@article{fdi:010091604, title = {{T}he rates of starch depletion and hydraulic failure both play a role in drought-induced seedling mortality}, author = {{T}rueba {S}anchez, {S}antiago and {M}uñoz, {N}.{G}. and {B}urlett, {R}. and {L}amarque, {L}.{J}. and {G}ibon, {Y}. and {G}imeno, {T}.{E}. and {K}aisermann, {A}. and {B}enard, {C}. and {L}emaire, {C}. and {T}orres-{R}uiz, {J}.{M}. and {W}ingate, {L}. and {D}elzon, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{K}ey message : {T}he elapsed times to deplete starch concentrations and to reach a null hydraulic safety margin were related to tree seedling mortality under experimental drought. {S}tarch concentration showed an accelerated decline across all species during the early stages of dehydration, while the concentrations of soluble sugars and total nonstructural carbohydrates remained stable. {C}oncomitant carbohydrate depletion and hydraulic failure drive seedling mortality under drought. {C}ontext : {C}urrent upsurges of drought events are provoking impacts on tree physiology, resulting in forest mortality. {H}ydraulic dysfunction and nonstructural carbohydrate ({NSC}) depletion have been posited as the main mechanisms leading to plant mortality under drought. {A}ims : {T}his study explores the dynamics of the two mortality-inducing processes during drought stress using an experimental approach with 12 evergreen tree species. {M}ethods : {S}eedlings were subjected to drought until 100% mortality was observed. {M}idday ({P}si {MD}) and predawn ({P}si {PD}) water potentials, xylem pressure leading to a 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity ({P}si 50), along with {NSC} concentrations in different organs (leaves, stems, and roots) were measured regularly during drought. {R}esults : {T}otal {NSC} concentrations and soluble sugar pools did not decline during drought. {H}owever, starch pools showed strong reductions early during drought stress as {P}si {PD} decreased, and the time leading to starch depletion emerged as a strong mortality predictor. {P}si 50 alone did not provide an accurate estimate of mortality, while the elapsed time to reach a null hydraulic safety margin ({P}si {MD} - {P}si 50=0) was related to seedling mortality.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}nnals of {F}orest {S}cience}, volume = {81}, numero = {1}, pages = {27 [33 ]}, ISSN = {1297-966{X}}, year = {2024}, DOI = {10.1186/s13595-024-01246-7}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010091604}, }