@article{fdi:42802, title = {{M}odeling adaptive fishery activities facing fluctuating environments : an {AI} approach}, author = {{L}e {F}ur, {J}ean}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}ishery exploitation systems are driven by environmental fluctuations, the communities'adaptability, and the dynamics of interaction between these two. {B}etter understanding and monitoring of fishery systems therefore requires an integrated representation scheme. {A}n object-oriented model is presented for that purpose. {E}ach component of the fishery system is considered a sub-object of a "fishery-system" generic object. {I}n the hierarchy, environments, markets, fish stocks, fish industries, and equipment, as well as fishing, trading, and consuming communities are identified. {T}he different components can exchange information, fishes, currencies, or human actors. {A} submodel of the human actors' decision process formalizes the interactions between the different components of the represented system. {A}n application of this sub-model to a {S}enegalese ({W}est {A}frica) small-scale fishery is presented. {T}en years of fishery activity with observed communities' appearances and collapses, simple biological resource and fish prices dynamics have been successfully simulated. {T}his scale model of the fishery system provides a simulation tool whereby hypotheses can be tested and the consequences of a perturbation (e.g., resource of market fluctuation, management decision) evaluated on the whole system dynamics. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{PECHE} {ARTISANALE} ; {MODELE} ; {ENVIRONNEMENT} ; {PECHEUR} ; {STOCK} ; {INTERACTION} ; {RELATION} {PECHE} {ENVIRONNEMENT}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{AI} {A}pplications}, volume = {9}, numero = {1}, pages = {85--96}, ISSN = {0896-6664}, year = {1995}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:42802}, }