@article{fdi:010089606, title = {{A} distinct and reproducible teleconnection pattern over {N}orth {A}merica during extreme {E}l {N}iño events}, author = {{B}eniche, {M}. and {V}ialard, {J}{\'e}r{\^o}me and {L}engaigne, {M}atthieu and {V}oldoire, {A}. and {S}rinivas, {G}. and {H}all, {N}. {M}. {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}l {N}ino-{S}outhern {O}scillation ({ENSO}) teleconnections are an important predictability source for extratropical seasonal climate forecasts. {P}revious studies suggest that the {ENSO} teleconnection pattern depends on the {ENSO} phase ({E}l {N}ino vs. {L}a {N}ina) and/or {S}ea {S}urface {T}emperature ({SST}) pattern (central {P}acific vs. eastern {P}acific {E}l {N}ino events). {O}bservations and ensemble simulations with the {CNRM}-{CM}6.1 atmospheric general circulation model indicate that only extreme {E}l {N}ino events (e.g. 1982-1983, 1997-1998, 2015-2016) display a statistically significant eastward shift relative to the well-known {P}acific-{N}orth {A}merican teleconnection pattern that occurs during both central and eastern {P}acific moderate {E}l {N}ino or during {L}a {N}ina. {T}his specific teleconnection pattern emerges when equatorial {SST} anomalies are both eastward-shifted and sufficiently large to exceed the deep atmospheric convection threshold over most of the eastern {P}acific, resulting in a basin-wide reorganization of tropospheric heat sources. {I}t yields> 0.5 std wet conditions over {W}estern {U}nited {S}tates (74% likelihood) as well as> 0.5 std warm anomalies over {C}anada and the {N}orthern {U}nited {S}tates (71% likelihood), with more consistency across events and ensemble members than for any other {E}l {N}ino or {L}a {N}ina type. {T}hese findings hold important implications for the seasonal forecasting of {E}l {N}ino's impacts on the {N}orth {A}merican climate.}, keywords = {{PACIFIQUE} ; {AMERIQUE} {DU} {NORD}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cientific {R}eports - {N}ature}, volume = {14}, numero = {1}, pages = {2457 [12 p.]}, ISSN = {2045-2322}, year = {2024}, DOI = {10.1038/s41598-024-52580-9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010089606}, }