@article{fdi:010090210, title = {{L}eishmania donovani persistence and circulation causing cutaneous leishmaniasis in unusual-foci of {N}epal}, author = {{R}ai, {T}. and {S}hrestha, {S}. and {P}rajapati, {S}. and {B}astola, {A}. and {P}arajuli, {N}. and {G}himire, {P}. {G}. and {B}handari, {P}. and {P}andey, {K}. and {J}ain, {M}. and {M}atlashewski, {G}. and {B}ras {G}oncalves, {R}achel and {M}anandhar, {K}. {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}utaneous leishmaniasis cases have increased dramatically in recent years in {N}epal. {T}he study offers molecular identification of the {L}eishmania species using 40 patient's aspiration biopsy samples, targeting markers kinetoplast minicircle {DNA} (k{DNA}) and internal transcribed spacer-1 ({ITS}1). {A}mong molecularly diagnosed 22 cutaneous leishmaniasis cases, {L}. donovani complex was identified in 13 instances and {L}. major in 9 cases. {T}he {ITS}1 {PCR} was positive in 12 of the positive nested- k{DNA} {PCR} cases (12/22), confirming {L}. donovani complex in seven of the cases and {L}. major in five of the cases. {I}n addition, the study conclude that concurrent occurrence of atypical cutaneous infections caused by {L}. donovani parasite in 59.1% of cases and typical cutaneous infections caused by {L}. major parasite in 40.9% of cases. {A} {P}hylogentic analaysis showed that the detected {L}. donovani species present null genetic distances from seven references of {L}. donovani, but slight differences between {ITS}1 sequences and not grouped into a significant monophyletic cluster.}, keywords = {{NEPAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cientific {R}eports - {N}ature}, volume = {13}, numero = {1}, pages = {12329 [13 p.]}, ISSN = {2045-2322}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1038/s41598-023-37458-6}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010090210}, }