Boris, Verdier Valérie, Boureau T., Poussier S. (2012). Multilocus sequence analysis and type III effector repertoire mining provide new insights into the evolutionary history and virulence of Xanthomonas oryzae. Molecular Plant Pathology, 13 (3), p. 288-302. ISSN 1464-6722.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010055658

  12. Jung M., Leye N., Vidal Nicole, Fargette Denis, Diop H., Kane C. T., Gascuel O., Peeters Martine. (2012). The origin and evolutionary history of HIV-1 subtype C in Senegal. Plos One, 7 (3), p. e33579. ISSN 1932-6203.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010055928

  13. Lacape J. M., Claverie M., Vidal R. O., Carazzolle M. F., Pereira G. A. G., Ruiz M., Pre M., Llewellyn D., Al-Ghazi Y., Jacobs J., Dereeper Alexis, Huguet S., Giband M., Lanaud C. (2012). Deep sequencing reveals differences in the transcriptional landscapes of fibers from two cultivated species of cotton. Plos One, 7 (11), p. e48855. ISSN 1932-6203.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010058172

  14. Lashermes Philippe, Combes Marie-Christine, Dereeper Alexis, Cenci Alberto. (2012). Diversité et évolution des caféiers à la lumière de la génomique. Cahiers Agricultures, 21 (2-3), p. 134-142. ISSN 1166-7699.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010055998

  15. Lindeberg M., Cunnac Sébastien, Collmer A. (2012). Pseudomonas syringae type III effector repertoires : last words in endless arguments. Trends in Microbiology, 20 (4), p. 199-208. ISSN 0966-842X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010055844

  16. Loureiro A., Nicole Michel, Varzea V., Moncada P., Bertrand B., Silva M.C. (2012). Coffee resistance to Colletotrichum kahawae is associated with lignification, accumulation of phenols and cell death at infection sites. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 77 (1), p. 23-32. ISSN 0885-5765.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010054419

  17. Mansfield J., Genin S., Magori S., Citovsky V., Sriariyanum M., Ronald P., Dow M., Verdier Valérie, Beer S. V., Machado M. A., Toth I., Salmond G., Foster G. D. (2012). Top 10 plant pathogenic bacteria in molecular plant pathology. Molecular Plant Pathology, 13 (6), p. 614-629. ISSN 1464-6722.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010057016

  18. Ndikumana I., Galzi Agnès, Negussie Z., Msolla S. N., Njau P., Singh R. K., Choi I. R., Bigirimana J., Fargette Denis, Hébrard Eugénie. (2012). First report of Rice yellow mottle virus on rice in Burundi. Plant Disease, 96 (8), p. 1230. ISSN 0191-2917.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065948

  19. Pieretti I., Royer M., Barbe V., Carrere S., Koebnik Ralf, Couloux A., Darrasse A., Gouzy J., Jacques M. A., Lauber E., Manceau C., Mangenot S., Poussier S., Segurens B., Szurek Boris, Verdier Valérie, Arlat M., Gabriel D. W., Rott P., Cociancich S. (2012). Genomic insights into strategies used by Xanthomonas albilineans with its reduced artillery to spread within sugarcane xylem vessels. Bmc Genomics, 13, p. 658. ISSN 1471-2164.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010058982

  20. Poulicard Nils, Galzi Agnès, Traore O., Vignols F., Ghesquière Alain, Konate G., Hébrard Eugénie, Fargette Denis. (2012). Historical contingencies modulate the adaptability of Rice Yellow Mottle Virus. Plos Pathogens, 8 (1), e1002482. ISSN 1553-7366.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010055667

  21. Quénéhervé Patrick, Godefroid Martin, Topart Patrick, Marie-Luce Serge, Salmon F., Marie P., Chabrier C. (2012). Differential responses to plant-feeding nematodes among sibling cultivars of dessert bananas (Cavendish subgroup) and a synthetic hybrid. Crop Protection, 42, p. 30-35. ISSN 0261-2194.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010058990

  22. Sanier C., Sayegh-Alhamdia M., Jalloul A., Clérivet Alain, Nicole Michel, Marmey Philippe. (2012). A 13-lipoxygenase is expressed early in the hypersensitive reaction of cotton plants to Xanthomonas campestris pv. malvacearum. Journal of Phytopathology, 160 (6), p. 286-293. ISSN 0931-1785.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010055883

  23. Verdier Valérie, Cruz C. V., Leach J. E. (2012). Controlling rice bacterial blight in Africa : needs and prospects. Journal of Biotechnology, 159 (4), p. 320-328. ISSN 0168-1656.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010055918

  24. Verdier Valérie, Triplett L. R., Hummel A. W., Corral R., Cernadas R. A., Schmidt C. L., Bogdanove A. J., Leach J. E. (2012). Transcription activator-like (TAL) effectors targeting OsSWEET genes enhance virulence on diverse rice (Oryza sativa) varieties when expressed individually in a TAL effector-deficient strain of Xanthomonas oryzae. New Phytologist, 196 (4), p. 1197-1207. ISSN 0028-646X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010057326

  25. Vieira A., Talhinhas P., Loureiro A., Thurich J., Duplessis S., Fernandez Diana, Do Ceu Silva M., Paulo O. S., Azinheira H. G. (2012). Expression profiling of genes involved in the biotrophic colonisation of Coffea arabica leaves by Hemileia vastatrix. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 133 (1), p. 261-277. ISSN 0929-1873.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010055815

  26. Zhao S., Poulin Lucie, Rodriguez-R L.M., Serna N.F., Liu S. Y., Wonni I., Szurek Boris, Verdier Valérie, Leach J. E., He Y. Q., Feng J. X., Koebnik Ralf. (2012). Development of a variable number of tandem repeats typing scheme for the bacterial rice pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola. Phytopathology, 102 (10), p. 948-956. ISSN 0031-949X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010077595


  1. Ta Hoang Anh, Nguyen Doan Phuong, Nguyen Van Chung, Tran Thi Thu Huyen, Pham Thi Luong, Hébrard Eugénie, Ngo Vinh Vien. (2012). New yellowing syndrome caused by rice transitory yellowing virus on rice in some areas of Mekong Delta. Journal of Vietnam Agricultural Science and Technology, 1 (1), p. 12-18. ISSN 1859-1558.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065895

