@article{fdi:010088886, title = {{U}nraveling the interplay between root exudates, microbiota, and rhizosheath formation in pearl millet}, author = {{A}lahmad, {A}. and {H}arir, {M}. and {F}ochesato, {S}. and {T}ulumello, {J}. and {W}alker, {A}. and {B}arakat, {M}. and {N}dour, {P}apa {M}amadou {S}itor and {S}chmitt-{K}opplin, {P}. and {C}ournac, {L}aurent and {L}aplaze, {L}aurent and {H}eulin, {T}. and {A}chouak, {W}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground {T}he rhizosheath, a cohesive soil layer firmly adhering to plant roots, plays a vital role in facilitating water and mineral uptake. {I}n pearl millet, rhizosheath formation is genetically controlled and influenced by root exudates. {H}ere, we investigated the impact of root exudates on the microbiota composition, interactions, and assembly processes, and rhizosheath structure in pearl millet using four distinct lines with contrasting soil aggregation abilities. {R}esults {U}tilizing 16{S} r{RNA} gene and {ITS} metabarcoding for microbiota profiling, coupled with {FTICR}-{MS} metabonomic analysis of metabolite composition in distinct plant compartments and root exudates, we revealed substantial disparities in microbial diversity and interaction networks. {T}he ss-{NTI} analysis highlighted bacterial rhizosphere turnover driven primarily by deterministic processes, showcasing prevalent homogeneous selection in root tissue ({RT}) and root-adhering soil ({RAS}). {C}onversely, fungal communities were more influenced by stochastic processes. {I}n bulk soil assembly, a combination of deterministic and stochastic mechanisms shapes composition, with deterministic factors exerting a more pronounced role. {M}etabolic profiles across shoots, {RT}, and {RAS} in different pearl millet lines mirrored their soil aggregation levels, emphasizing the impact of inherent plant traits on microbiota composition and unique metabolic profiles in {RT} and exudates. {N}otably, exclusive presence of antimicrobial compounds, including {DIMBOA} and {H}-{DIMBOA}, emerged in root exudates and {RT} of low aggregation lines .{C}onclusions {T}his research underscores the pivotal influence of root exudates in shaping the root-associated microbiota composition across pearl millet lines, entwined with their soil aggregation capacities. {T}hese findings underscore the interconnectedness of root exudates and microbiota, which jointly shape rhizosheath structure, deepening insights into soil-plant-microbe interactions and ecological processes shaping rhizosphere microbial communities. {D}eciphering plant-microbe interactions and their contribution to soil aggregation and microbiota dynamics holds promise for the advancement of sustainable agricultural strategies.}, keywords = {{P}earl millet ; {E}xudates ; {S}oil aggregation ; {M}icrobiota ; {M}etabonomics}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}icrobiome}, volume = {12}, numero = {1}, pages = {1 [17 p.]}, ISSN = {2049-2618}, year = {2024}, DOI = {10.1186/s40168-023-01727-3}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088886}, }