Publications des scientifiques de l'IRD

Courte Amandine, Cialdella N., Muller A., Blanfort V., Bochu J. L., Brossard Michel. (2020). Recenser et évaluer les pratiques agricoles qui stockent le carbone des sols, premier pas vers une agriculture à faible impact en Guyane. Cahiers Agricultures, 29, 21 [9 p.]. ISSN 1166-7699.

Titre du document
Recenser et évaluer les pratiques agricoles qui stockent le carbone des sols, premier pas vers une agriculture à faible impact en Guyane
Année de publication
Type de document
Article référencé dans le Web of Science WOS:000558509100001
Courte Amandine, Cialdella N., Muller A., Blanfort V., Bochu J. L., Brossard Michel
Cahiers Agricultures, 2020, 29, 21 [9 p.] ISSN 1166-7699
In French Guiana, the general environmental context and the growing need for energy and food products, linked to population growth, are responsible for increasing pressure on natural resources through land use changes. Low impact practices are emerging in the aim of reconciling production and environmental objectives. In French Guiana slash and burn practices are still used to increase agricultural area, and lead to a large loss of carbon. A field survey was carried out in order to understand the place of soil in farmers' choices, and to obtain a description of production systems and practices, focusing on identifying those with low impact on carbon dynamics. This step was realized through specific soil carbon stock measurements. Our results show that the "soil object" is mastered by farmers in terms of physical properties, and organic matter is a recognized indicator which is used to inform spatial management of farming systems. Farmers mobilizing low-impact practices have efficient production systems for their economic and environmental benefits.
Plan de classement
Pédologie [068] ; Sciences du monde végétal [076]
Description Géographique
Fonds IRD [F B010079513]
Identifiant IRD