Florent Mouillot dans la base Horizon  


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Rezgui F., Mouillot Florent, Semmar N., Zribi L., Khaldi A., Nasr Z., Gharbi F. (2024). Assessment of Pinus halepensis forests' vulnerability using the temporal dynamics of carbon stocks and fire traits in Tunisia. Fire, 7 (6), p. 204 [17 p.]. ISSN 2571-6255.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010091038

  2. Yebra M., Scortechini G., Adeline K., Aktepe N., Almoustafa T., Bar-Massada A., Beget M. E., Boer M., Bradstock R., Brown T., Castro F. X., Chen R., Chuvieco E., Danson M., Degirmenci C. U., Delgado-Davila R., Dennison P., Di Bella C., Domenech O., Feret J. B., Forsyth G., Gabriel E., Gagkas Z., Gharbi F., Granda E., Griebel A., He B. B., Jolly M., Kotzur I., Kraaij T., Kristina A., Kuetkuet P., Limousin J. M., Martin M. P., Monteiro A. T., Morais M., Moreira B., Mouillot Florent, Msweli S., Nolan R. H., Pellizzaro G., Qi Y., Quan X. W., de Dios V. R., Roberts D., Tavsanoglu C., Taylor A. F. S., Taylor J., Tuefekcioglu I., Ventura A., Cardenas N. Y. (2024). Globe-LFMC 2.0, an enhanced and updated dataset for live fuel moisture content research. Scientific Data, 11 (1), p. 332 [12 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010090578

  3. Khairoun A., Mouillot Florent, Chen Wentao, Ciais P., Chuvieco E. (2024). Coarse-resolution burned area datasets severely underestimate fire-related forest loss. Science of the Total Environment, 920, p. 170599 [20 p.]. ISSN 0048-9697.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010090501

  4. Adeline K., Féret J. B., Clenet H., Limousin J. M., Ourcival J. M., Mouillot Florent, Alleaume S., Jolivot A., Briottet X., Bidel L., Aria E., Defossez A. T. M., Gaubert T., Giffard-Carlet J., Kempf J., Longepierre D., Lopez F., Miraglio T., Vigouroux J., Debue M. (2024). Multi-scale datasets for monitoring Mediterranean oak forests from optical remote sensing during the SENTHYMED/MEDOAK experiment in the north of Montpellier (France). Data in Brief, 53, p. 110185 [29 p.]. ISSN 2352-3409.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010090532

  5. Gincheva A., Pausas J. G., Edwards A., Provenzale A., Cerdà A., Hanes C., Royé D., Chuvieco E., Mouillot Florent, Vissio G., Rodrigo J., Bedia J., Abatzoglou J. T., González J. M. S., Short K. C., Baudena M., Llasat M. C., Magnani M., Boer M. M., Gonzàlez M. E., Torres-Vàzquez M. A., Fiorucci P., Jacklyn P., Libonati R., Trigo R. M., Herrera S., Jerez S., Wang X. L., Turco M. (2024). A monthly gridded burned area database of national wildland fire data. Scientific Data, 11 (1), p. 352 [17 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010090559


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Vallet L., Schwartz M., Ciais P., van Wees D., de Truchis A., Mouillot Florent. (2023). High-resolution data reveal a surge of biomass loss from temperate and Atlantic pine forests, contextualizing the 2022 fire season distinctiveness in France. Biogeosciences, 20 (18), p. 3803-3825. ISSN 1726-4170.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010089537

  2. Chuvieco E., Yebra M., Martino S., Thonicke K., Gomez-Gimenez M., San-Miguel J., Oom D., Velea R., Mouillot Florent, Molina J. R., Miranda A. I., Lopes D., Salis M., Bugaric M., Sofiev M., Kadantsev E., Gitas I. Z., Stavrakoudis D., Eftychidis G., Bar-Massada A., Neidermeier A., Pampanoni V., Pettinari M. L., Arrogante-Funes F., Ochoa C., Moreira B., Viegas D. (2023). Towards an integrated approach to wildfire risk assessment : when, where, what and how may the landscapes burn. Fire, 6 (5), p. 215 [60 p.]. ISSN 2571-6255.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010088294

  3. Haliuc A., Daniau A. L., Mouillot Florent, Chen Wentao, Leys B., David V., Hanquiez V., Dennielou B., Schefuss E., Bayon G., Crosta X. (2023). Microscopic charcoals in ocean sediments off Africa track past fire intensity from the continent. Communications Earth and Environment, 4 (1), p. 133 [11 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010087669

