Jordi Landier dans la base Horizon  



  1. Tréhard H., Musset L., Lazrek Y., Djossou F., Epelboin L., Roux Emmanuel, Landier Jordi, Gaudart J., Mosnier E. (2024). Understanding the impact of mobility on Plasmodium spp. carriage in an Amazon cross-border area with low transmission rate. PloS Global Public Health, 4 (2), e0002706 [18 p.]. ISSN 2767-3375.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010089872

Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Besombes C., Mbrenga F., Gonofio E., Malaka C., Bationo C. S., Gaudart J., Curaudeau M., Hassanin A., Gessain A., Duda R., Vernick T. G., Fontanet A., Nakouné E., Landier Jordi. (2024). Seasonal patterns of mpox index cases, Africa, 1970-2021. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 30 (5), p. 1017-1021. ISSN 1080-6040.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010090742

  2. Thu A. M., Phyo A. P., Pateekhum C., Rae J. D., Landier Jordi, Parker D. M., Delmas G., Watthanaworawit W., McLean A. R. D., Arya A., Reyes A., Li X., Miotto O., Soe K., Ashley E. A., Dondorp A., White N. J., Day N. P., Anderson T. J. C., Imwong M., Nosten F., Smithuis F. (2024). Molecular markers of artemisinin resistance during falciparum malaria elimination in Eastern Myanmar. Malaria Journal, 23 (1), p. 138 [11 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010090641

  3. Fogang B., Lellouche L., Ceesay S., Drammeh S., Jaiteh F. K., Guery M. A., Landier Jordi, Haanappel C. P., Froberg J., Conway D., D'Alessandro U., Bousema T., Claessens A. (2024). Asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum carriage at the end of the dry season is associated with subsequent infection and clinical malaria in Eastern Gambia. Malaria Journal, 23 (1), p. 22 [12 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010088928


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Cissoko M., Landier Jordi, Bendiane M. K., Kouriba B., Kone P., Diarra I., Zeguime A., Gaudart J., Sagara I. (2023). SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in Northern Mali : results from two household-based surveys in urban and rural settings in 2021. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 28 (1), p. 151-152. ISSN 1360-2276.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010089720

  2. Tréhard H., Musset L., Lazrek Y., Djossou F., Epelboin L., Roux Emmanuel, Landier Jordi, Gaudart J., Mosnier E. (2023). Malaria transmission dynamic on border areas in very low transmission phase : what role do mobilities play ?. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 28 (1), p. 195-196. ISSN 1360-2276.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010089722

  3. Legendre E., Ndiaye A., Sougou N. M., L'Ollivier C., Mehadji M., Gaudart J., Ba E. H., Ridde Valéry, Sagara I., Landier Jordi. (2023). Malaria asymptomatic carriage in the Sahelian region : the challenge associated to young adults. European Journal of Public Health, 33 (suppl. 2), p. ii218 [1 p.]. ISSN 1101-1262.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010088822

  4. Legendre E., Girond F., Herbreteau Vincent, Hoeun S., Rebaudet S., Thu A. M., Rae J. D., Lehot L., Dieng S., Delmas G., Nosten F., Gaudart J., Landier Jordi. (2023). "Forest malaria" in Myanmar ? Tracking transmission landscapes in a diversity of environments. Parasites and Vectors, 16 (1), p. 324 [ p.]. ISSN 1756-3305.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010090285

  5. Cissoko M., Landier Jordi, Kouriba B., Sangare A. K., Katile A., Djimde A. A., Berthe I., Traore S., Thera I., Hadiata M., Sogodogo E., Coulibaly K., Guindo Abdoulaye, Dembele O., Sanogo S., Doumbia Z., Dara C., Altmann M., Bonnet Emmanuel, Balique H., Sagaon Teyssier Luis, Vidal Laurent, Sagara I., Bendiane M. K., Gaudart J. (2023). SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and living conditions in Bamako (Mali) : a cross-sectional multistage household survey after the first epidemic wave, 2020. BMJ Open, 13 (4), p. e067124 [12 p.]. ISSN 2044-6055.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010090190

