Publications des scientifiques de l'IRD

Meyer Jean-Baptiste, Benguerna M., Pellegrini C., Alazali M., Benbouzid K. (2022). Higher education in North Africa : comparative evolution of Algeria and Morocco. Journal of North African Studies, 28 (1), 100-117. ISSN 1362-9387.

Titre du document
Higher education in North Africa : comparative evolution of Algeria and Morocco
Année de publication
Type de document
Article référencé dans le Web of Science WOS:000743795200001
Meyer Jean-Baptiste, Benguerna M., Pellegrini C., Alazali M., Benbouzid K.
Journal of North African Studies, 2022, 28 (1), 100-117 ISSN 1362-9387
The Maghreb countries share a similar demographic profile: around 40% of the population is under twenty-five years of age. The recent upsurge in the birth rate also implies, in the medium term, a large and lasting proportion of young people being in post-school phase and at the point of entry into working life. Considering these structural similarities, is the evolution of higher education going the same path among countries of North Africa. This article explores this question by examining detailed statistics for Algeria and Morocco. They reveal that the two countries have made different university policy choices, but that they are both affected by comparable transformations: the massification and feminisation of their enrolments; a relative emergence of the private sector, occurring recently but at different times; and substantial investments to generalise access for young people to university education, which is considered essential for development. These observations lead to a regional perspective with a prospective vision. A projection of recent trends over the coming decades, linked to demographic forecasts, is proposed. This exercise proves to be highly instructive in assessing the challenges that the situation poses to policymakers.
Plan de classement
Société, développement social [106]
Description Géographique
Fonds IRD [F B010083984]
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