@article{fdi:010088746, title = {{G}roundwater bodies subdivision in {C}orsica : a critical approach based on multivariate water quality criteria using large database}, author = {{L}azar, {H}. and {A}yach, {M}. and {B}arry, {A}. {A}. and {M}ohsine, {I}. and {T}ouiouine, {A}. and {H}uneau, {F}. and {M}ori, {C}. and {G}arel, {E}. and {K}acimi, {I}. and {V}alles, {V}. and {B}arbi{\'e}ro, {L}aurent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he cross-referencing of two databases, namely the compartmentalization into groundwater bodies ({GWB}) and the quality monitoring (2830 observations including 15 physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters, on 662 collection points and over a period of 27 years) is applied to better understand the diversity of the waters of the island of {C}orsica ({F}rance) and to facilitate the surveillance and quality monitoring of the groundwater resource. {D}ata conditioning (log-transformation), dimensional reduction ({PCA}), classification ({AHC}) and then quantification of the information lost during grouping ({ANOVA}), highlight the need to sub-divide the groundwater bodies in the crystalline part of the island in order to take better account of lithological diversity and other environmental factors (slope, altitude, soil thickness, etc.). {T}he compartmentalization into 15 units, mainly based on structural geology, provides less information than the grouping into 12 units after subdivision of the crystalline region. {T}he diversity of the waters in terms of chemical and bacteriological composition is discussed, and the results encourage a review of the compartmentalization of the island's {GWB}s, with a view to more targeted monitoring based on this diversity.}, keywords = {groundwater bodies ; water quality monitoring ; database ; {C}orsica ; {F}rance ; {FRANCE} ; {CORSE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}ydrology}, volume = {10}, numero = {11}, pages = {213 [15 p.]}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.3390/hydrology10110213}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088746}, }