  6. Khirikoekkong N., Asarath S. A., Munruchaitrakun M., Blay N., Waithira N., Cheah P. Y., Nosten F., Lubell Y., Landier Jordi, Althaus T. (2023). Fever and health-seeking behaviour among migrants living along the Thai-Myanmar border : a mixed-methods study. BMC Infectious Diseases, 23 (1), p. 501 [15 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010090030

  7. Besombes C., Mbrenga F., Malaka C., Gonofio E., Schaeffer L., Konamna X., Selekon B., Namsenei-Dankpea J., Lemon C. G., Landier Jordi, von Platen C., Gessain A., Manuguerra J. C., Fontanet A., Nakouné E. (2023). Investigation of a mpox outbreak in Central African Republic, 2021-2022. One Health, 16, p. 100523 [9 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010090054

  8. Landier Jordi, Bassez L., Bendiane M. K., Chaud P., Franke F., Nauleau S., Danjou F., Malfait P., Rebaudet S., Gaudart J. (2023). Social deprivation and SARS-CoV-2 testing : a population-based analysis in a highly contrasted southern France region. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, p. 1162711 [11 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010088052

  9. Legendre E., Lehot L., Dieng S., Rebaudet S., Thu A. M., Rae J. D., Delmas G., Girond F., Herbreteau Vincent, Nosten F., Landier Jordi, Gaudart J. (2023). Malaria temporal dynamic clustering for surveillance and intervention planning. Epidemics, 43, p. [9 p.]. ISSN 1755-4365.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010087638

  10. Mosnier E., Loubiere S., Monfardini E., Alibert A., Landier Jordi, Ninoves L., Bosetti T., Auquier P., Mosnier M., Wakap S. N., Warszawski J., Tinland A. (2023). Cumulative incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection within the homeless population : insights from a city-wide longitudinal study. BMJ Open, 13 (2), p. [11 p.]. ISSN 2044-6055.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010087600

  11. Althaus T., Landier Jordi, Zhu F., Raps H., Dejoux O., Costantini A., Lavagna C., Rampal P., Mattiuzzo G., Xu S. T., Wang L. F., Voiglio E. J. (2023). The impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 vaccination and infection on neutralizing antibodies : a nation-wide cross-sectional analysis. Journal of Infectious Diseases, [Early access], p. [11 p.]. ISSN 0022-1899.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010087479


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Katile A., Sagara I., Cissoko M., Bationo C. S., Dolo M., Thera I., Traore S., Kone M., Dembele P., Bocoum D., Sidibe I., Simaga I., Sissoko M. S., Landier Jordi, Gaudart J. (2022). Spatio-temporal variability of malaria incidence in the health district of Kati, Mali, 2015-2019. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (21), 14361 [18 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010086477

  2. Cissoko M., Sagara I., Landier Jordi, Guindo A., Sanogo V., Coulibaly O. Y., Dembele P., Dieng S., Bationo C. S., Diarra I., Magassa M. H., Berthe I., Katile A., Traore D., Dessay Nadine, Gaudart J. (2022). Sub-national tailoring of seasonal malaria chemoprevention in Mali based on malaria surveillance and rainfall data. Parasites and Vectors, 15 (1), 278 [13 p.]. ISSN 1756-3305.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010085988

  3. Rae J. D., Nosten S., Kajeechiwa L., Wiladphaingern J., Parker D. M., Landier Jordi, Thu A. M., Dah H., Be A., Cho W. C., Paw K. N., Paw E. S., Shee P. B., Poe C., Nu C., Nyaw B., Simpson J. A., Devine A., Maude R. J., Moo K. L., Min M. C., Thwin M. M., Tun S. W., Nosten F. H. (2022). Surveillance to achieve malaria elimination in eastern Myanmar : a 7-year observational study. Malaria Journal, 21 (1), p. 175 [14 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010085244

  4. Cissoko M., Magassa M., Sanogo V., Ouologuem A., Sangare L., Diarra M., Bationo C. S., Dolo M., Bah M. D., Doumbia S., Coulibaly M. B., Traore D., Sidibe B., Landier Jordi, Cisse I., Sacko M., Gaudart J., Sagara I. (2022). Stratification at the health district level for targeting malaria control interventions in Mali. Scientific Reports - Nature, 12 (1), p. 8271 [17 p.]. ISSN 2045-2322.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010085150

