@article{fdi:010088783, title = {{L}oa loa and {M}ansonella perstans microfilaremia in the department of {L}{\'e}koumou, {R}epublic of {C}ongo}, author = {{H}emilembolo, {M}. {C}. and {C}ampillo, {J}{\'e}r{\'e}my and {N}iama, {A}. {C}. and {P}ion, {S}{\'e}bastien and {M}issamou, {F}. and {B}oussinesq, {M}ichel and {B}ileckot, {R}. {R}. and {C}hesnais, {C}{\'e}dric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground {L}oiasis is endemic in the northern and western part of the {R}epublic of {C}ongo. {B}etween 2004 and 2010, surveys were conducted, using the {RAPLOA} method, in all departments of the {R}epublic of {C}ongo to assess the distribution of loiasis. {P}rior to 2004, only two parasitological surveys on loiasis had been conducted in {C}ongo and mainly in the {D}epartment of {L}ekoumou, in the southwestern of the country. {I}n 2019, we conducted a parasitological survey in this same department, more than 30 years after the first surveys.{M}ethods {T}he study was conducted in 21 villages. {L}oa loa and {M}ansonella perstans microfilaremia levels were quantified using 50 mu l calibrated blood smears.{R}esults {A} total of 2444 individuals were examined. {T}he median age of the screened individuals was 43 (interquartile range: 30-57, range: 18-91) years old. {T}he overall prevalences of {L}. loa and {M}. perstans microfilaremia were 20.0% [95% confidence intervals ({CI}) 18.0-21.6%] and 1.0% (95% {CI} 0.6-1.4%) respectively. {T}he proportion of individuals with a microfilarial density of {L}. loa > 8000 mf/ml and > 30,000 mf/ml were 5.1% (95% {CI} 4.3-6.1%) and 1.1% (95% {CI} 0.8-1.7%), respectively. {T}he overall community microfilarial load was 3.4 mf/ml.{C}onclusions {P}revalences and intensities of {L}. loa infection remained generally stable between the late 1980s and 2019 in the {L}ekoumou {D}epartment. {I}n contrast, parasitological indicators for {M}. perstans have declined sharply in the intervening years for an unknown reason.}, keywords = {{F}ilariasis ; {L}oa loa ; {M}ansonella perstans ; {P}arasitological survey ; {R}epublic of {C}ongo ; {CONGO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}arasites and {V}ectors}, volume = {16}, numero = {1}, pages = {451 [10 p.]}, ISSN = {1756-3305}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1186/s13071-023-06056-w}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088783}, }