  4. Ruffault J., Limousin J. M., Pimont F., Dupuy J. L., De Caceres M., Cochard H., Mouillot Florent, Blackman C. J., Torres-Ruiz J. M., Parsons R. A., Moreno M., Delzon S., Jansen S., Olioso A., Choat B., Martin-StPaul N. (2023). Plant hydraulic modelling of leaf and canopy fuel moisture content reveals increasing vulnerability of a Mediterranean forest to wildfires under extreme drought. New Phytologist, [Early access], p. [14 p.]. ISSN 0028-646X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010086688


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Majdalani G., Koutsias N., Faour G., Adjizian-Gerard J., Mouillot Florent. (2022). Fire regime analysis in Lebanon (2001-2020) : combining remote sensing data in a scarcely documented area. Fire, 5 (5), p. 141 [22 p.]. ISSN 2571-6255.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010086393

  2. Garcia M., Pettinari M. L., Chuvieco E., Salas J., Mouillot Florent, Chen Wentao, Aguado I. (2022). Characterizing global fire regimes from satellite-derived products. Forests, 13 (5), p. 699 [20 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010085203

  3. Bruley E., Mouillot Florent, Lauvaux T., Rambal S. (2022). Enhanced spring warming in a Mediterranean mountain by atmospheric circulation. Scientific Reports - Nature, 12 (1), 7721 [12 p.]. ISSN 2045-2322.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010085080


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Moreno M. V., Laurent P., Mouillot Florent. (2021). Global intercomparison of functional pyrodiversity from two satellite sensors. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 42 (24), 9523-9541. ISSN 0143-1161.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010083807

  2. Genet M., Daniau A. L., Mouillot Florent, Hanquiez V., Schmidt S., David V., Georget M., Abrantes F., Anschutz P., Bassinot F., Bonnin J., Dennielou B., Eynaud F., Hodell D. A., Mulder T., Naughton F., Rossignol L., Tzedakis P., Sanchez-Goni M. F. (2021). Modern relationships between microscopic charcoal in marine sediments and fire regimes on adjacent landmasses to refine the interpretation of marine paleofire records : an Iberian case study. Quaternary Science Reviews, 270, p. 107148 [17 p.]. ISSN 0277-3791.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010083178

  3. Hao W. M., Reeves M. C., Baggett L. S., Balkanski Y., Ciais P., Nordgren B. L., Petkov A., Corley R. E., Mouillot Florent, Urbanski S. P., Yue C. (2021). Wetter environment and increased grazing reduced the area burned in northern Eurasia from 2002 to 2016. Biogeosciences, 18 (8), p. 2559-2572. ISSN 1726-4170.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010081414

  4. Le Roncé I., Gavinet J., Ourcival J. M., Mouillot Florent, Chuine I., Limousin J. M. (2021). Holm oak fecundity does not acclimate to a drier world. New Phytologist, [Early access], p. [15 p.]. ISSN 0028-646X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010081473


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Tramblay Yves, Koutroulis A., Samaniego L., Vicente-Serrano S. M., Volaire F., Boone A., Le Page Michel, Llasat M. C., Albergel C., Burak S., Cailleret M., Kalin K. C., Davi H., Dupuy J. L., Greve P., Grillakis M., Hanich L., Jarlan Lionel, Martin-StPaul N., Martinez-Vilalta J., Mouillot Florent, Pulido-Velazquez D., Quintana-Segui P., Renard D., Turco M., Turkes M., Trigo R., Vidal J. P., Vilagrosa A., Zribi M., Polcher J. (2020). Challenges for drought assessment in the Mediterranean region under future climate scenarios. Earth-Science Reviews, 210, 103348 [24 p.]. ISSN 0012-8252.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010080403

  2. Ruffault J., Curt T., Moron V., Trigo R. M., Mouillot Florent, Koutsias N., Pimont F., Martin-StPaul N., Barbero R., Dupuy J. L., Russo A., Belhadj-Khedher C. (2020). Increased likelihood of heat-induced large wildfires in the Mediterranean Basin. Scientific Reports - Nature, 10 (1), 13790 [9 p.]. ISSN 2045-2322.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079768

  3. Moreno M. V., Laurent P., Ciais P., Mouillot Florent. (2020). Assessing satellite-derived fire patches with functional diversity trait methods. Remote Sensing of Environment, 247, 111897 [15 p.]. ISSN 0034-4257.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079345

