@article{fdi:010089864, title = {{W}orkshop on 3{D} mapping of habitats and biological communities with underwater photogrammetry}, author = {{V}an {A}udenhaege, {L}. and {M}ahamadaly, {V}. and {P}rice, {D}. and {S}neessens, {A}. and {C}awthra, {H}. and {D}elamare, {C}. and {D}anet, {V}. and {D}elsol, {S}. and {D}evillers, {R}odolphe and {G}azis, {I}.{Z}. and {U}rbina-{B}arreto, {I}sabel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}or the past decades, photogrammetry has been increasingly used for monitoring spatial arrangement or temporal dynamics of submerged man-made structures and natural systems. {A}s photogrammetry remains a nascent technique for data collection in the underwater environment, acquisition workflows have evolved constrained by specific methodological practicalities (e.g. euphotic environments vs. deep-sea waters). {T}he annual {G}eo{H}ab conference gathers a world-wide range of scientists interested in mapping and is, therefore, an adequate event to set up a state-of-the-art workshop on (underwater) photogrammetry. {M}ore specifically, a preliminary survey identified the overall lack of photogrammetry knowledge from the audience. {A} programme was conceptualised to explore within a day theoretical concepts, sampling design and practicalities and a wide range of case studies in various underwater environments. {F}urthermore, we provided manual training on data acquisition and processing. {I}n overall, a post-survey demonstrated the audience's satisfaction despite a remaining lack of confidence for implementing their own photogrammetry studies. {A}s this workshop gathers a diversity of materials and a training relevant for a scientific audience, it sets the stage for a reproducible event and leaves room for future improvements. {F}inally, it provided relevant materials and discussions that enabled us to identify the aspects limiting photogrammetry methodology across scientific applications and institutes, in order to work towards standardisation.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}esearch {I}deas and {O}utcomes}, volume = {9}, numero = {}, pages = {e115796 [22 ]}, ISSN = {2367-7163}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.3897/rio.9.e115796}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010089864}, }