@article{fdi:010090097, title = {{A}ssessing freshwater fish biodiversity of {K}umbe {R}iver, {P}apua ({I}ndonesia) through environmental {DNA} metabarcoding}, author = {{W}ibowo, {A}. and {K}urniawan, {K}. and {A}tminarso, {D}. and {P}rihadi, {T}. {H}. and {B}aumgartner, {L}. {J}. and {R}ourke, {M}. {L}. and {N}agai, {S}. and {H}ubert, {N}icolas and {V}asemagi, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}ontext. {T}he ability to accurately assess biodiversity is a critical first step towards effective conservation and management. {H}owever, assessment of biodiversity using conventional monitoring programs is often constrained by high cost and a lack of taxonomic expertise. {E}nvironmental {DNA} (e{DNA}) metabarcoding may be a useful tool to efficiently catalogue biodiversity in areas that cannot be easily assessed using other methods. {A}ims. {H}ere, we evaluated the potential of e{DNA} metabarcoding for assessing fish biodiversity and distribution in the {K}umbe {R}iver, {P}apua {P}rovince, {I}ndonesia. {M}ethods. {W}e selected four sampling locations and collected seven e{DNA} samples from each location. {W}e used e{DNA} metabarcoding of the {C}ytochrome-b gene to characterise the fish community. {K}ey results. {A} total of 23 species were detected, three of which comprised 92% of sequence reads detected: {M}elanotaenia goldiei (32%), {C}raterocephalus randi (31%), and the invasive tilapia {O}reochromis niloticus (29%). {O}nly five species that were previously detected using conventional methods were detected by metabarcoding: {M}. goldiei, {C}raterocephalus stercusmuscarum, {O}. niloticus, {N}eoarius graeffei, and {A}rius arius. {W}e detected 18 species (70% native) that have never been recorded from the {K}umbe {R}iver. {C}onclusions. {T}his work has demonstrated that fish biodiversity is substantially underestimated in the {K}umbe {R}iver. {E}nvironmental {DNA} metabarcoding is a promising rapid, non-invasive and cost-effective method for assessing fish biodiversity in {P}apua. {I}mplications. {T}he findings support future investment in e{DNA} metabarcoding to characterise the fish biodiversity in {P}apua. {T}his will assist in allocating the limited resources for conservation and management to areas most at risk from anthropogenic impacts.}, keywords = {biodiversity ; e{DNA} ; freshwater fish ; {I}ndonesia ; metabarcoding ; {P}apua ; river ; tropical ; {INDONESIE} ; {PAPOUASIE} {NOUVELLE} {GUINEE} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}acific {C}onservation {B}iology}, volume = {29}, numero = {4}, pages = {340--350}, ISSN = {1038-2097}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1071/pc21078}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010090097}, }