  4. Belhadj-Khedher C., El-Melki T., Mouillot Florent. (2020). Saharan hot and dry sirocco winds drive extreme fire events in Mediterranean Tunisia (North Africa). Atmosphere, 11 (6), p. art. 590 [17p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079406

  5. Chiffard J., Marciau C., Yoccoz N. G., Mouillot Florent, Duchateau S., Nadeau I., Fontanilles P., Besnard A. (2020). Adaptive niche-based sampling to improve ability to find rare and elusive species : simulations and field tests. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11 (8), 899-909. ISSN 2041-210X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010079141


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Yebra M., Scortechini G., Badi A., Beget M. E., Boer M. M., Bradstock R., Chuvieco E., Danson F. M., Dennison P., de Dios V. R., Di Bella C. M., Forsyth G., Frost P., Garcia M., Hamdi A., He B. B., Jolly M., Kraaij T., Martin M. P., Mouillot Florent, Newnham G., Nolan R. H., Pellizzaro G., Qi Y., Quan X. W., Riano D., Roberts D., Sow M., Ustin S. (2019). Globe-LFMC, a global plant water status database for vegetation ecophysiology and wildfire applications [Data Paper]. Scientific Data, 6, p. art. 155 [8 p.].
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010076611

  2. Laurent P., Mouillot Florent, Moreno M. V., Yue C., Ciais P. (2019). Varying relationships between fire radiative power and fire size at a global scale. Biogeosciences, 16 (2), p. 275-288. ISSN 1726-4170.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010076110

  3. Chuvieco E., Mouillot Florent, van der Werf G. R., San Miguel J., Tanase M., Koutsias N., Garcia M., Yebra M., Padilla M., Gitas I., Heil A., Hawbaker T. J., Giglio L. (2019). Historical background and current developments for mapping burned area from satellite Earth observation. Remote Sensing of Environment, 225, p. 45-64. ISSN 0034-4257.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010076042

  4. Gharbi F., Guizani A., Zribi L., Ben Ahmed H., Mouillot Florent. (2019). Differential response to water deficit stress and shade of two wheat (Triticum durum desf.) cultivars : growth, water relations, osmolyte accumulation and photosynthetic pigments. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 51 (4), p. 1179-1184. ISSN 0556-3321.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010075635


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Chuvieco E., Lizundia-Loiola J., Pettinari M. L., Ramo R., Padilla M., Tansey K., Mouillot Florent, Laurent P., Storm T., Heil A., Plummer S. (2018). Generation and analysis of a new global burned area product based on MODIS 250 m reflectance bands and thermal anomalies. Earth System Science Data, 10 (4), p. 2015-2031. ISSN 1866-3508.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010074408

  2. Laurent P., Mouillot Florent, Yue C., Ciais P., Moreno M. V., Nogueira J. M. P. (2018). Data descriptor : FRY, a global database of fire patch functional traits derived from space-borne burned area products [Data paper]. Scientific Data, 5, p. art. 180132 [12 p.]. ISSN 2052-4463.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010073606

  3. Belhadj-Khedher C., Koutsias N., Karamitsou A., Ei-Melki T., Ouelhazi B., Hamdi A., Nouri H., Mouillot Florent. (2018). A revised historical fire regime analysis in Tunisia (1985-2010) from a critical analysis of the national fire database and remote sensing. Forests, 9 (2), p. art. 59 [25 p.]. ISSN 1999-4907.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010072682

  4. Cabon A., Mouillot Florent, Lempereur M., Ourcival J. M., Simioni G., Limousin J. M. (2018). Thinning increases tree growth by delaying drought-induced growth cessation in a Mediterranean evergreen oak coppice. Forest Ecology and Management, 409, p. 333-342. ISSN 0378-1127.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010072390



  1. Zribi L., Gharbi F., Mouillot Florent. (2017). La suberaie de Bellif (nord-ouest de la Tunisie) est-elle un puits ou une source de carbone ?. Forêt Méditerranéenne, 38 (4), p. 479-486. ISSN 0245-484X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010072542

Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Nogueira J.M.P., Rambal S., Barbosa J.P.R.A.D., Mouillot Florent. (2017). Spatial pattern of the seasonal drought/burned area relationship across Brazilian biomes : sensitivity to drought metrics and global remote-sensing fire products. Climate, 5 (2), art. no 42 [21 p.]. ISSN 2225-1154.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010070803

