@article{fdi:26214, title = {{F}luid inclusion study of {X}ihuashan tungsten deposit in the southern {J}iangxi province, {C}hina}, author = {{G}iuliani, {G}aston and {L}i, {Y}.{D}. and {S}heng, {T}.{F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}tude des inclusions fluides des filons de quartz du gisement de tungst{\`e}ne de {X}ihuashan ({P}rovince du {J}iangxi, {C}hine) par microthermom{\'e}trie et spectrom{\'e}trie {R}aman. {L}es donn{\'e}es obtenues permettent de retracer l'{\'e}volution hydrothermale du d{\'e}p{\^o}t des min{\'e}ralisations}, keywords = {{QUARTZ} ; {GAZ} {CARBONIQUE} ; {COMPOSITION} {CHIMIQUE} ; {CARACTERISTIQUE} {PHYSIQUE} ; {MINERALISATION} ; {TUNGSTENE} ; {GRANITE} {JURASSIQUE} ; {INCLUSION} {FLUIDE} ; {PHASE} {PLUIDE} ; {HYDROTHERMALISME} ; {CHINE} ; {XIHUASHAN} ; {JIANGXI} {PROVINCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}ineralium {D}eposita}, volume = {23}, numero = {}, pages = {24--33}, ISSN = {0026-4598}, year = {1988}, DOI = {10.1007/{BF}00204224}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:26214}, }