Sukkul J., Tongkaemkaew U., Panklang P., Brauman Alain. (2018). Comparison of litter fall and decomposition in rubber monoculture and rubber-based agroforestery systems. Songklanakarin Journal of Plant Science, 5 (4), p. 77-84. ISSN 2351-0846.
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Comparison of litter fall and decomposition in rubber monoculture and rubber-based agroforestery systems
Songklanakarin Journal of Plant Science, 2018,
5 (4), p. 77-84 ISSN 2351-0846
The comparison of little fall and its decomposition in rubber monoculture and rubber agroforestry plantations were study and were conducted at Si Banphot and Srinagarindra districts, Phatthalung province from October 2016 to April 2017. The mature rubber cultivar RRIM 600 clone with age around 10-30 years were selected to study in monoculture and rubber agroforestry systems. This experiment was carried out using Completely Randomized Design. Three rubber plantations were used to compare which consisted of; pair I: rubber with pakliang (RP) compared rubber monoculture (RM), pair II: rubber with timber (RT) compared rubber monoculture (RM), and pair III: rubber with fruit (RF) compared rubber monoculture (RM). Each pair was conducted for 3 plantations in total 18 plantations were collected the little fall in monthly, as well as decomposition was assessed at the end of experimental. The results showed high little falls in February and March which the leave was the highest, however; there was not significant different among parts of the little fall of leave, twinge, and fruit for both plantations. Of these, the most falling part was the leave. The comparison among plant species of intercrop found that, the rubber with timber (RT) trend to be high little falls. The decomposing of little falls were also not significantly among pair comparisons. The comparison among associated plant species found that rubber with timber (RT) trend to be higher decompose than other plantations with quite high the litter index as well.