Fontenille Didier, Failloux A.B., Romi R. (2007). Should we expect chikungunya and dengue in southern Europe ?. In :
Takken W. (ed.), Knols B.G.J. (ed.). Emerging pests and vector-borne diseases in Europe. Wageningen : Wageningen Academic, p. 169-184. (Ecology and Control of Vector Borne Diseases). ISBN 9789086850531. ISSN 1875-0699.
Titre du document
Should we expect chikungunya and dengue in southern Europe ?
Année de publication
Type de document
Partie d'ouvrage
Fontenille Didier, Failloux A.B., Romi R.
Takken W. (ed.), Knols B.G.J. (ed.), Emerging pests and vector-borne diseases in Europe
Wageningen : Wageningen Academic, 2007,
p. 169-184 (Ecology and Control of Vector Borne Diseases). ISBN 9789086850531 ISSN 1875-0699
Plan de classement
Répartition et bioécologie des culicidés [052CULARB02]