  2. Vigan A., Lasseur J., Benoit M., Mouillot Florent, Eugene M., Mansard L., Vigne M., Lecomte P., Dutilly C. (2017). Evaluating livestock mobility as a strategy for climate change mitigation : combining models to address the specificities of pastoral systems. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 242, p. 89-101. ISSN 0167-8809.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010070186

  3. Ruffault J., Mouillot Florent. (2017). Contribution of human and biophysical factors to the spatial distribution of forest fire ignitions and large wildfires in a French Mediterranean region. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 26 (6), p. 498-508. ISSN 1049-8001.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010070182

  4. Nogueira J. M. P., Ruffault J., Chuvieco E., Mouillot Florent. (2017). Can we go beyond burned area in the assessment of global remote sensing products with fire patch metrics ?. Remote Sensing, 9 (1), p. art. 7 [18 p.]. ISSN 2072-4292.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010069341

  5. Lempereur M., Limousin J. M., Guibal F., Ourcival J. M., Rambal S., Ruffault J., Mouillot Florent. (2017). Recent climate hiatus revealed dual control by temperature and drought on the stem growth of Mediterranean Quercus ilex. Global Change Biology, 23 (1), p. 42-55. ISSN 1354-1013.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068784

  6. Chamorro D., Luna B., Ourcival J. M., Kavgaci A., Sirca C., Mouillot Florent, Arianoutsou M., Moreno J. M. (2017). Germination sensitivity to water stress in four shrubby species across the Mediterranean Basin. Plant Biology, 19 (1), p. 23-31. ISSN 1435-8603.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068772


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Zribi L., Mouillot Florent, Guibal F., Rejeb S., Rejeb M. N., Gharbi F. (2016). Deep soil conditions make mediterranean cork oak stem growth vulnerable to autumnal rainfall decline in Tunisia. Forests, 7 (10), 245 [22 p.]. ISSN 1999-4907.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068715

  2. Rezgui F., Gharbi F., Zribi L., Mouillot Florent, Ourcival J. M., Hanchi B. (2016). Soil respiration behaviour in a mediterranean Aleppo pine forest in north Tunisia. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 14 (4), p. 343-356. ISSN 1589-1623.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068365

  3. Zribi L., Chaar H., Khaldi A., Hanchi B., Mouillot Florent, Gharbi F. (2016). Estimate of biomass and carbon pools in disturbed and undisturbed oak forests in Tunisia. Forest Systems, 25 (2), p. e060 [12 p.]. ISSN 2171-5068.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010067762

  4. Hantson S., Arneth A., Harrison S. P., Kelley D. I., Prentice I. C., Rabin S. S., Archibald S., Mouillot Florent, Arnold S. R., Artaxo P., Bachelet D., Ciais P., Forrest M., Friedlingstein P., Hickler T., Kaplan J. O., Kloster S., Knorr W., Lasslop G., Li F., Mangeon S., Melton J. R., Meyn A., Sitch S., Spessa A., van der Werf G. R., Voulgarakis A., Yue C. (2016). The status and challenge of global fire modelling. Biogeosciences, 13 (11), p. 3359-3375. ISSN 1726-4170.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010067663

  5. Chuvieco E., Yue C., Heil A., Mouillot Florent, Alonso-Canas I., Padilla M., Pereira J. M., Oom D., Tansey K. (2016). A new global burned area product for climate assessment of fire impacts. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25 (5), p. 619-629. ISSN 1466-822X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066792

Chapitres ou parties d'ouvrages

  1. Mouillot Florent, Rambal S., Limousin J.M., Longepierre D., Kheder Chiraz B., Ouelhazi B. (2016). Mediterranean ecosystems facing global change : resilient or close to tipping point ?. In : Thiébault S. (ed.), Moatti Jean-Paul (ed.). The Mediterranean region under climate change : a scientific update. Marseille : IRD ; AllEnvi, p. 349-361. (Synthèses). COP. Convention des Parties de la Convention Cadre des Nations Unies sur le Changement climatique, 22., Marrakech (MAR), 2016/11/7−18. ISBN 978-2-7099-2219-7.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010068491


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Zribi L., Mouillot Florent, Gharbi F., Ourcival J. M., Hanchi B. (2015). Warm and fertile sub-humid conditions enhance litterfall to sustain high soil respiration fluxes in a mediterranean cork oak forest. Forests, 6 (9), p. 2918-2940. ISSN 1999-4907.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065403

