@article{fdi:010088955, title = {{A}ssessment of bottom-up satellite precipitation products on river streamflow estimations in the {P}eruvian {P}acific drainage}, author = {{Q}quenta, {J}. and {R}au, {P}. and {B}ourrel, {L}uc and {F}rappart, {F}. and {L}avado-{C}asimiro, {W}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n regions with limited precipitation information, like {P}eru, many studies rely on precipitation data derived from satellite products ({SPP}) and model reanalysis. {T}hese products provide near-real-time information and offer global spatial coverage, making them attractive for various applications. {H}owever, it is essential to consider their uncertainties when conducting hydrological simulations, especially in a key region like the {P}acific drainage ({P}d), where 56% of the {P}eruvian population resides (including the capital, {L}ima). {T}his study, for the first time, assessed the performance of two bottom-up {S}atellite-based {P}recipitation {P}roducts ({SPP}), {GPM} + {SM}2{RAIN} and {SM}2{RAIN}-{ASCAT}, and one top-down approach {SPP}, {ERA}5-{L}and, for runoff simulation in the {P}acific drainage of {P}eru. {H}ydrological modeling was conducted on 30 basins distributed across the {P}d, which were grouped into 5 regions ({I}-{V}, ordered from south to north). {T}he results showed that {SM}2{RAIN}-{ASCAT} performed well in regions {I}-{III}-{IV}, {ERA}5-{L}and in region {II}, and {GPM} + {SM}2{RAIN} in region {V}. {T}he hydrological model {GR}4{J} was tested, and better efficiency criteria were obtained with {SM}2{RAIN}-{ASCAT} and {GPM} + {SM}2{RAIN} when comparing the simulated versus observed streamflows. {T}he hydrological modeling using {SM}2{RAIN}-{ASCAT} and {GPM} + {SM}2{RAIN} demonstrated satisfactory efficiency metrics ({KGE} > 0.75; {NSE} > 0.65). {A}dditionally, ten hydrological signatures were quantified to assess the variability of the simulated streamflows in each basin, with metrics such as {M}ean {F}low ({Q} mean), 5th {Q}uantile {F}low ({Q}5), and 95th {Q}uantile {F}low ({Q}95) showing an overall better performance. {F}inally, the results of this study demonstrate the reliability of using bottom-up satellite products in {P}d basins.}, keywords = {daily discharge ; {ERA}5-{L}and ; {GPM}+{SM}2{RAIN} ; {GR}4{J} ; hydrological model ; {P}eruvian {P}acific drainage ; precipitation satellite products ; {SM}2{RAIN}-{ASCAT} ; {PEROU} ; {PACIFIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}emote {S}ensing}, volume = {16}, numero = {1}, pages = {11 [23 p.]}, year = {2024}, DOI = {10.3390/rs16010011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088955}, }