Chapitres ou parties d'ouvrages

  1. Chroboczek J., Hébrard Eugénie, Mäkiner K., Michon T., Rantalainen K. (2012). Intrinsic disorder in genome-linked viral proteins VPgs of potyviruses. In : Uversky V.N. (ed.), Longhi S. (ed.). Flexible viruses : structural disorder in viral proteins. Hoboken : Wiley, p. 277-312. (Wiley Series on Protein and Peptide Science). ISBN 978-0-470-61831-8.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010057592

  2. Koebnik Ralf, Lindeberg M. (2012). Comparative genomics and evolution of bacterial type 3 effectors. In : Martin F. (ed.), Kamoun S. (ed.). Effectors in plant-microbe interactions. Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, p. 55-76. ISBN 978-0-4709-5822-3.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010056576


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Bardil A., Dantas de Almeida Juliana, Combes Marie-Christine, Lashermes Philippe, Bertrand B. (2011). Genomic expression dominance in the natural allopolyploid Coffea arabica is massively affected by growth temperature. New Phytologist, 192 (3), p. 760-774. ISSN 0028-646X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010054178

  2. Black R., Fava F., Mattei N., Robert Vincent, Seal S., Verdier Valérie. (2011). Case studies on the use of biotechnologies and on biosafety provisions in four African countries. Journal of Biotechnology, 156 (4), p. 370-381. ISSN 0168-1656.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010054325

  3. Bogdanove A. J., Koebnik Ralf, Lu H., Furutani A., Angiuoli S. V., Patil P. B., Van Sluys M. A., Ryan R. P., Meyer D. F., Han S. W., Aparna G., Rajaram M., Delcher A. L., Phillippy A. M., Puiu D., Schatz M. C., Shumway M., Sommer D. D., Trapnell C., Benahmed F., Dimitrov G., Madupu R., Radune D., Sullivan S., Jha G., Ishihara H., Lee S. W., Pandey A., Sharma V., Sriariyanun M., Szurek Boris, Vera-Cruz C. M., Dorman K. S., Ronald P. C., Verdier Valérie, Dow J. M., Sonti R. V., Tsuge S., Brendel V. P., Rabinowicz P. D., Leach J. E., White F. F., Salzberg S. L. (2011). Two new complete genome sequences offer insight into host and tissue specificity of plant pathogenic Xanthomonas spp. Journal of Bacteriology, 193 (19), p. 5450-5464. ISSN 0021-9193.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010077677

  4. Cacas J. L., Petitot Anne-Sophie, Bernier L., Estevan J., Conejero G., Mongrand S., Fernandez Diana. (2011). Identification and characterization of the Non-race specific Disease Resistance 1 (NDR1) orthologous protein in coffee. Bmc Plant Biology, 11, p. 144. ISSN 1471-2229.
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  5. Dereeper Alexis, Nicolas S., Le Cunff L., Bacilieri R., Doligez A., Peros J. P., Ruiz M., This P. (2011). SNiPlay : a web-based tool for detection, management and analysis of SNPs. Application to grapevine diversity projects. Bmc Bioinformatics, 12, p. 134. ISSN 1471-2105.
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  6. Djedatin G., Ndjiondjop M. N., Mathieu Thierry, Cruz C. M. V., Sanni A., Ghesquière Alain, Verdier Valérie. (2011). Evaluation of African cultivated rice Oryza glaberrima for resistance to bacterial blight. Plant Disease, 95 (4), p. 441-447. ISSN 0191-2917.
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  7. Dyer N. A., Ravel Sophie, Choi K. S., Darby A. C., Causse Sandrine, Kapitano B., Hall M. J. R., Steen K., Lutumba P., Madinga J., Torr S. J., Okedi L. M., Lehane M. J., Donnelly M. J. (2011). Cryptic diversity within the major trypanosomiasis vector Glossina fuscipes revealed by molecular markers. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, 5 (8), p. e1266. ISSN 1935-2727.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010053810