  2. Ruffault J., Mouillot Florent. (2015). How a new fire-suppression policy can abruptly reshape the fire-weather relationship. Ecosphere, 6 (10), p. art. 199 [19 p.]. ISSN 2150-8925.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065427

  3. Simonneaux Vincent, Cheggour A., Deschamps C., Mouillot Florent, Cerdan O., Le Bissonnais Y. (2015). Land use and climate change effects on soil erosion in a semi-arid mountainous watershed (High Atlas, Morocco). Journal of Arid Environments, 122, p. 64-75. ISSN 0140-1963.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064898

  4. Chakroun H., Mouillot Florent, Hamdi A. (2015). Regional equivalent water thickness modeling from remote sensing across a tree cover/lai gradient in mediterranean forests of northern Tunisia. Remote Sensing, 7 (2), p. 1937-1961. ISSN 2072-4292.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010064096

  5. Paroissien J. B., Darboux F., Couturier A., Devillers B., Mouillot Florent, Raclot Damien, Le Bissonnais Y. (2015). A method for modeling the effects of climate and land use changes on erosion and sustainability of soil in a Mediterranean watershed (Languedoc, France). Journal of Environmental Management, 150, p. 57-68. ISSN 0301-4797.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010063937

  6. Liu J., Rambal S., Mouillot Florent. (2015). Soil drought anomalies in MODIS GPP of a Mediterranean broadleaved evergreen forest. Remote Sensing, 7 (1), p. 1154-1180. ISSN 2072-4292.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010063892

  7. Evangeliou N., Balkanski Y., Cozic A., Hao W. M., Mouillot Florent, Thonicke K., Paugam R., Zibtsev S., Mousseau T. A., Wang R., Poulter B., Petkov A., Yue C., Cadule P., Koffi B., Kaiser J. W., Moller A. P. (2015). Fire evolution in the radioactive forests of Ukraine and Belarus : future risks for the population and the environment. Ecological Monographs, 85 (1), p. 49-72. ISSN 0012-9615.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010063945

Chapitres ou parties d'ouvrages

  1. Rambal S., Ratte J.P., Mouillot Florent, Winkel Thierry. (2015). Trends in quinoa yield over the southern Bolivian altiplano : lessons from climate and land-use projections. In : Murphy K. (ed.), Matanguihan J. (ed.). Quinoa : improvement and sustainable production. Hoboken : J. Wiley, p. 47-62. (World Agriculture Series). ISBN 978-1-118-62805-8.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010066301

Colloques, congrès, séminaires

  1. Cocato da Silva L., Pereira da Silva Filho M., Aparecida Aguiar F., Naves V.L., Sousa Lira J.M., Rambal S., Mouillot Florent, Pennacchi J.P., Rodrigues Alves Delfino Barbosa J.P. (2015). Conhecendo o IAF do cafeeiro arábica através do índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada. [s.l.] : Consórcio Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento do Café, 5 p. Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil, 9., Curitiba (BRA), 2015/06/24-26.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065211

  2. Cocato da Silva L., Pereira da Silva Filho M., Aparecida Aguiar F., Naves V.L., Sousa Lira J.M., Rambal S., Mouillot Florent, Rodrigues Alves Delfino Barbosa J.P. (2015). Uso do índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada (NDVI) na avaliação do desenvolvimento de cafeeiros do Sul de Minas Gerais. [s.l.] : Consórcio Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento do Café, 5 p. Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil, 9., Curitiba (BRA), 2015/06/24-26.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065212


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Yue C., Ciais P., Cadule P., Thonicke K., Archibald S., Poulter B., Hao W. M., Hantson S., Mouillot Florent, Friedlingstein P., Maignan F., Viovy N. (2014). Modelling the role of fires in the terrestrial carbon balance by incorporating SPITFIRE into the global vegetation model ORCHIDEE - Part 1: simulating historical global burned area and fire regimes. Geoscientific Model Development, 7 (6), p. 2747-2767. ISSN 1991-959X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010063148

  2. Longepierre D., Mouillot Florent, Ouelhazi B., Ourcival J.M., Rocheteau Alain, Degueldre D., Rejeb M.N. (2014). True water constraint under a rainfall interception experiment in a Mediterranean shrubland (Northern Tunisia) : confronting discrete measurements with a plant-soil water budget model. In : Abeli T. (ed.), Jäkäläniemi A. (ed.), Gentili R. (ed.). Living with extremes : the dark side of global climate change. Plant Ecology, 215 (7), p. 779-794. ISSN 1385-0237.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010062857