  5. Allibert A., Tinland A., Landier Jordi, Loubiere S., Gaudart J., Mosnier M., Farnarier C., Auquier P., Mosnier E. (2022). Residential mobility of a cohort of homeless people in times of crisis : COVID-19 pandemic in a European metropolis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (5), p. 3129 [24 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010084506


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Thielemans L., Peerawaranun P., Mukaka M., Paw M. K., Wiladphaingern J., Landier Jordi, Bancone G., Proux S., Elsinga H., Trip-Hoving M., Hanboonkunupakarn B., Htoo T. L., Wah T. S., Beau C., Nosten F., McGready R., Carrara V. I. (2021). High levels of pathological jaundice in the first 24 hours and neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia in an epidemiological cohort study on the Thailand-Myanmar border. PLoS One, 16 (10), p. e0258127 [17 p.]. ISSN 1932-6203.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010084279

  2. Rae J. D., Landier Jordi, Simpson J. A., Proux S., Devine A., Maude R. J., Thu A. M., Wiladphaingern J., Kajeechiwa L., Thwin M. M., Tun S. W., Nosten F. H. (2021). Longitudinal trends in malaria testing rates in the face of elimination in eastern Myanmar : a 7-year observational study. BMC Public Health, 21 (1), 1725 [12 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010083134

  3. Taylor W. R., Hoglund R. M., Peerawaranun P., Nguyen T. N., Hien T. T., Tarantola A., von Seidlein L., Tripura R., Peto T. J., Dondorp A. M., Landier Jordi, Nosten F. H., Smithuis F., Phommasone K., Mayxay M., Kheang S. T., Say C., Neeraj K., Rithea L., Dysoley L., Kheng S., Muth S., Roca-Feltrer A., Debackere M., Fairhurst R. M., Song N., Buchy P., Menard D., White N. J., Tarning J., Mukaka M. (2021). Development of weight and age-based dosing of daily primaquine for radical cure of vivax malaria. Malaria Journal, 20 (1), p. 366 [10 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010082795

  4. Jacob C. G., Thuy-Nhien N., Mayxay M., Maude R. J., Quang H. H., Hongvanthong B., Landier Jordi, et al. (2021). Genetic surveillance in the Greater Mekong subregion and South Asia to support malaria control and elimination. Elife, 10, p. e62997 [22 p.]. ISSN 2050-084X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010082685

  5. Landier Jordi, Paireau J., Rebaudet S., Legendre E., Lehot L., Fontanet A., Cauchemez S., Gaudart J. (2021). Cold and dry winter conditions are associated with greater SARS-CoV-2 transmission at regional level in western countries during the first epidemic wave. Scientific Reports - Nature, 11 (1), 12756 [13 p.]. ISSN 2045-2322.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010082294

  6. Menu E., Landier Jordi, Prudent E., Ranque S., L'Ollivier C. (2021). Evaluation of 11 DNA automated extraction protocols for the detection of the 5 mains Candida species from artificially spiked blood. Journal of Fungi, 7 (3), 228 [12 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010081162

  7. Gaudart J., Landier Jordi, Huiart L., Legendre E., Lehot L., Bendiane M. K., Chiche L., Petitjean A., Mosnier E., Kirakoya-Samadoulougou F., Demongeot J., Piarroux R., Rebaudet S. (2021). Factors associated with the spatial heterogeneity of the first wave of COVID-19 in France : a nationwide geo-epidemiological study. Lancet Public Health, 6 (4), E222-E231. ISSN 2468-2667.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010081281


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Stresman G., Sepulveda N., Fornace K., Grignard L., Mwesigwa J., Achan J., Miller J., Bridges D. J., Eisele T. P., Mosha J., Lorenzo P. J., Macalinao M. L., Espino F. E., Tadesse F., Stevenson J. C., Quispe A. M., Siqueira A., Lacerda M., Yeung S. M., Sovannaroth S., Pothin E., Gallay J., Hamre K. E., Young A., Lemoine J. F., Chang M. A., Phommasone K., Mayxay M., Landier Jordi, Parker D. M., Von Seidlein L., Nosten F., Delmas G., Dondorp A., Cameron E., Battle K., Bousema T., Gething P., D'Alessandro U., Drakeley C. (2020). Association between the proportion of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infections detected by passive surveillance and the magnitude of the asymptomatic reservoir in the community : a pooled analysis of paired health facility and community data. Lancet Infectious Diseases, 20 (8), p. 953-963. ISSN 1473-3099.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079538