  8. Escobar J. S., Scornavacca C., Cenci Alberto, Guilhaumon C., Santoni S., Douzery E. J. P., Ranwez V., Glemin S., David J. (2011). Multigenic phylogeny and analysis of tree incongruences in Triticeae (Poaceae). Bmc Evolutionary Biology, 11, p. 181. ISSN 1471-2148.
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  9. Figueiredo S. A., Lashermes Philippe, Aragao F. J. L. (2011). Molecular characterization and functional analysis of the beta-galactosidase gene during Coffea arabica (L.) fruit development. Journal of Experimental Botany, 62 (8), p. 2691-2703. ISSN 0022-0957.
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  10. Gomez-Bonilla Y., Lopez-Ferber M., Caballero P., Léry Xavier, Munoz D. (2011). Characterization of a Costa Rican granulovirus strain highly pathogenic against its indigenous hosts, Phthorimaea operculella and Tecia solanivora. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 140 (3), 238-246. ISSN 0013-8703.
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  11. Hoang A. T., Zhang H. M., Yang J., Chen J. P., Hébrard Eugénie, Zhou G. H., Vien V. N., Cheng J. A. (2011). Identification, characterization, and distribution of southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus in Vietnam. Plant Disease, 95 (9), p. 1063-1069. ISSN 0191-2917.
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  12. Lashermes Philippe, Combes Marie-Christine, Ansaldi Caroline, Gichuru Elijah, Noir Sandra. (2011). Analysis of alien introgression in coffee tree (Coffea arabica L.). Molecular Breeding, 27 (2), p. 223-232. ISSN 1380-3743.
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  13. Mhedbi-Hajri N., Jacques M. A., Koebnik Ralf. (2011). Adhesion mechanisms of plant-pathogenic xanthomonadaceae. Bacterial Adhesion : Chemistry, Biology and Physics, 715, p. 71-89.
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  14. Nowak M. D., Davis A. P., Anthony François, Yoder A. D. (2011). Expression and trans-specific polymorphism of self-incompatibility RNases in Coffea (Rubiaceae). Plos One, 6 (6), p. e21019. ISSN 1932-6203.
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  15. Olspert A., Peil L., Hébrard Eugénie, Fargette Denis, Truve E. (2011). Protein-RNA linkage and post-translational modifications of two sobemovirus VPgs. Journal of General Virology, 92 (Part 2), p. 445-452. ISSN 0022-1317.
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  16. Potnis N., Krasileva K., Chow V., Almeida N. F., Patil P. B., Ryan R. P., Sharlach M., Behlau F., Dow J. M., Momol M. T., White F. F., Preston J. F., Vinatzer B. A., Koebnik Ralf, Setubal J. C., Norman D. J., Staskawicz B. J., Jones J. B. (2011). Comparative genomics reveals diversity among xanthomonads infecting tomato and pepper. Bmc Genomics, 12, p. 146. ISSN 1471-2164.
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  17. Privat I., Bardil A., Gomez A.B., Severac D., Dantec C., Fuentes I., Mueller L., Joët Thierry, Pot D., Foucrier S., Dussert Stéphane, Leroy Thierry, Journot L., Kochko Alexandre de, Campa Claudine, Combes Marie-Christine, Lashermes Philippe, Bertrand Benoit. (2011). The 'PUCE CAFE' Project : the First 15K coffee microarray, a new tool for discovering candidate genes correlated to agronomic and quality traits. Bmc Genomics, 12, p. 5. ISSN 1471-2164.
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  18. Quénéhervé Patrick, Barriere V., Salmon F., Houdin F., Achard R., Gertrude J. C., Marie-Luce S., Chabrier C., Duyck P. F., Tixier P. (2011). Effect of banana crop mixtures on the plant-feeding nematode community. Applied Soil Ecology, 49, p. 40-45. ISSN 0929-1393.
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  19. Quénéhervé Patrick, Godefroid Martin, Mège P., Marie-Luce S. (2011). Diversity of meloidogyne spp. parasitizing plants in Martinique island, French West Indies. Nematropica, 41 (2), p. 191-199. ISSN 0099-5444.
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  20. Ribas Alessandra, Cenci Alberto, Combes Marie-Christine, Etienne H., Lashermes Philippe. (2011). Organization and molecular evolution of a disease-resistance gene cluster in coffee trees. Bmc Genomics, 12, p. 240. ISSN 1471-2164.
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  21. Ribas Alessandra, Dechamp E., Champion Antony, Bertrand B., Combes Marie-Christine, Verdeil J. L., Lapeyre F., Lashermes Philippe, Etienne H. (2011). Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of Coffea arabica (L.) is greatly enhanced by using established embryogenic callus cultures. Bmc Plant Biology, 11, p. 92. ISSN 1471-2229.
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  26. Triplett L. R., Hamilton J. P., Buell C. R., Tisserat N. A., Verdier Valérie, Zink F., Leach J. E. (2011). Genomic analysis of Xanthomonas oryzae isolates from rice grown in the United States reveals substantial divergence from Known X. oryzae pathovars. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77 (12), p. 3930-3937. ISSN 0099-2240.
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  27. Vieira A., Talhinhas P., Loureiro A., Duplessis S., Fernandez Diana, Silva M. D., Paulo O. S., Azinheira H. G. (2011). Validation of RT-qPCR reference genes for in planta expression studies in Hemileia vastatrix, the causal agent of coffee leaf rust. Fungal Biology, 115 (9), p. 891-901. ISSN 1878-6146.
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  28. Wonni I., Detemmerman L., Dao S., Ouédraogo L., Soungalo S., Koita O., Szurek Boris, Koebnik Ralf, Triplett L., Cottyn B., Verdier Valérie. (2011). Genetic diversity of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola from West Africa. Phytopathology, 101 (6), p. S193-S193. ISSN 0031-949X.
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  29. Wonni I., Ouedraogo L., Verdier Valérie. (2011). First report of bacterial leaf streak caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola on rice in Burkina Faso. Plant Disease, 95 (1), p. 72-73. ISSN 0191-2917.
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  30. Yu Yanhua, Streubel J., Balzergue S., Champion Antony, Boch J., Koebnik Ralf, Feng J. X., Verdier Valérie, Szurek Boris. (2011). Colonization of rice leaf blades by an African strain of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae depends on a new TAL effector that Induces the rice nodulin-3 os11N3 gene. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 24 (9), p. 1102-1113. ISSN 0894-0282.
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  31. Zarei A., Körbes A.P., Younessi P., Montiel G., Champion Antony, Memelink J. (2011). Two GCC boxes and AP2/ERF-domain transcription factor ORA59 in jasmonate/ethylene-mediated activation of the PDF1.2 promoter in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology, 75 (4-5), p. 321-331. ISSN 0167-4412.
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Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Albuquerque E. V. S., Carneiro Rmdg, Costa P. M., Gomes A. C. M., Santos M., Pereira A. A., Nicole Michel, Fernandez Diana, Grossi-De-Sa M. F. (2010). Resistance to Meloidogyne incognita expresses a hypersensitive-like response in Coffea arabica. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 127 (3), p. 365-373. ISSN 0929-1873.
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  2. Anthony François, Diniz L. E. C., Combes Marie-Christine, Lashermes Philippe. (2010). Adaptive radiation in Coffea subgenus Coffea L. (Rubiaceae) in Africa and Madagascar. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 285 (1-2), p. 51-64. ISSN 0378-2697.
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  3. Azinheira H. G., Silva M. D., Talhinhas P., Medeira C., Maia I., Petitot Anne-Sophie, Fernandez Diana. (2010). Non-host resistance responses of Arabidopsis thaliana to the coffee leaf rust fungus (Hemileia vastatrix). Botany - Botanique, 88 (7), p. 621-629. ISSN 1916-2790.
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  4. Bellafiore Stéphane, Briggs S. P. (2010). Nematode effectors and plant responses to infection. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 13 (4), p. 442-448. ISSN 1369-5266.
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  5. Cenci Alberto, Combes Marie-Christine, Lashermes Philippe. (2010). Comparative sequence analyses indicate that Coffea (Asterids) and Vitis (Rosids) derive from the same paleo-hexaploid ancestral genome. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 283 (5), p. 493-501. ISSN 1617-4615.
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  6. Chabrier C., Tixier P., Duyck P. F., Carles C., Quénéhervé Patrick. (2010). Factors influencing the survivorship of the burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis (Cobb.) Thorne in two types of soil from banana plantations in Martinique. Applied Soil Ecology, 44 (2), p. 116-123. ISSN 0929-1393.
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  7. Espinel-Correal C., Léry Xavier, Villamizar L., Gomez J., Zeddam Jean-Louis, Cotes A. M., Lopez-Ferber M. (2010). Genetic and biological analysis of Colombian Phthorimaea operculella Granulovirus isolated from Tecia solanivora (Lepidoptera : Gelechiidae). Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 76 (22), p. 7617-7625. ISSN 0099-2240.
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  8. Freire E. V., Albuquerque E., Fernandez Diana, Petitot Anne-Sophie, Nicole Michel, Grossi-de-Sa M. (2010). Resistance and susceptibility expression profiles of Coffea arabica during root-knot nematode early infection. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology. Animal, 46 (Suppl. 1), p. 115-115. ISSN 1071-2690.
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  9. Gibbs A. J., Fargette Denis, Garcia-Arenal F., Gibbs M. J. (2010). Time - the emerging dimension of plant virus studies. Journal of General Virology, 91 (Part 1), p. 13-22. ISSN 0022-1317.
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  10. Gomes A. C. M. M., Nicole Michel, Mattos J. K., Pereira S. I. V., Pereira P., Silva D. B., Vieira R., Capdeville de G., Moita A. W., Carneiro R. M. D. G. (2010). Concentration of beta-ecydisone (20E) in susceptible and resistant accessions of Pfaffia glomerata infected with Meloidogyne incognita and histological characterisation of resistance. Nematology, 12 (Part 5), p. 701-709. ISSN 1388-5545.
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  11. Hébrard Eugénie, Poulicard Nils, Gérard C., Traoré O., Wu H. C., Albar Laurence, Fargette Denis, Bessin Y., Vignols F. (2010). Direct interaction between the Rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) VPg and the central domain of the Rice eIF(iso)4G1 factor correlates with rice susceptibility and RYMV Virulence. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 23 (11), p. 1506-1513. ISSN 0894-0282.
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  12. Houel C., Bounon R., Chaib J., Guichard C., Peros J. P., Bacilieri R., Dereeper Alexis, Canaguier A., Lacombe T., N'Diaye A., Le Paslier M. C., Vernerey M. S., Coriton O., Brunel D., This P., Torregrosa L., Adam-Blondon A. F. (2010). Patterns of sequence polymorphism in the fleshless berry locus in cultivated and wild Vitis vinifera accessions. Bmc Plant Biology, 10, p. 284. ISSN 1471-2229.
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  13. Lacombe Séverine, Bangratz Martine, Vignols Florence, Brugidou Christophe. (2010). The rice yellow mottle virus P1 protein exhibits dual functions to suppress and activate gene silencing. Plant Journal, 61 (3), p. 371-382. ISSN 0960-7412.
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  14. Lashermes Philippe, Combes Marie-Christine, Ribas Alessandra, Cenci Alberto, Mahé L., Etienne H. (2010). Genetic and physical mapping of the S(H)3 region that confers resistance to leaf rust in coffee tree (Coffea arabica L.). Tree Genetics and Genomes, 6 (6), p. 973-980. ISSN 1614-2942.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010052939

