%0 Conference Proceedings %9 ACTI : Communications avec actes dans un congrès international %A Soubiès, François %A Suguio, K. %A Martin, Louis %A Leprun, Jean-Claude %A Servant, Michel %A Turcq, Bruno %A Fournier, Marc %A Delaune, Mireille %A Sifeddine, Abdelfettah %T The quaternary lacustrine deposits of the Serra dos Carajas (State of Para, Brazil) : ages and other preliminary results %S International symposium on global changes in South America during the Quaternary : past, present, future. Special publication N° 1 : program, abstracts and general informations %C Sao Paulo %D 1989 %L fdi:31130 %G ENG %I ABEQUA ; INQUA %K SEDIMENTATION LACUSTRE ; STRATIGRAPHIE ; PALEOENVIRONNEMENT ; GEOCHRONOLOGIE ; C 14 %K BRESIL ; PARA %K SERRA DOS CARAJAS %P 125-128 %U https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:31130 %> https://horizon.documentation.ird.fr/exl-doc/pleins_textes/divers20-09/31130.pdf %W Horizon (IRD) %B International Symposium on Global Changes in South America During the Quaternary : Past, Present, Future %8 1989/05/8-12 %$ 064SEDIM