@article{fdi:010088838, title = {{A}rray analysis of seismo-volcanic activity with distributed acoustic sensing}, author = {{B}iagioli, {F}. and {M}{\'e}taxian, {J}ean-{P}hilippe and {S}tutzmann, {E}. and {R}ipepe, {M}. and {B}ernard, {P}. and {T}rabattoni, {A}. and {L}ongo, {R}. and {B}ouin, {M}. {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}ontinuous seismic monitoring of volcanoes is challenging due to harsh environments and associated hazards. {H}owever, the investigation of volcanic phenomena is essential for eruption forecasting. {I}n seismo-volcanic applications, distributed acoustic sensing ({DAS}) offers new possibilities for long-duration surveys. {W}e analyse {DAS} strain rate signals generated by volcanic explosions and tremor at {S}tromboli volcano ({I}taly) recorded along 1 km of dedicated fibre-optic cable. {W}e validate {DAS} recordings with colocated nodal seismometers. {C}onverting node measurements to strain rate, we observe a perfect match in phase between {DAS} and node waveforms. {H}owever, {DAS} amplitudes appear to be around 2.7 times smaller than those of node records, which we explain as due to the inefficient ground-to-fibre strain transfer in the loose cable. {W}e invert time delays between strain rate waveforms and confirm that the {DAS} enables us to retrieve a dominant and persistent seismic source in the proximity of active craters. {T}his stable source location is confirmed by node array analyses. {D}espite an observed high noise level of strain rate signals outside a range of 2-15 {H}z, our results demonstrate the potential of this new technology in monitoring volcanic areas.}, keywords = {{T}ime-series analysis ; {V}olcano seismology ; {E}xplosive volcanism ; {V}olcano monitoring ; {ITALIE} ; {MEDITERRANEE} ; {STROMBOLI}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eophysical {J}ournal {I}nternational}, volume = {236}, numero = {1}, pages = {607--620}, ISSN = {0956-540{X}}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1093/gji/ggad427}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088838}, }