@article{fdi:010090044, title = {{G}rowth bound and threshold dynamic for nonautonomous nondensely defined evolution problems}, author = {{D}jidjou-{D}emasse, {R}ams{\`e}s and {G}oudiaby, {I}. and {S}eydi, {O}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e propose a general framework for simultaneously calculating the threshold value for population growth and determining the sign of the growth bound of the evolution family generated by the problem below dv(t)/dt = {A}v(t) + {F}(t)v(t) - {V}(t)v(t), where {A} : {D}({A}) subset of {X} -> {X} is a {H}ille-{Y}osida linear operator (possibly unbounded, non-densely defined) on a {B}anach space ({X}, vertical bar vertical bar center dot vertical bar vertical bar), and the maps t is an element of {R} bar right arrow {V}(t) is an element of {L}({X}-0, {X}), t is an element of {R} bar right arrow {F}(t) is an element of {L}({X}-0, {X}) are p-periodic in time and continuous in the operator norm topology. {W}e give applications of our approach for two general examples of an age-structured model, and a delay differential system. {O}ther examples concern the dynamics of a nonlocal problem arising in population genetics and the dynamics of a structured human-vector malaria model.}, keywords = {{R}eproduction number ; {G}rowth bound ; {T}hreshold dynamics ; {E}volutionary systems}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {M}athematical {B}iology}, volume = {87}, numero = {2}, pages = {32 [31 p.]}, ISSN = {0303-6812}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1007/s00285-023-01966-w}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010090044}, }