@article{fdi:010089547, title = {{A} methodological framework for capturing marine small-scale fisheries' contributions to the sustainable development goals}, author = {{B}itoun, {R}. {E}. and {L}{\'e}opold, {M}arc and {R}azanakoto, {T}. and {R}andrianandrasana, {R}. and {A}kintola, {S}. {L}. and {B}ach, {P}ascal and {F}ondo, {E}. {N}. and {F}ranz, {N}. and {G}aibor, {N}. and {M}assey, {Y}oluÚne and {S}aavedra-{D}íaz, {L}. {M}. and {S}alas, {S}. and {S}chreiber, {M}. {A}. and {T}rouillet, {B}. and {C}huenpagdee, {R}. and {D}evillers, {R}odolphe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}mall-scale fisheries ({SSF}) receive increasing international attention for landing around 40% of global marine fisheries catches and employing millions of people globally. {T}heir contributions to food security and poverty alleviation, especially in developing countries, make it relevant to consider them when discussing sustainable development goals ({SDG}s). {A}chieving {SDG}s by supporting {SSF} means understanding fisheries in their broader context, from the health of marine ecosystems to social and economic features such as employment, public health, culture, and the effects of global change. {S}ocial-ecological relationships in {SSF} are complex and poorly understood, thus challenging the identification of policies that could improve and preserve the contributions of {SSF} to sustainable development. {H}ere, we developed an expert-based rapid appraisal framework to identify and characterize the relationships between {SSF} and {SDG}s. {T}he framework serves as a diagnostic tool for identifying strengths and gaps in {SSF} potential in enhancing {SDG} achievement in data-limited situations. {O}ur structured approach extends beyond {SDG} 14 and target 14.b, offering insights into {SSF}'s contributions to 11 other {SDG}s. {A}s a proof of concept, we illustrate the approach and its potential contributions in two case studies in {M}adagascar. {T}he method effectively captured the multiple dimensions of the {SSF} through the {SDG} lens, providing a contextually relevant understanding of how global {UN} goals can be achieved locally. {F}urther research is needed to define mechanisms for aggregating and reporting the multiple, case-specific contributions of {SSF} to monitor progress toward the {SDG}s at national and global levels.}, keywords = {{E}xpert knowledge ; {P}athways approach ; {SDG} ; {S}ocial-ecological systems ; {S}ustainability science ; {MADAGASCAR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}ustainability {S}cience}, volume = {[{E}arly access]}, numero = {}, pages = {[19 p.]}, ISSN = {1862-4065}, year = {2024}, DOI = {10.1007/s11625-024-01470-0}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010089547}, }