  15. Menendez-Yuffa A., Bertrand B., Georget F., Jourdan I., Lashermes Philippe, Malo E., Montagnon C., Santoni S., Tollon C., Etienne H. (2010). Microsatellite polymorphism in hybrids of Coffea arabica (L.) produced industrially by somatic embryogenesis. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Animal, 46 (Suppl. 1), p. 141-142. ISSN 1071-2690.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010053016

  16. Poulicard Nils, Pinel Galzi Agnès, Hébrard Eugénie, Fargette Denis. (2010). Why Rice yellow mottle virus, a rapidly evolving RNA plant virus, is not efficient at breaking rymv1-2 resistance. Molecular Plant Pathology, 11 (1), p. 145-154. ISSN 1464-6722.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010049198

  17. Quénéhervé Patrick, Marie-Luce S., Salmon F., Barrière V. (2010). Xenic culturing of plant-parasitic nematodes : artificial substrates better than soil-based culture systems ?. Nematropica, 40 (2), p. 269-274. ISSN 0099-5444.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010053414

  18. Ramiro Daniel, Jalloul A., Petitot Anne-Sophie, Grossi de Sa M. F., Maluf M., Fernandez Diana. (2010). Identification of coffee WRKY transcription factor genes and expression profiling in resistance responses to pathogens. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 6 (5), p. 767-781. ISSN 1614-2942.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010049085

  19. Traoré O., Pinel Galzi Agnès, Issaka S., Poulicard Nils, Aribi Jamel, Aké S., Ghesquière Alain, Séré Y., Konaté G., Hébrard Eugénie, Fargette Denis. (2010). The adaptation of Rice yellow mottle virus to the eIF(iso)4G-mediated rice resistance. Virology, 408 (1), p. 103-108. ISSN 0042-6822.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010052951

  20. Villain L., Aribi Jamel, Reversat Georges, Anthony François. (2010). A high-throughput method for early screening of coffee (Coffea spp.) genotypes for resistance to root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.). European Journal of Plant Pathology, 128 (4), p. 451-458. ISSN 0929-1873.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010052976

  21. Zeddam Jean-Louis, Gordon K. H. J., Lauber C., Alves C. A. F., Luke B. T., Hanzlik T. N., Ward V. K., Gorbalenya A. E. (2010). Euprosterna elaeasa virus genome sequence and evolution of the Tetraviridae family : emergence of bipartite genomes and conservation of the VPg signal with the dsRNA Birnaviridae family. Virology, 397 (1), p. 145-154. ISSN 0042-6822.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010049280


  1. Carpio C., Zeddam Jean-Louis, Barragan A., Nunez G., Patino M., Dangles Olivier. (2010). Un metodo cuantitativo para medir el area de tuberculo danado por larvas de Tecia solanivora (Lep.; Glechiidae) a través de analisis de imagenes digitales. Revista Ecuatoriana de Medicina y Ciencias Biologicas, 31 (1-2), p. 69-78.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010053934

