%0 Book Section %9 OS CH : Chapitres d'ouvrages scientifiques %A Soubiès, François %A Suguio, K. %A Martin, Louis %A Leprun, Jean-Claude %A Servant, Michel %A Turcq, Bruno %A Fournier, Marc %A Delaune, Mireille %A Sifeddine, Abdelfettah %T The quaternary lacustrine deposits of the Serra dos Carajas (state of Para, Brazil) : ages and other preliminary results %B Global changes in South America during the Quaternary past-present-future %C Sao Paulo %D 1991 %E Suguio, K. %E Tessler, M.G. %L fdi:36225 %G ENG %I Universidade de Sao Paulo %K SEDIMENTATION LACUSTRE ; LITHOLOGIE ; ANALYSE CHIMIQUE ; MINERALOGIE ; PALEOENVIRONNEMENT ; PALEOCLIMAT ; QUATERNAIRE %K BRESIL ; PARA %K BELEM REGION ; SERRA DOS CARAJAS %N 8 %P 223-243 %U https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:36225 %> https://horizon.documentation.ird.fr/exl-doc/pleins_textes/divers20-08/36225.pdf %W Horizon (IRD) %S Boletim IG-USP.Publicaçao Especial %B Global Changes in South America during the Quaternary Past-Present-Future : International Symposium %8 1989/05/08-12 %$ 064GEOQUA