  2. Dieng S., Ba E., Cisse B., Sallah K., Guindo Abdoulaye, Ouedraogo B., Piarroux M., Rebaudet S., Piarroux R., Landier Jordi, Sokhna Cheikh, Gaudart J. (2020). Spatio-temporal variation of malaria hotspots in Central Senegal, 2008-2012. BMC Infectious Diseases, 20 (1), p. art. 424 [13 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079123

  3. Cissoko M., Sagara I., Sankare M. H., Dieng S., Guindo Abdoulaye, Doumbia Z., Allasseini B., Traore D., Fomba S., Bendiane M. K., Landier Jordi, Dessay Nadine, Gaudart J. (2020). Geo-epidemiology of malaria at the health area level, Dire health district, Mali, 2013-2017. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (11), p. art. 3982 [16 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079146

  4. Phommasone K., van Leth F., Peto T. J., Landier Jordi, Nguyen T. N., Tripura R., Pongvongsa T., Lwin K. M., Kajeechiwa L., Thwin M. M., Parker D. M., Wiladphaingern J., Nosten S., Proux S., Nguon C., Davoeung C., Rekol H., Adhikari B., Promnarate C., Chotivanich K., Hanboonkunupakarn B., Jittmala P., Cheah P. Y., Dhorda M., Imwong M., Mukaka M., Peerawaranun P., Pukrittayakamee S., Newton P. N., Thwaites G. E., Day N. P. J., Mayxay M., Hien T. T., Nosten F. H., Cobelens F., Dondorp A. M., White N. J., von Seidlein L. (2020). Mass drug administrations with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine and single low dose primaquine to eliminate Plasmodium falciparum have only a transient impact on Plasmodium vivax : findings from randomised controlled trials. PLoS One, 15 (2), e0228190 [16 p.]. ISSN 1932-6203.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010078091


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Peerawaranun P., Landier Jordi, Nosten F. H., Nguyen T. N., Hien T. T., Tripura R., Peto T. J., Phommasone K., Mayxay M., Day N. P. J., Dondorp A., White N., von Seidlein L., Mukaka M. (2019). Intracluster correlation coefficients in the Greater Mekong Subregion for sample size calculations of cluster randomized malaria trials. Malaria Journal, 18 (1), art. 428 [9 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010077779

  2. Ndengue J. D., Texier G., Landier Jordi, De Gavelle E., Marchi J., Kamgang L. R., Kenne M., Tindo M., Eyangoh S., Le Gall Philippe. (2019). Adapting light trap to catch household insects in central Cameroon : a pilot study. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 55 (5), p. 383-394. ISSN 0037-9271.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010077035

  3. Chaumeau V., Kajeechiwa L., Fustec Bénédicte, Landier Jordi, Nyo S. N., Hsel S. N., Phatharakokordbun P., Kittiphanakun P., Nosten S., Thwin M. M., Tun S. W., Wiladphaingern J., Cottrell Gilles, Parker D. M., Minh M. C., Kwansomboon N., Metaane S., Montazeau Céline, Kunjanwong K., Sawasdichai S., Andolina C., Ling C., Haohankhunnatham W., Christiensen P., Wanyatip S., Konghahong K., Cerqueira D., Imwong M., Dondorp A. M., Chareonviriyaphap T., White N. J., Nosten F. H., Corbel Vincent. (2019). Contribution of asymptomatic Plasmodium infections to the transmission of malaria in Kayin State, Myanmar. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 219 (9), p. 1499-1509. ISSN 0022-1899.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010076254

  4. Parker D. M., Tun S. T. T., White L. J., Kajeechiwa L., Thwin M. M., Landier Jordi, Chaumeau V., Corbel Vincent, Dondorp A. M., von Seidlein L., White N. J., Mendez R. J., Nosten F. (2019). Potential herd protection against Plasmodium falciparum infections conferred by mass antimalarial drug administrations. e-Life, 8, p. e41023 [22 p.]. ISSN 2050-084X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010075615

