@incollection{fdi:010089831, title = {{T}raining birth attendants in {I}ndia : authoritative knowledge social forms, practices, and paradoxes}, author = {{H}ancart {P}etitet, {P}ascale}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his chapter documents the local and global processes of construction, legitimization and delegitimization, and the political uses of the knowledge of traditional birth attendants - {TBA}s. {B}ased on four years' ethnographical investigation in {T}amil {N}adu, this chapter discusses the issue from various points of view. {I}t looks at the debates of actors involved in the national and international public health agendas, {I}ndian movements promoting '{N}atural {C}hildbirth', and movements in favour of the preservation of traditional systems of medicine. {TBA}s are variously perceived as wicked mothers whose archaic practices must be controlled, the archetypal ambassadors of traditional knowledge, or as relevant actors bringing together ideal elements of any development activity - locality, community, and low cost. {T}his careful reading of the contemporary social representations of {TBA}s and of their role reconfigurations offers a lens to examine authoritative knowledge's social forms, practices, and paradoxes.}, keywords = {{INDE} ; {TAMIL} {NADU}}, booktitle = {{C}hildbirth in {S}outh {A}sia : old challenges and new paradoxes}, numero = {}, pages = {96--118}, address = {{O}xford ({GBR}) ; {N}ew {Y}ork}, publisher = {{O}xford {U}niversity {P}ress}, series = {}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1093/oso/9780190130718.003.0004}, ISBN = {978-0-19-013071-8}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010089831}, }