Chapitres ou parties d'ouvrages

  1. Dupas Stéphane, Silvain Jean-François, Villamizar L., Lopez Avilla A., Cotes Prado A.M., Zeddam Jean-Louis, Dangles Olivier, Samaniego C., Caceres M., Changoluisa C., Rosero P., Maiguashca J., Montufar R. (2010). Risques entomologiques associés à l'extension de la monoculture de pomme de terre en zone nord-andine. In : Nivet C. (ed.), McKey D. (ed.), Legris C. (ed.). Connaissance et gestion des écosystèmes tropicaux : résultats du programme de recherche "écosystèmes tropicaux" 2005-2010. Paris ; Paris : ECOFOR ; MEEDDM, p. 107-117. ISBN 978-2-914770-02-6.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010051755

  2. Lashermes Philippe, Carvalho Andrade A., Etienne H. (2010). Genomics of coffee, one of the world's largest traded commodities. In : Moore P.H. (ed.), Ming R (ed.). Genomics fo tropical crops. New York : Springer, p. 203-225. (Plant Genetics and Genomics : Crops and Models ; 1). ISBN 978-1-4419-2433-9.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010051380


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    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010048375

  2. Boisseau M., Aribi Jamel, Rodriguez de Sousa F., Carneiro R. M. D. G., Anthony François. (2009). Resistance to Meloidogyne paranaensis in wild Coffea arabica. Tropical Plant Pathology, 34 (1), p. 38-41. ISSN 1982-5676.
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  3. Cacas Jean-Luc, Marmey Philippe, Montillet J. L., Sayegh-Alhamdia Majd, Jalloul A., Rojas-Mendoza A., Clérivet Alain, Nicole Michel. (2009). A novel patatin-like protein from cotton plant, GhPat1, is co-expressed with GhLox1 during Xanthomonas campestris-mediated hypersensitive cell death. Plant Cell Reports, 28 (1), p. 155-164. ISSN 0721-7714.
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  4. Chabrier C., Carles C., Desrosiers C., Quénéhervé Patrick, Cabidoche Y. M. (2009). Nematode dispersion by runoff water : case study of Radopholus similis (Cobb) Thorne on nitisol under humid tropical conditions. Applied Soil Ecology, 41 (2), p. 148-156. ISSN 0929-1393.
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  5. Champion Antony, Hébrard Eugénie, Parra B., Bournaud C., Marmey Philippe, Tranchant Dubreuil Christine, Nicole Michel. (2009). Molecular diversity and gene expression of cotton ERF transcription factors reveal that group IXa members are responsive to jasmonate, ethylene and Xanthomonas. Molecular Plant Pathology, 10 (4), p. 471-485. ISSN 1464-6722.
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  6. Deus Barbosa de A. E. A., Rocha Fragoso da D., Lima e Souza de D. D. S., Freire Erika, Oliveira Neto de O. B., Viana A. A. B., Togawa R. C., Guimaraes L. M., Martins N. F., Cia E., Fernandez Diana, Lima de L. M., Matar Silva M. C., Lima Rocha T., Grossi de Sa M. F. (2009). Differentially expressed genes in cotton plant genotypes infected with Meloidogyne incognita. Plant Science, 177 (5), p. 492-497. ISSN 0168-9452.
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  7. Dulloo M. E., Ebert A. W., Dussert Stéphane, Gotor E., Astorga C., Vasquez N., Rakotomalala J. J., Rabemiafara A., Eira M., Bellachew B., Omondi C., Engelmann Florent, Anthony François, Watts J., Qamar Z., Snook L. (2009). Cost efficiency of cryopreservation as a long-term conservation method for coffee genetic resources. Crop Science, 49 (6), p. 2123-2138. ISSN 0011-183X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010082541

  8. Duyck P. F., Pavoine S., Tixier P., Chabrier C., Quénéhervé Patrick. (2009). Host range as an axis of niche partitioning in the plant-feeding nematode community of banana agroecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41 (6), p. 1139-1145. ISSN 0038-0717.
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  9. Guerra-Guimares L., Silva M. C., Struck C., Loureiro A., Nicole Michel, Rodrigues C. J., Ricardo C. P. P. (2009). Chitinases of Coffea arabica genotypes resistant to orange rust Hemileia vastatrix. Biologia Plantarum, 53 (4), p. 702-706. ISSN 0006-3134.
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  10. Hébrard Eugénie, Bessin Y., Michon T., Longhi S., Uversky V.N., Delalande F., Van Dorsselaer A., Romero P., Walter J., Declerck N., Fargette Denis. (2009). Intrinsic disorder in viral proteins genome-linked : experimental and predictive analyses. Virology Journal, 6 (23), p. 1-34. ISSN 1743-422X.
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  11. Herrera P. J. C., Alvarado A. V., Cortina G. H. A., Combes Marie-Christine, Romero G. G., Lashermes Philippe. (2009). Genetic analysis of partial resistance to coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix Berk & Br.) introgressed into the cultivated Coffea arabica L. from the diploid C. canephora species. Euphytica, 167 (1), p. 57-67. ISSN 0014-2336.
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  12. Jalloul A., Clérivet Alain, Nicole Michel. (2009). La signalisation hormonale dans la résistance des plantes aux bioagresseurs = Hormone signalling in plant resistance. Cahiers Agricultures, 18 (6), p. 493-497. ISSN 1166-7699.
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  13. Pinel Galzi Agnès, Mpunami A., Sangu E., Rakotomalala M., Traoré O., Sérémé D., Sorho F., Séré Y., Kanyeka Z., Konaté G., Fargette Denis. (2009). Recombination, selection and clock-like evolution of Rice yellow mottle virus. Virology, 394 (1), p. 164-172. ISSN 0042-6822.
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  14. Posada H., Ferrand M., Davrieux F., Lashermes Philippe, Bertrand B. (2009). Stability across environments of the coffee variety near infrared spectral signature. Heredity, 102 (2), p. 113-119. ISSN 0018-067X.
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  15. Quénéhervé Patrick, Salmon F., Topart Patrick, Horry J. P. (2009). Nematode resistance in bananas : screening results on some new Mycosphaerella resistant banana hybrids. Euphytica, 165 (1), p. 137-143. ISSN 0014-2336.
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  16. Quénéhervé Patrick, Valette C., Topart Patrick, Tezenas du Montcel H., Salmon F. (2009). Nematode resistance in bananas : screening results on some wild and cultivated accessions of Musa spp. Euphytica, 165 (1), p. 123-136. ISSN 0014-2336.
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  17. Ramiro Daniel, Escoute J., Petitot Anne-Sophie, Nicole Michel, Maluf M. P., Fernandez Diana. (2009). Biphasic haustorial differentiation of coffee rust (Hemileia vastatrix race II) associated with defence responses in resistant and susceptible coffee cultivars. Plant Pathology, 58 (5), p. 944-955. ISSN 0032-0862.
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  18. Reynaud B., Delatte H., Peterschmitt M., Fargette Denis. (2009). Effects of temperature increase on the epidemiology of three major vector-borne viruses. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 123 (3), p. 269-280. ISSN 0929-1873.
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  19. Sorho F., Pinel Galzi Agnès, Traore O., Rakotomalala M. S., Sangu E., Kanyeka Z., Hébrard Eugénie, Konte G., Sere Y., Fargette Denis, Ake S. (2009). Rate of substitution, date of emergence and speed of dispersal of Rice Yellow Mottle Virus in Africa. Infection Genetics and Evolution, 9 (3), p. 381-381. ISSN 1567-1348.
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  20. Stoffelen P., Noirot Michel, Couturon Emmanuel, Bontems S., De Block P., Anthony François. (2009). Coffea anthonyi, a new self-compatible Central African coffee species, closely related to an ancestor of Coffea arabica. Taxon, 58 (1), p. 133-140. ISSN 0040-0262.
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  21. Traoré O., Pinel Galzi Agnès, Sorho F., Sarra S., Rakotomalala M., Sangu E., Kanyeka Z., Séré Y., Konaté G., Fargette Denis. (2009). A reassessment of the epidemiology of Rice yellow mottle virus following recent advances in field and molecular studies. Virus Research, 141 (2), p. 258-267. ISSN 0168-1702.
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  22. Villarreal D., Laffargue Andreina, Posada H., Bertrand B., Lashermes Philippe, Dussert Stéphane. (2009). Genotypic and environmental effects on coffee (Coffea arabica L.) bean fatty acid profile : impact on variety and origin chemometric determination. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57 (23), p. 11321-11327. ISSN 0021-8561.
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Chapitres ou parties d'ouvrages

