@inproceedings{fdi:31170, title = {{F}rench sardine and herring fisheries : a tentative description of their fluctuations since the eighteenth century}, author = {{B}inet, {D}enis}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n order to make up a set of data available for a study of climatic induced fisheries variations, an historical description of sardine and herring fisheries is attempted. {I}t is supposed that, during some periods, chronological records of landings might provide useful indications of availability and total abundance of these highly variable stock}, keywords = {{PECHE} {MARITIME} ; {SARDINE} ; {HISTOIRE} ; {STOCK} ; {HARENG} ; {FLUCTUATION} {A} {LONG} {TERME} ; {VARIATION} {CLIMATIQUE} ; {RELATION} {PECHE} {ENVIRONNEMENT} ; {SIECLE} 18 ; {FRANCE} ; {MANCHE} ; {GASCOGNE} {GOLFE}}, numero = {}, pages = {253--272}, booktitle = {{L}ong term changes in marine fish populations = {C}ambios de largo termino en poblaciones de peces marinos}, year = {1986}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:31170}, }