  5. Von Seidlein L., Peto T. J., Landier Jordi, Nguyen T. N., Tripura R., Phommasone K., Pongvongsa T., Lwin K. M., Keereecharoen L., Kajeechiwa L., Thwin M. M., Parker D. M., Wiladphaingern J., Nosten S., Proux S., Corbel Vincent, Nguyen T. V., Truong L. P. N., Son D. H., Pham N. H. T., Tuyen N. T. K., Tien N. T., Dong L. T., Hue D. V., Quang H. H., Nguon C., Davoeung C., Rekol H., Adhikari B., Henriques G., Phongmany P., Suangkanarat P., Jeeyapant A., Vihokhern B., van der Pluijm R. W., Lubell Y., White L. J., Aguas R., Promnarate C., Sirithiranont P., Malleret B., Renia L., Onsjo C., Chan X. H., Chalk J., Miotto O., Patumrat K., Chotivanich K., Hanboonkunupakarn B., Jittmala P., Kaehler N., Cheah P. Y., Pell C., Dhorda M., Imwong M., Snounou G., Mukaka M., Peerawaranun P., Lee S. J., Simpson J. A., Pukrittayakamee S., Singhasivanon P., Grobusch M. P., Cobelens F., Smithuis F., Newton P. N., Thwaites G. E., Day N. P. J., Mayxay M., Hien T. T., Nosten F. H., Dondorp A. M., White N. J. (2019). The impact of targeted malaria elimination with mass drug administrations on falciparum malaria in Southeast Asia : a cluster randomised trial. PLoS Medicine, 16 (2), p. e1002745 [26 p.]. ISSN 1549-1277.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010075280

  6. Rae J. D., Nosten S., Proux S., Thu A. M., Cho W. C., Paw K., Paw E. S., Shee P. B., Be S. A., Dah S. H., Moo S. K. L., Minh S. M. C., Shee P. W., Wiladphaingern J., Tun S. W., Kajeechiwa L., Thwin M. M., Delmas G., Nosten F. H., Landier Jordi. (2019). The role of monitoring and evaluation to ensure functional access to community-based early diagnosis and treatment in a malaria elimination programme in Eastern Myanmar. Malaria Journal, 18, p. art. 50 [11 p.]. ISSN 1475-2875.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010075223


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Landier Jordi, Parker D.M., Aung Myint Thu, Khin Maung Lwin, Delmas G., Nosten F.H., Malaria Elimination Task Force Group (collab.). (2018). Effect of generalised access to early diagnosis and treatment and targeted mass drug administration on Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Eastern Myanmar : an observational study of a regional elimination programme. Lancet, 391 (10133), p. 1916-1926. ISSN 0140-6736.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010075324

  2. Thielemans L., Trip-Hoving M., Landier Jordi, Turner C., Prins T.J., Wouda E.M.N., Hanboonkunupakarn B., Po C., Beau C., Mu M., Hannay T., Nosten F., Van Overmeire B., McGeady R., Carrara V.I. (2018). Indirect neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in hospitalized neonates on the Thai-Myanmar border : a review of neonatal medical records from 2009 to 2014. BMC Pediatrics, 18, art. no 190 [11 p.]. ISSN 1471-2431.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010075325

  3. Landier Jordi, Rebaudet S., Piarroux R., Gaudart J. (2018). Spatiotemporal analysis of malaria for new sustainable control strategies. BMC Medicine, 16, p. art. 226 [4 p.]. ISSN 1741-7015.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010074479

  4. Landier Jordi, Haohankhunnatham W., Das S., Konghahong K., Christensen P., Raksuansak J., Phattharakokoedbun P., Kajeechiwa L., Thwin M. M., Jang I. K., Imwong M., Wiladphaingern J., Lwin K. M., Ling C., Proux S., Domingo G. J., Delmas G., Nosten F. H. (2018). Operational performance of a Plasmodium falciparum ultrasensitive rapid diagnostic test for detection of asymptomatic infections in Eastern Myanmar. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 56 (8), p. e00565-18 [16 p.]. ISSN 0095-1137.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010073697