@article{fdi:36905, title = {{I}ron deficiency, cell-mediated immunity and infection among 6-36 month old children living in rural {T}ogo}, author = {{B}erger, {J}acques and {S}chneider, {D}ominique and {D}yck, {J}ean-{L}uc and {J}oseph, {A}nge and {A}plogan, {A}. and {G}alan, {P}. and {H}ercberg, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}elationships between iron deficiency, cell-mediated immunity ({CMI}) and morbidity were studied in 220 children in rural south {T}ogo. {I}ron deficiency was defined by abnormal values of at least two biochemical indicators of iron status viz. (i) plasmat ferritin, (ii) transferrin saturation, (iii) erythrocyte protophorphyrin. {I}n children without any sign of inflammation, the percentage of {B} lymphocytes was higher in iron-deficient than in iron-sufficient children (26.7 +/- 2.9 vs 18 +/- 1.5). {M}ature {T} lymphocyte and helper-inducer {T} lymphocyte percentages were lower (51.6 +/- 3.7 vs 62.2 +/- 1.6 and 32.5 +/- 2.4 vs 38.7 +/- 1.4, p <0.05 respectively). {T}he number of mature {T} and helper-inducer {T} lympphocytes was inversely related to iron status. {N}o alteration of the {CMI} function assessed by delayed skin hypersensitivity was observed. {P}revalence of diarrhea, upper respiratory tract infections and febrile episodes was increased in iron-deficient children. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{ENQUETE} {NUTRITIONNELLE} ; {ENFANT} {D}'{AGE} {PRESCOLAIRE} ; {ETIOLOGIE} ; {ANEMIE} ; {CARENCE} ; {FER} ; {MALADIES} {ASSOCIEES} ; {PARASITOSE} ; {INFECTION} ; {HEMATOLOGIE} ; {INDICATEUR} {BIOCHIMIQUE} ; {DIAGNOSTIC} ; {MORBIDITE} ; {HEMOGLOBINOPATHIE} ; {TOGO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}utrition {R}esearch}, volume = {12}, numero = {}, pages = {39--49}, ISSN = {0271-5317}, year = {1992}, DOI = {10.1016/{S}0271-5317(05)80408-7}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:36905}, }