Publications des scientifiques de l'IRD

Stoffelen P., Noirot Michel, Couturon Emmanuel, Bontems S., De Block P., Anthony François. (2009). Coffea anthonyi, a new self-compatible Central African coffee species, closely related to an ancestor of Coffea arabica. Taxon, 58 (1), p. 133-140. ISSN 0040-0262.

Titre du document
Coffea anthonyi, a new self-compatible Central African coffee species, closely related to an ancestor of Coffea arabica
Année de publication
Type de document
Article référencé dans le Web of Science WOS:000263995100013
Stoffelen P., Noirot Michel, Couturon Emmanuel, Bontems S., De Block P., Anthony François
Taxon, 2009, 58 (1), p. 133-140 ISSN 0040-0262
Coffea anthonyi Stoff. & F. Anthony from Cameroon and the Republic of Congo is formally described. Morphological, biochemical and molecular characteristics, isozyme diversity and phylogenetic relationships are discussed. The new diploid species has strong relationships with the East African C. eugenioides and the allotetraploid cultivated C. arabica. As such, it could be related to a progenitor species of C. arabica. This new species is self-compatible, being a rare character within the genus Coffea. This new small-leaved Central African species is of particular interest from a phylogenetic as well as from a breeding point of view.
Plan de classement
Sciences du monde végétal [076]
Fonds IRD [F B010044320]
Identifiant IRD