Publications des scientifiques de l'IRD

Coulaud P. J., Sagaon Teyssier Luis, Mrenda B. M., Maradan G., Mora M., Bourrelly M., Keita B. D., Keita A. A., Anoma C., Yoro S. A. B., Dah T. T. E., Coulibaly C., Mensah E., Agbomadji S., Bernier A., Couderc C., Laurent Christian, Spire B., Granouillac Bruno (collab.), Izard Suzanne (collab.), Laurent Christian (collab.), March Laura (collab.), Peeters Martine (collab.), CohMSM ANRS 12324 Study Group. (2020). Combined sexual behavioral profiles in HIV-seronegative men who have sex with men in West Africa (CohMSM ANRS 12324-Expertise France). Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49 (1), p. 331-345. ISSN 0004-0002.

Titre du document
Combined sexual behavioral profiles in HIV-seronegative men who have sex with men in West Africa (CohMSM ANRS 12324-Expertise France)
Année de publication
Type de document
Article référencé dans le Web of Science WOS:000512739800037
Coulaud P. J., Sagaon Teyssier Luis, Mrenda B. M., Maradan G., Mora M., Bourrelly M., Keita B. D., Keita A. A., Anoma C., Yoro S. A. B., Dah T. T. E., Coulibaly C., Mensah E., Agbomadji S., Bernier A., Couderc C., Laurent Christian, Spire B., Granouillac Bruno (collab.), Izard Suzanne (collab.), Laurent Christian (collab.), March Laura (collab.), Peeters Martine (collab.), CohMSM ANRS 12324 Study Group
Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2020, 49 (1), p. 331-345 ISSN 0004-0002
Understanding the dynamics of HIV infection in men who have sex with men (MSM) can help improve efficiency in existing prevention strategies. We aimed to identify and describe the sexual behaviors of MSM most at risk of HIV infection in West Africa. HIV-negative MSM were provided a quarterly preventive follow-up package in the community-based cohort CohMSM. They completed face-to-face sociobehavioral questionnaires every 6 months. This sub-study on 520 participants used a baseline, 6-, 12- and 18-month data cluster analysis to categorize two profiles (high risk [HRE] and moderate risk [MRE] of exposure to HIV) based on three risky sexual practices over the previous 6 months. HRE-MSM (61%) were more engaged in receptive practices, had a higher proportion of inconsistent condom use during anal sex, and reported more sexual partners than MRE-MSM (39%). The proportion of HIV seroconversions observed during the first 18 months of follow-up using sexual behavioral profiles (92% are HRE-MSM) was higher than using the three risky sexual practices separately. Factors associated with the HRE-MSM profile were being younger (18-21 years), reporting stigma, and having had no female partner while being attracted only to men. Our findings suggest that in order to identify MSM most at risk of HIV infection, several risky sexual practices need to be evaluated in a combined approach. Prevention programs should pay particular attention to younger MSM, and implement activities addressing questions of MSM identity and stigma in order to reduce the dynamic of HIV infection in Western African MSM.
Plan de classement
Entomologie médicale / Parasitologie / Virologie [052] ; Santé : aspects socioculturels, économiques et politiques [056]
Description Géographique
Fonds IRD [F B010077916]
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