@article{fdi:010089501, title = {{M}olecular phylogeny, morphology, growth and toxicity of three benthic dinoflagellates {O}streopsis sp. 9, {P}rorocentrum lima and {C}oolia monotis developing in {S}trait of {G}ibraltar, {S}outhwestern {M}editerranean}, author = {{I}bghi, {M}. and {L}eblad, {B}. {R}. and {E}l {K}biach, {M}. {L}. and {A}boualaalaa, {H}. and {D}aoudi, {M}. and {M}asseret, {E}. and {L}e {F}loc'h, {E}. and {H}erv{\'e}, {F}. and {B}ilien, {G}. and {C}homerat, {N}. and {A}mzil, {Z}. and {L}aabir, {M}ohamed}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}ew works have been carried out on benthic harmful algal blooms ({BHAB}) species in the southern {M}editerranean and no data are available for the highly dynamic {S}trait of {G}ibraltar (western {M}editerranean waters). {F}or the first time, {O}streopsis sp. 9, {P}rorocentrum lima and {C}oolia monotis were isolated in this key region in terms of exchanges between the {A}tlantic {O}cean and the {M}editerranean and subject to intense maritime traffic. {R}ibotyping confirmed the morphological identification of these three dinoflagellates species. {M}onoclonal cultures were established and the maximum growth rate and cell yield were measured at a temperature of 24 degrees {C} and an irradiance of 90 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1), for each species: 0.26 +/- 0.02 d(-1) (8.75 x 10(3) cell m{L}(-1) after 28 days) for {O}streopsis sp. 9, 0.21 +/- 0.01 d(-1) (49 x 10(3) cell m{L}(-1) after 145 days) for {P}. lima and 0.21 +/- 0.01 d(-1) (10.02 x 10(3) cell m{L}(-1) after 28 days) for {C}. monotis. {O}nly {P}. lima was toxic with concentrations of okadaic acid and dinophysistoxin-1 measured in optimal growth conditions ranging from 6.4 pg cell(-1) to 26.97 pg cell(-1) and from 5.19 to 25.27 pg cell(-1), respectively. {T}he toxin content of this species varied in function of the growth phase. {T}emperature influenced the growth and toxin content of {P}. lima. {R}esults suggest that future warming of {M}editerranean coastal waters may lead to higher growth rates and to increases in cellular toxin levels in {P}. lima. {N}itrate and ammonia affected the toxin content of {P}. lima but no clear trend was noted. {I}n further studies, we have to isolate other {BHAB} species and strains from {S}trait of {G}ibraltar waters to obtain more insight into their diversity and toxicity.}, keywords = {benthic harmful algal blooms ; southwestern {M}editerranean ; {P}rorocentrum lima ; {C}oolia monotis ; {O}streopsis sp. 9 ; growth ; toxins ; {MEDITERRANEE} ; {GIBRALTAR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}oxins}, volume = {16}, numero = {1}, pages = {49 [36 ]}, year = {2024}, DOI = {10.3390/toxins16010049}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010089501}, }