  1. Fargette Denis, Hébrard Eugénie, Traoré O., Konaté G. (2009). Annexe 18 : épidémiologie et évolution des virus de riz. In : Guégan Jean-François (ed.), Choisy Marc (ed.). Introduction à l'épidémiologie intégrative des maladies infectieuses et parasitaires. Bruxelles : De Boeck, p. 496. (lMD.Licence Maîtrise Doctorat.Cours Biologie). ISBN 978-2-8041-5948-1.
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  2. Fargette Denis, Konate G., Hébrard Eugénie, Traore O. (2009). De l'épidémiologie classique à l'épidémiologie moléculaire : reconstitution de la biogéographie du virus de la panachure jaune du riz en Afrique. In : Guégan Jean-François (ed.), Choisy Marc (ed.). Introduction à l'épidémiologie intégrative des maladies infectieuses et parasitaires. Bruxelles : De Boeck, p. 457-475. (LMD.Licence Maîtrise Doctorat.Cours Biologie). ISBN 978-2-8041-5948-1.
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  2. Bedhomme M., Jouannic Stefan, Champion Antony, Simanis V., Henry Y. (2008). Plants, MEN and SIN. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 46 (1), p. 1-10. ISSN 0981-9428.
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  3. Bertrand B., Villarreal D., Laffargue Andréina, Posada H., Lashermes Philippe, Dussert Stéphane. (2008). Comparison of the effectiveness of fatty acids, chlorogenic acids, and elements for the chemometric discrimination of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) varieties and growing origins. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56 (6), p. 2273-2280. ISSN 0021-8561.
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  4. Blanc M., Uzest M., Candresse T., Drucker M., Fereres A., Gargani D., Garzo E., Hébrard Eugénie. (2008). Une protéine clé pour la transmission d'un virus de plante à la pointe des stylets de l'insecte vecteur. Virologie, 12 (1), p. 70-72. ISSN 1267-8694.
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  5. Chabrier C., Carles C., Quenehervé Patrick, Cabidoche Y. M. (2008). Nematode dissemination by water leached in soil : case study of Radopholus similis (Cobb) Thorne on nitisol under simulated rainfall. Applied Soil Ecology, 40 (2), p. 299-308. ISSN 0929-1393.
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  6. Chabrier C., Quénéhervé Patrick. (2008). Preventing nematodes from spreading : a case study with Radopholus similis (Cobb) thorne in a banana field. Crop Protection, 27 (9), p. 1237-1243. ISSN 0261-2194.
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  7. Cubry P., Musoli P., Legnate H., Pot D., de Bellis F., Poncet Valérie, Anthony François, Dufour M., Leroy T. (2008). Diversity in coffee assessed with SSR markers : structure of the genus Coffea and perspectives for breeding. Genome, 51 (1), p. 50-63. ISSN 0831-2796.
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  8. Fargette Denis, Pinel Galzi Agnès, Sérémé D., Lacombe Séverine, Hébrard Eugénie, Traoré O., Konaté G. (2008). Diversification of Rice Yellow Mottle Virus and related viruses spans the history of agriculture from the neolithic to the present. PloS Pathogens, 4 (8), p. 1-8 (art. no e1000125).
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  9. Fargette Denis, Pinel Agnès, Rakotomalala M., Sangu E., Traoré O., Sérémé D., Sorho F., Issaka S., Hébrard Eugénie, Sere Y., Kanyeka Z., Konaté G. (2008). Rice Yellow Mottle Virus, an RNA plant virus, evolves as rapidly as most RNA animal viruses. Journal of Virology, 82 (7), p. 3584-3589. ISSN 0022-538X.
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  10. Gichuru E. K., Agwanda C. O., Combes Marie-Christine, Mutitu E. W., Ngugi E. C. K., Bertrand B., Lashermes Philippe. (2008). Identification of molecular markers linked to a gene conferring resistance to coffee berry disease (Colletotrichum kahawae) in Coffea arabica. Plant Pathology, 57 (6), p. 1117-1124. ISSN 0032-0862.
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  11. Hébrard Eugénie, Pinel Galzi Agnès, Fargette Denis. (2008). Virulence domain of the RYMV genome-linked viral protein VPg towards rice rymv1-2-mediated resistance. Archives of Virology, 153 (6), p. 1161-1164. ISSN 1432-8798.
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  12. Mahé Laetitia, Combes Marie-Christine, Varzea V. M. P., Guilhaumon Claire, Lashermes Philippe. (2008). Development of sequence characterized DNA markers linked to leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) resistance in coffee (Coffea arabica L.). Molecular Breeding, 21 (1), p. 105-113. ISSN 1380-3743.
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  13. Petitot Anne-Sophie, Lecouls Anne-Claire, Fernandez Diana. (2008). Sub-genomic origin and regulation patterns of a duplicated WRKY gene in the allotetraploid species Coffea arabica. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 4 (3), p. 379-390. ISSN 1614-2942.
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  14. Rakotomalala M., Pinel Galzi Agnès, Albar Laurence, Ghesquière Alain, Rabenantoandro Y., Ramavovololona P., Fargette Denis. (2008). Resistance to Rice yellow mottle virus in rice germplasm in Madagascar. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 122 (2), 277-286. ISSN 0929-1873.
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  15. Sayegh-Alhamdia Majd, Marmey Philippe, Jalloul A., Champion Antony, Petitot Anne-Sophie, Clérivet Alain, Nicole Michel. (2008). Association of lipoxygenase response with resistance of various cotton genotypes to the bacterial blight disease. Journal of Phytopathology-Phytopathologische Zeitschrift, 156 (9), p. 542-549. ISSN 0931-1785.
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  16. Sere Y., Sorho F., Onasanya A., Jobe L., Darboe S., Bojang Y., Touray M. L., Pinel Galzi Agnès, Fargette Denis. (2008). First report of rice yellow mottle virus in rice in the Gambia. Plant Disease, 92 (2), p. 316. ISSN 0191-2917.
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  17. Sérémé D., Lacombe Séverine, Konaté M., Pinel Galzi Agnès, Traoré V. S. E., Hébrard Eugénie, Traoré O., Brugidou Christophe, Fargette Denis, Konaté G. (2008). Biological and molecular characterization of a putative new sobemovirus infecting Imperata cylindrica and maize in Africa. Archives of Virology, 153 (10), p. 1813-1820. ISSN 0304-8608.
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  18. Silva M. C., Guerra-Guimaraes L., Loureiro A., Nicole Michel. (2008). Involvement of peroxidases in the coffee resistance to orange rust (Hemileia vastatrix). Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 72 (1-3), p. 29-38. ISSN 0885-5765.
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  19. Siré Christelle, Bangratz Reyser Martine, Fargette Denis, Brugidou Christophe. (2008). Genetic diversity and silencing suppression effects of Rice yellow mottle virus and the P1 protein - art. no. 55. Virology Journal, 5, p. NIL_1-NIL_12. ISSN 1743-422X.
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  20. Stoffelen P., Noirot Michel, Couturon Emmanuel, Anthony François. (2008). A new caffeine-free coffee from Cameroon. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 158 (1), p. 67-72. ISSN 0024-4074.
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  21. Tixier P., Salmon F., Chabrier C., Quénéhervé Patrick. (2008). Modelling pest dynamics of new crop cultivars : the FB920 banana with the Helicotylenchus multicinctus-Radopholus similis nematode complex in Martinique. Crop Protection, 27 (11), p. 1427-1431. ISSN 0261-2194.
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Chapitres ou parties d'ouvrages