  3. Ruffault J., Martin-StPaul N.K., Duffet C., Goge F., Mouillot Florent. (2014). Projecting future drought in Mediterranean forests : bias correction of climate models matters !. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 117 (1-2), p. 113-122. ISSN 0177-798X.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010063014

  4. Chakroun H., Mouillot Florent, Nasr Z., Nouri M., Ennajah A., Ourcival J.M. (2014). Performance of LAI-MODIS and the influence on drought simulation in a Mediterranean forest. Ecohydrology, 7 (3), p. 1014-1028. ISSN 1936-0592.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010062174

  5. Mouillot Florent, Schultz M.G., Yue C., Cadule P., Tansey K., Ciais P., Chuvieco E. (2014). Ten years of global burned area products from spaceborne remote sensing : a review : analysis of user needs and recommendations for future developments. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 26, p. 64-79. ISSN 0303-2434.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010059943

Chapitres ou parties d'ouvrages

  1. Spano D., Camia A., Bacciu V. (contrib.), Masala F. (contrib.), Duguy B. (contrib.), Trigo R. (contrib.), Sousa P. (contrib.), Venäläinen A. (contrib.), Mouillot Florent (contrib.), Curt T. (contrib.), Moreno J.M. (contrib.), Zavala G. (contrib.), Urbieta I.R. (contrib.), Koutsias N. (contrib.), Xystrakis F. (contrib.). (2014). Recent trends in forest fires in Mediterranean areas and associated changes in fire regimes. In : Moreno J.M. (coord.), Arianoutsou M. (ed.), González-Cabán A. (ed.), Mouillot Florent (ed.), Oechel W.C. (ed.), Spano D. (ed.), Thonicke K. (ed.), Vallejo V.R. (ed.), Vélez R. (ed.). Forest fires under climate, social and economic changes in Europe, the Mediterranean and other fire-affected areas of the world : FUME : lessons learned and outlook. Adelaïde : Calyptra Pty, p. 6-7. ISBN 978-84-695-9759-0.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065140

  2. Bacciu V., Trigo R., Spano D. (contrib.), Masala F. (contrib.), Duguy B. (contrib.), Pastor P. (contrib.), Sousa P. (contrib.), Venäläinen A. (contrib.), Mouillot Florent (contrib.), et al. (2014). Fire and weather relationships : present climate. In : Moreno J.M. (coord.), Arianoutsou M. (ed.), González-Cabán A. (ed.), Mouillot Florent (ed.), Oechel W.C. (ed.), Spano D. (ed.), Thonicke K. (ed.), Vallejo V.R. (ed.), Vélez R. (ed.). Forest fires under climate, social and economic changes in Europe, the Mediterranean and other fire-affected areas of the world : FUME : lessons learned and outlook. Adelaïde : Calyptra Pty, p. 18-19. ISBN 978-84-695-9759-0.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065141

  3. Curt T., Mouillot Florent, Pellizaro G., Vennetier M. (contrib.), Rivoal A. (contrib.), Borgniet L. (contrib.), Degueldre D. (contrib.), Longepierre Damien (contrib.), Ourcival J.M. (contrib.), Rocheteau Alain (contrib.), Fyllas N. (contrib.), Ouelhazi B. (contrib.), Abdelmoula K. (contrib.). (2014). Measuring and modeling fuel change in relation to drought. In : Moreno J.M. (coord.), Arianoutsou M. (ed.), González-Cabán A. (ed.), Mouillot Florent (ed.), Oechel W.C. (ed.), Spano D. (ed.), Thonicke K. (ed.), Vallejo V.R. (ed.), Vélez R. (ed.). Forest fires under climate, social and economic changes in Europe, the Mediterranean and other fire-affected areas of the world : FUME : lessons learned and outlook. Adelaïde : Calyptra Pty, p. 30-31. ISBN 978-84-695-9759-0.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065142

