@article{fdi:010088569, title = {{D}eep learning and wing interferential patterns identify {A}nopheles species and discriminate amongst {G}ambiae complex species}, author = {{C}annet, {A}. and {S}imon-{C}hane, {C}. and {A}khoundi, {M}. and {H}istace, {A}. and {R}omain, {O}. and {S}ouchaud, {M}. and {J}acob, {P}. and {S}ereno, {D}. and {M}ouline, {K}arine and {B}arnab{\'e}, {C}hristian and {L}ardeux, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {B}ouss{\`e}s, {P}hilippe and {S}ereno, {D}enis}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e present a new and innovative identification method based on deep learning of the wing interferential patterns carried by mosquitoes of the {A}nopheles genus to classify and assign 20 {A}nopheles species, including 13 malaria vectors. {W}e provide additional evidence that this approach can identify {A}nopheles spp. with an accuracy of up to 100% for ten out of 20 species. {A}lthough, this accuracy was moderate (>65%) or weak (50%) for three and seven species. {T}he accuracy of the process to discriminate cryptic or sibling species is also assessed on three species belonging to the {G}ambiae complex. {S}trikingly, {A}n. gambiae, {A}n. arabiensis and {A}n. coluzzii, morphologically indistinguishable species belonging to the {G}ambiae complex, were distinguished with 100%, 100%, and 88% accuracy respectively. {T}herefore, this tool would help entomological surveys of malaria vectors and vector control implementation. {I}n the future, we anticipate our method can be applied to other arthropod vector-borne diseases.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cientific {R}eports : {N}ature}, volume = {13}, numero = {1}, pages = {13895 [13 ]}, ISSN = {2045-2322}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1038/s41598-023-41114-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088569}, }