  1. Bertrand B., Anthony François. (2008). Genetics of resistance to root-knot nematodes (Moloidogyne spp.) and breeding. In : Souza R.M. (ed.). Plant-parasitic nematodes of coffee. Springer, p. 165-190. ISBN 978-1-4020-8719-6.
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  2. Hébrard Eugénie. (2008). Rice Yellow Mottle Virus. In : Govind P.R. (ed.), Bragard C. (ed.), Lebas B.S.M. (ed.). Characterization diagnosis and management of plant viruses. Vol. 4 : Grain crops and ornamentals. s.l. : Studium Press, 4, p. 485-490. (Plant Pathogen Series). ISBN 1-933699-34-5.
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  3. Hébrard Eugénie, Fargette Denis, Konaté G. (2008). Rice Yellow Mottle Virus. In : Mahy B.W.J. (ed.), Van Regenmortel M.H.V. (ed.). Encyclopedia of virology. Oxford : Elsevier, p. 485-490. ISBN 978-0-12-374410-4.
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Colloques, congrès, séminaires

  1. Nicole Michel. (2008). Hormone et résistance des plantes. In : Actes du colloque biotechnologies végétales et gestion durable des résistances face à des stress biotiques et abiotiques. Montréal : AUF, p. 64. Journées Scientifiques du Réseau Biotechnologies Végétales et Amélioration des Plantes de l'AUF ; Colloque BIOTECH.Biotechnologies Végétales et Gestion Durable des Résistances Face à des Stress Biotiques et Abiotiques, 11., Rennes (FRA), 2008/06/30-2008/07/03.
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Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

