@article{fdi:010089541, title = {{R}efining intra-patch connectivity measures in landscape fragmentation and connectivity indices}, author = {{J}usteau-{A}llaire, {D}imitri and {I}banez, {T}homas and {V}ieilledent, {G}. and {L}orca, {X}. and {B}irnbaum, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}ontext {M}easuring intra-patch connectivity, i.e. the connectivity within a habitat patch, is important to evaluate landscape fragmentation and connectivity. {H}owever, intra-patch connectivity is mainly measured with patch size, which can conceal diverse intra-patch connectivity patterns for similar patch size distributions. {O}bjectives {W}e suggest a method to refine the intra-patch connectivity component of fragmentation and connectivity indices. {T}his method allows for distinguishing different intra-patch connectivity patterns for similar patch size distributions. {M}ethods {W}e used normalized patch complexity indices to weight patch size in common fragmentation and connectivity indices. {P}atch complexity indices included two existing geometrical indices ({SHAPE} and {FRAC}), and a new index derived from spatial network analysis, the mean detour index ({MDI}). {W}e analyzed the behaviours of adjusted fragmentation and connectivity indices theoretically and empirically on both artificial and real landscapes. {R}esults {W}hile maintaining the mathematical properties of fragmentation and connectivity indices, our method could distinguish landscapes with identical patch size distributions but different spatial configurations. {T}he mean detour index had a different response than geometrical indices. {T}his result indicates that, at the patch level, topological complexity can exhibit different patterns from geometrical complexity.{C}onclusions{M}easuring intra-patch connectivity with patch size in fragmentation and connectivity indices cannot distinguish landscapes having similar patch sizes distribution but different spatial configurations. {T}his paper introduces a method to distinguish such patterns relying on geometrical and topological indices and shows to which extent it can impact conservation planning.}, keywords = {{L}andscape fragmentation ; {L}andscape connectivity ; {L}andscape indices ; {I}ntra-patch connectivity ; {W}ithin-patch connectivity ; {S}patial networks ; {S}patial graphs ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{L}andscape {E}cology}, volume = {39}, numero = {2}, pages = {24 [18 p.]}, ISSN = {0921-2973}, year = {2024}, DOI = {10.1007/s10980-024-01840-0}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010089541}, }