@article{fdi:010090090, title = {{C}omparison of gridded precipitation estimates for regional hydrological modeling in {W}est and {C}entral {A}frica}, author = {{K}ouakou, {C}. and {P}aturel, {J}ean-{E}mmanuel and {S}atg{\'e}, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {T}ramblay, {Y}ves and {D}efrance, {D}imitri and {R}ouch{\'e}, {N}athalie}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}tudy region: {D}ata-scarce basins located in {W}est {A}frica and northern {C}entral {A}frica. {S}tudy focus: {M}ultiple studies have shown that global gridded precipitation datasets could provide an alternative to the lack of observed data in {S}ub-{S}aharan {A}frica. {T}his work evaluated 15 precipitation datasets based on satellite rainfall ({ARC} v.2, {CHIRP} v.2, {CHIRPS} v.2, {PERSIANN}-{CDR}, {MSWEP} v2.2 and {TAMSAT} v3), reanalysis ({ERA}5, {JRA}-55 {A}dj, {MERRA}-2 {PRECTOT}, {MERRA}-2 {PRECTOTCORR}, {WFDEI}-{CRU} and {WFDEI}-{GPCC}) and ground measurements ({CPC} v.1, {CRU} {TS} v.4.00 and {GPCC} v.7), as well as a regional estimation method, based on spatial proximity, for the parameters of a simple monthly water balance model, {GR}2{M}. {T}he regional simulations of the {GR}2{M} model were evaluated based on a {K}ling-{G}upta {E}fficiency score in a split-sample spatiotemporal validation scheme. {N}ew hydrological insights for the region: {T}he results show that among all the precipitation products, {CHIRPS} is the most effective for hydrological modeling in {W}est and {C}entral {A}frica at a monthly timestep. {A}lso, among the top five products are {WFDEI}-{CRU}, {CRU}, {WFDEI}-{GPCC} and {GPCC}. {O}verall, regional hydrological modeling is more effective for basins smaller than 80,000 km2. {T}he method of regionalization by spatial proximity causes an overall drop in the ability of the various precipitation products to reproduce discharge, most notably with {WFDEI}-{GPCC} and {GPCC}. {CHIRPS} remains the best product in terms of {KGE}2 values in regionalization.}, keywords = {{G}ridded precipitation estimates ; {GR}2{M} ; {W}est {A}frica ; {C}entral {A}frica ; {R}e-analysis ; {O}bserved data ; {AFRIQUE} {DE} {L}'{OUEST} ; {AFRIQUE} {CENTRALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {H}ydrology : {R}egional {S}tudies}, volume = {47}, numero = {}, pages = {101409 [23 p.]}, ISSN = {2214-5818}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ejrh.2023.101409}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010090090}, }