  4. Luna B., Arianoutsou M., Chamorro D. (contrib.), Galanidis A. (contrib.), Fyllas N. (contrib.), Dimitrakopoulos P. (contrib.), Kavgaci A. (contrib.), Sirca C. (contrib.), Mouillot Florent (contrib.), Moreno J.M. (contrib.). (2014). Germination sensitivity of Mediterranean species to changing climate conditions. In : Moreno J.M. (coord.), Arianoutsou M. (ed.), González-Cabán A. (ed.), Mouillot Florent (ed.), Oechel W.C. (ed.), Spano D. (ed.), Thonicke K. (ed.), Vallejo V.R. (ed.), Vélez R. (ed.). Forest fires under climate, social and economic changes in Europe, the Mediterranean and other fire-affected areas of the world : FUME : lessons learned and outlook. Adelaïde : Calyptra Pty, p. 36-37. ISBN 978-84-695-9759-0.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065143

  5. Moreno J.M., Mouillot Florent, Parra A. (contrib.), Hinojosa M.B. (contrib.). (2014). Vegetation and ecosystem responses to fire under drought. In : Moreno J.M. (coord.), Arianoutsou M. (ed.), González-Cabán A. (ed.), Mouillot Florent (ed.), Oechel W.C. (ed.), Spano D. (ed.), Thonicke K. (ed.), Vallejo V.R. (ed.), Vélez R. (ed.). Forest fires under climate, social and economic changes in Europe, the Mediterranean and other fire-affected areas of the world : FUME : lessons learned and outlook. Adelaïde : Calyptra Pty, p. 38-39. ISBN 978-84-695-9759-0.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065144

Directions d'ouvrages ou de revues

  1. Moreno J.M. (coord.), Arianoutsou M. (ed.), González-Cabán A. (ed.), Mouillot Florent (ed.), Oechel W.C. (ed.), Spano D. (ed.), Thonicke K. (ed.), Vallejo V.R. (ed.), Vélez R. (ed.). (2014). Forest fires under climate, social and economic changes in Europe, the Mediterranean and other fire-affected areas of the world : FUME : lessons learned and outlook. Adelaïde : Calyptra Pty, 56 p. ISBN 978-84-695-9759-0.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065139



  1. Ennajah A., Azri W., Sai Kachout S., Taibi K., Mouillot Florent, Ourcival J.M. (2013). Drought effects on buds growth and dynamic of Tunisian cork oak populations. International Journal of Agronomy and Plant Production, 4 (8), p. 1742-1752. ISSN 2051-1914.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010062175

Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. San Roman Sanz A., Fernandez C., Mouillot Florent, Ferrat L., Istria D., Pasqualini V. (2013). Long-term forest dynamics and land-use abandonment in the Mediterranean mountains, Corsica, France. Ecology and Society, 18 (2), art. 38 [15 p.]. ISSN 1708-3087.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010059942

  2. Ruffault J., Martin-StPaul N.K., Rambal S., Mouillot Florent. (2013). Differential regional responses in drought lenght, intensity and timing to recent climate changes in a Mediterranean forested ecosystem. Climatic Change, 117 (1-2), p. 103-117. ISSN 0165-0009.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010058364



  1. Barbosa J.P., Rambal S., Soares A.M., Mouillot Florent, Pereira Nogueira J.M., Martins G.A. (2012). Plant physiological ecology and the global changes. Ciencia e Agrotecnologia, 36 (3), p. 253-269. ISSN 1413-7054.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010056717

Colloques, congrès, séminaires

  1. Ennajah A., Mouillot Florent, Garchi S., Rejeb M.N. (2012). Changements climatiques et conséquences en Kroumirie : nouveau facteur de dépérissement [résumé]. In : [23ème forum de l'Association Tunisienne des Sciences Biologiques : résumés des communications]. [Tunis] : ATSB, p. 45. Forum de l'Association Tunisienne des Sciences Biologiques, 23., Hammamet (TUN), 2012/03/21-24.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010069074

  2. Bargaoui Z., Beji Okez N., Mouillot Florent. (2012). Cartographie des variables climatiques pluie, température, rayonnement global à l'échelle mensuelle et bilan hydrique. In : Les défis de l'eau et l'adaptation au changement climatique en Afrique (DEACCA) : programme et livre des résumés du colloque international 2012 = Water challenges and climate change adaptation in Africa (WCCCAA) : programme and abstracts book of the 2012 international conference. Paris ; Bangui : AUF ; Université de Bangui, p. 10-11. Colloque International : Les Défis de l'Eau et l'Adaptation au Changement Climatique en Afrique (DEACCA): Session en posters = International Conference : Water Challenges and Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (WCCCAA), Bangui (CAF), 2012/10/24-27.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010057781