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  2. Mahé Laetitia, Combes Marie-Christine, Lashermes Philippe. (2007). Comparison between a coffee single copy chromosomal region and Arabidopsis duplicated counterparts evidenced high level synteny between the coffee genome and the ancestral Arabidopsis genome. Plant Molecular Biology, 64 (6), p. 699-711. ISSN 0167-4412.
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  3. Mahé Laetitia, Le Pierres Daniel, Combes Marie-Christine, Lashermes Philippe. (2007). Introgressive hybridization between the allotetraploid Coffea arabica and one of its diploid ancestors, Coffea canephora, in an exceptional sympatric zone in New Caledonia. Genome, 50 (3), p. 316-324. ISSN 0831-2796.
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  4. Mahé Laetitia, Varzea V.M.P., Le Pierrès Daniel, Combes Marie-Christine, Lashermes Philippe. (2007). A new source of resistance against coffee leaf rust from New-Caledonian natural interspecific hybrids between Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora. Plant Breeding, 126 (6), p. 638-641. ISSN 0179-9541.
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  5. Marmey Philippe, Jalloul A., Alhamdia Majd, Assigbetsé Komi, Cacas J. L., Voloudakis A. E., Champion Antony, Clérivet A., Montillet J. L., Nicole Michel. (2007). The 9-lipoxygenase GhLOX1 gene is associated with the hypersensitive reaction of cotton Gossypium hirsutum to Xanthomonas campestris pv malvacearum. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 45 (8), p. 596-606. ISSN 0981-9428.
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  6. Obertello Mariana, Wall L., Laplaze Laurent, Nicole Michel, Auguy Florence, Gherbi Hassen, Bogusz Didier, Franche Claudine. (2007). Functional analysis of the metallothionein gene cgMT1 isolated from the actinorhizal tree Casuarina glauca. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions, 20 (10), p. 1231-1240. ISSN 0894-0282.
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  7. Pinel Galzi Agnès, Rakotomalala M., Sangu E., Sorho F., Kanyeka Z., Traoré O., Sérémé D., Poulicard Nils, Rabenantoandro Y., Séré Y., Konaté G., Ghesquière Alain, Hébrard Eugénie, Fargette Denis. (2007). Theme and variations in the evolutionary pathways to virulence of an RNA plant virus species. PLoS Pathogens, 3 (11), p. 1761-1770 [art. no. e180]. ISSN 1553-7366.
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  8. Uzest M., Gargani D., Drucker M., Hébrard Eugénie, Garzo E., Candresse T., Fereres A., Blanc S. (2007). A protein key to plant virus transmission at the tip of the insect vector stylet. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104 (46), p. 17959-17964. ISSN 0027-8424.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010040918


  1. Kanyeka Z.L., Sangu E., Fargette Denis, Pinel Galzi Agnès, Hébrard Eugénie. (2007). Distribution and diversity of local strains of rice yellow mottle virus in Tanzania. African Crop Science Journal, 15 (4), p. 201-209. ISSN 1021-9730.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010051716

Directions d'ouvrages ou de revues

  1. Engelmann Florent (ed.), Dulloo M.E. (ed.), Astorga C. (ed.), Dussert Stéphane (ed.), Anthony François (ed.). (2007). Conserving coffee genetic resources : complementary strategies for ex situ conservation of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) genetic resources : a case study in CATIE, Costa Rica. Rome ; Paris : Biodiversity International ; IRD, 61 p. ISBN 978-92-9043-752-9.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010041784

  2. Quénéhervé Patrick (dir.). (2007). Pollution des sols par la chlordecone : impact sur la qualité des milieux et des produits agricoles. Les Cahiers du PRAM, (7), 66 p. ISSN 1638-3974.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010045125

Chapitres ou parties d'ouvrages

  1. Anthony François, Astorga C., Avendano J., Dulloo E. (2007). Conservation of coffee genetic resources in the CATIE field genebank. In : Engelmann Florent (ed.), Dulloo M.E. (ed.), Astorga C. (ed.), Dussert Stéphane (ed.), Anthony François (ed.). Conserving coffee genetic resources : complementary strategies for ex situ conservation of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) genetic resources : a case study in CATIE, Costa Rica. Rome ; Paris : Biodiversity International ; IRD, p. 23-34. ISBN 978-92-9043-752-9.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010041787

  2. Anthony François, Bertrand B., Astorga C., Lashermes Philippe. (2007). Characterization and assessment of Coffea arabica L. genetic resources conserved in the CATIE field genebank. In : Engelmann Florent (ed.), Dulloo M.E. (ed.), Astorga C. (ed.), Dussert Stéphane (ed.), Anthony François (ed.). Conserving coffee genetic resources : complementary strategies for ex situ conservation of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) genetic resources : a case study in CATIE, Costa Rica. Rome ; Paris : Biodiversity International ; IRD, p. 35-44. ISBN 978-92-9043-752-9.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010041788

  3. Anthony François, Dussert Stéphane. (2007). Construction of coffee core collections. In : Engelmann Florent (ed.), Dulloo M.E. (ed.), Astorga C. (ed.), Dussert Stéphane (ed.), Anthony François (ed.). Conserving coffee genetic resources : complementary strategies for ex situ conservation of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) genetic resources : a case study in CATIE, Costa Rica. Rome ; Paris : Biodiversity International ; IRD, p. 45-48. ISBN 978-92-9043-752-9.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010041789

  4. Anthony François, Dussert Stéphane, Dulloo E. (2007). Coffee genetic resources. In : Engelmann Florent (ed.), Dulloo M.E. (ed.), Astorga C. (ed.), Dussert Stéphane (ed.), Anthony François (ed.). Conserving coffee genetic resources : complementary strategies for ex situ conservation of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) genetic resources : a case study in CATIE, Costa Rica. Rome ; Paris : Biodiversity International ; IRD, p. 12-22. ISBN 978-92-9043-752-9.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010041786

  5. Dussert Stéphane, Vasquez N., Salazar K., Anthony François, Engelmann Florent. (2007). Cryopreservation of coffee genetic resources. In : Engelmann Florent (ed.), Dulloo M.E. (ed.), Astorga C. (ed.), Dussert Stéphane (ed.), Anthony François (ed.). Conserving coffee genetic resources : complementary strategies for ex situ conservation of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) genetic resources : a case study in CATIE, Costa Rica. Rome ; Paris : Biodiversity International ; IRD, p. 49-58. ISBN 978-92-9043-752-9.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010041790

  6. Engelmann Florent, Dulloo E., Dussert Stéphane, Anthony François. (2007). Conclusions and prospects. In : Engelmann Florent (ed.), Dulloo M.E. (ed.), Astorga C. (ed.), Dussert Stéphane (ed.), Anthony François (ed.). Conserving coffee genetic resources : complementary strategies for ex situ conservation of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) genetic resources : a case study in CATIE, Costa Rica. Rome ; Paris : Biodiversity International ; IRD, p. 59-61. ISBN 978-92-9043-752-9.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010041791