@article{fdi:010088684, title = {{S}imulating impacts of fishing toothfish on the pelagic community in the {C}ooperation {S}ea, {S}outhern {O}cean}, author = {{X}ing, {L}. and {T}ang, {J}. {Y}. and {T}ian, {S}. {Q}. and {B}arrier, {N}icolas}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}here is increasing attention to the use of {A}ntarctic toothfish ({D}issostichus mawsoni) and {P}atagonian toothfish ({D}issostichus eleginoides). {U}nderstanding the responses of toothfish and other species to fishing activities favors the sustainable use of natural resources. {W}e developed an end-to-end model {OSMOSE}-{C}ooperation{S}ea to simulate the food web dynamics in the {C}ooperation {S}ea and evaluate the impact of toothfish fishery. {F}ishes and cephalopods played important roles in the energy pathways from krill species and other zooplankton species to toothfish and {W}eddell seal ({L}eptonychotes weddellii) whose trophic levels were higher than 5.0. {A}de ' lie penguin ({P}ygoscelis ade ' liae), {C}rabeater seal ({L}obodon carcinophaga), and {B}aleen whales were strongly krill-reliant. {T}he spawning stock of toothfish decreased more quickly than the recruitments with increasing fishing pressure. {F}ishing impacts on the recruitments of toothfish were hysteretic due to the fishing selectivity. {T}he model considered an ontogenetic diet shift of toothfish that mesopelagic fish was influential to toothfish juveniles. {T}he overexploitation of toothfish stock might result in a trophic cascade that mesopelagic fish biomass increased and krill biomass declined. {A}de ' lie penguin, {C}rabeater seal, and {B}aleen whales preyed on more small fishes in response to the decline of krill biomass. {C}onsidering the impacts of changes in {A}ntarctic krill availability, the biomass of {A}de ' lie penguin, {C}rabeater seal, and {B}aleen whales declined with a heavy toothfish fishery. {T}he study highlights the importance of precautionary and ecosystem-based management to toothfish fishery.}, keywords = {{T}oothfish fishery ; {E}cosystem impacts ; {C}ooperation {S}ea ; {OSMOSE}-{C}ooperation {S}ea model ; {OCEAN} {AUSTRAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}egional {S}tudies in {M}arine {S}cience}, volume = {68}, numero = {}, pages = {103227 [18 p.]}, ISSN = {2352-4855}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rsma.2023.103227}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088684}, }