@article{fdi:010088700, title = {{A}gro-morphological and structural diversity of rice germplasm revealed by {SSR} markers in {B}enin {R}epublic}, author = {{S}edah, {P}. and {D}jedatin, {L}. {G}. and {L}oko, {L}. {Y}. {E}. and {G}bemavo, {C}dsj and {O}robiyi, {A}. and {T}offa, {J}. and {T}chakpa, {C}. and {E}wedje, {E}ebk and {S}abot, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground{I}n developing countries, rice is a staple food and cash crop for the people. {I}n {B}enin {R}epublic, paddy rice production has increased over time. {A}ccordingly, local varieties were replaced by improved varieties, leading unfortunatley to a loss of the diversity of {B}eninese rice germplasm.{M}ethods and results{T}he investigation focused on the structure and genetic diversity of 72 rice accessions collected throughout 22 villages using 13 quantitative traits and 17 {SSR} markers. {T}he descriptive analysis of the 13 quantitative parameters showed a significant difference among the accessions, with a grouping in three clusters. {G}roup {I} (16.66% of samples) was composed of accessions with long, wide and thick grains alongside with four controls {TOG}5681, {TOG}5307, {A}zucena and {M}oroberekan. {G}roup {II} (7% of samples) contained accessions with late vegetative cycle. {G}roup {III} contained most of the accessions (76.39% of the samples), including accessions such as the {CG}14 and {N}ipponbare control lines, and almost all the improved varieties. {T}he molecular analysis revealed a significant diversity (mean number of alleles: 4.47 with polymorphism information content of 0.633). {P}opulation structure based on molecular markers showed three primary populations with a mixture of phenotypic groupings at {D}elta {K}, {K} = 3.{C}onclusion{T}his study showed that {B}eninese rice germplasm was divided into two structures: phenotypically similar cultivars but genotypically distinct (homonyms), and phenotypically different cultivars but genotypically similar (synonyms). {S}ome local cultivars such {B}agou19, {B}agou20 and {K}oud44 can be used for large scale production due to their agronomics and molecular traits. {T}he molecular structure obtained in this investigation might be used for future conservation and breeding programs.}, keywords = {{D}iversity ; {R}ice ; {M}icrosatellites ; {D}escriptors ; {C}onservation ; {B}enin ; {BENIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}olecular {B}iology {R}eports}, volume = {50}, numero = {}, pages = {10207--10217}, ISSN = {0301-4851}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1007/s11033-023-08874-8}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088700}, }