@techreport{fdi:25212, title = {{P}rimera parte : sismologia y sismotectonica de los {A}ndes centrales}, author = {{O}cola, {L}. and {L}indo, {R}. and {M}orales, {M}. and {T}ravera, {J}. and {D}orbath, {C}atherine and {D}orbath, {L}ouis and {D}everch{\`e}re, {J}acques and {B}ellier, {O}livier and {C}isternas, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{SPA}}, abstract = {{C}ette note donne un aper{\c{c}}u des diff{\'e}rentes campagnes g{\'e}ophysiques r{\'e}alis{\'e}es en 1985 et en 1986 dans la zone andine et dans la zone subandine du centre du {P}{\'e}rou. {L}es publications scientifiques concernant ces campagnes constituent les annexes de la note}, keywords = {{SISMOLOGIE} ; {SISMOTECTONIQUE} ; {CROUTE} {CONTINENTALE} ; {SEISME} ; {CAMPAGNE} {GEOPHYSIQUE} ; {ANDES} {CENTRE} ; {PEROU} {CENTRE} ; {MANTARO} {VALLEE} ; {CORDILLERE} {BLANCHE}}, address = {{L}ima}, publisher = {{IGP} ; {ORSTOM}}, series = {}, pages = {141}, year = {1988}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:25212}, }