  3. Chuvieco E., Sandow C., Guenther K.P., Gonzalez-Alonso F., Pereira J.M., Pérez O., Bradley A.V., Schultz M., Mouillot Florent, Ciais p. (2012). Global burned area mapping from european satellites : the ESA fire_CCI project. In : ISPRS congress : proceedings. Hanovre : IPRS, 39-B8, p. 13-16. (International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences). ISPRS Congress, 22., Melbourne (AUS), 2012/08/25-2012/09/01.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010057983


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Moreira F., Viedma O., Arianoutsou M., Curt T., Koutsias N., Rigolot E., Barbati A., Corona P., Vaz P., Xanthopoulos G., Mouillot Florent, Bilgili E. (2011). Landscape - wildfire interactions in southern Europe : implications for landscape management. Journal of Environmental Management, 92 (10), p. 2389-2402. ISSN 0301-4797.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010053824

  2. Olivier R., Lavoir A. V., Ormeno E., Mouillot Florent, Greff S., Lecareux C., Staudt M., Fernandez C. (2011). Compost spreading in Mediterranean shrubland indirectly increases biogenic emissions by promoting growth of VOC-emitting plant parts. Atmospheric Environment, 45 (21), 3631-3639. ISSN 1352-2310.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010053712

  3. Lavoir A. V., Duffet C., Mouillot Florent, Rambal S., Ratte J. P., Schnitzler J. P., Staudt M. (2011). Scaling-up leaf monoterpene emissions from a water limited Quercus ilex woodland. Atmospheric Environment, 45 (17), p. 2888-2897. ISSN 1352-2310.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010053576



  1. Ennajah A., Guibal F., Hanchi B., Mouillot Florent, Garchi S. (2010). Croissance radiale du chêne-liège et climat en Tunisie. Sécheresse, 21 (1), p. 34-41. ISSN 1147-7806.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010048957

  2. Cerdan O., Mouchel J.M., Desprats J.F., Fouché J., Le Bissonnais Y., Cheviron B., Simonneaux Vincent, Raclot Damien, Mouillot Florent. (2010). Soil erosion modelling of the Mediterraean basin in the context of land use and climate changes. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, p. 8679-1. EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienne (AUT), 2010/05/02-07.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065882

Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Mieville A., Granier C., Liousse C., Guillaume B., Mouillot Florent, Lamarque J.F., Grégoire J.M., Pétron G. (2010). Emissions of gases and particles from biomass burning during the 20th century using satellite data and an historical reconstruction. Atmospheric Environment, 44 (11), p. 1469-1477. ISSN 1352-2310.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010048956


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Granier C., Mieville A., Liousse C., Guillaume B., Mouillot Florent, Gregoire J. M. (2009). Historial emissions of atmospheric compounds resulting from biomass burning. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (13 suppl. 1), p. A461. ISSN 0016-7037.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010046301


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Staudt M., Ennajah A., Mouillot Florent, Joffre R. (2008). Do volatile organic compound emissions of Tunisian cork oak populations originating from contrasting climatic conditions differ in their responses to summer drought ?. Canadian Journal of Forest Research - Revue Canadienne de Recherche Forestiere, 38 (12), p. 2965-2975. ISSN 0045-5067.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065886


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Cary G. J., Keane R. E., Gardner R. H., Lavorel S., Flannigan M. D., Davies I. D., Li C., Lenihan J. M., Rupp T. S., Mouillot Florent. (2006). Comparison of the sensitivity of landscape-fire-succession models to variation in terrain, fuel pattern, climate and weather. Landscape Ecology, 21 (1), p. 121-137. ISSN 0921-2973.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065883

  2. Mouillot F., Narasimha A., Balkanski Y., Lamarque J. F., Field C. B. (2006). Global carbon emissions from biomass burning in the 20th century. Geophysical Research Letters, 33 (1), art. L01801 [4 p.]. ISSN 0094-8276.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065884


Articles référencés dans le Web of Science

  1. Mouillot Florent, Field C.B. (2005). Fire history and the global carbon budget : a 1 degrees x 1 degrees fire history reconstruction for the 20th century. Global Change Biology, 11 (3), p. 398-420. ISSN 1354-1013.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010065885

  2. Mouillot Florent, Ratte J.P., Joffre R., Mouillot D., Rambal S.. (2005). Long-term forest dynamic after land abandonment in a fire prone Mediterranean landscape (central Corsica, France). Landscape Ecology, 20 (1), p. 101-112. ISSN 0921-2973.
    Identifiant IRD :  fdi:010041552