@article{fdi:010089892, title = {{B}arcoding type specimens helps to identify synonyms and an unnamed new species in {E}umunida {S}mith, 1883 ({D}ecapoda : {E}umunididae)}, author = {{P}uillandre, {N}. and {M}acpherson, {E}. and {L}ambourdi{\`e}re, {J}. and {C}ruaud, {C}. and {B}oisselier-{D}ubayle, {M}. {C}. and {S}amadi, {S}arah}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he primary purpose of {DNA}-barcoding projects is to generate an efficient expertise and identification tool. {T}his is an important challenge to the taxonomy of the 21st century, as the demand increases and the expert capacity does not. {H}owever, identifying specimens using {DNA}-barcodes requires a preliminary analysis to relate molecular clusters to available scientific names. {T}hrough a case study of the genus {E}umunida ({D}ecapoda : {E}umunididae), we illustrate how naming molecule-based units, and thus providing an accurate {DNA}-based identification tool, is facilitated by sequencing type specimens. {U}sing both morphological and unlinked molecular markers ({COI} and 28{S} genes), we analysed 230 specimens from 12 geographic areas, covering two-thirds of the known diversity of the genus, including type specimens of 13 species. {M}ost hypotheses of species delimitation are validated, as they correspond to molecular units linked to only one taxonomic name (and vice versa). {H}owever, a putative cryptic species is also revealed and three entities previously named as distinct species may in fact belong to a single one, and thus need to be synonymised. {O}ur analyses, which integrate the current naming rules, enhance the a-taxonomy of the genus and provide an effective identification tool based on {DNA}-barcodes. {T}hey illustrate the ability of {DNA}-barcodes, especially when type specimens are included, to pinpoint where a taxonomic revision is needed.}, keywords = {{PACIFIQUE} ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nvertebrate {S}ystematics}, volume = {25}, numero = {4}, pages = {322--333}, ISSN = {1445-5226}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1071/is11022}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010089892}, }