@article{fdi:010088558, title = {{F}aidherbia albida trees form a natural buffer against millet water stress in agroforestry parklands in {S}enegal}, author = {{C}lermont {D}auphin, {C}athy and {N}'{D}ienor, {M}. and {L}eroux, {L}. and {B}a, {H}.{S}. and {B}ongers, {F}. and {J}ourdan, {C}. and {R}oupsard, {O}. and {D}o, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {C}ournac, {L}aurent and {S}eghieri, {J}osiane}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}escription of the subject. {I}n central-west {S}enegal, agroforestry parklands dominated by {F}aidherbia albida trees might protect the millet crop against drought and increase agricultural production. {O}nly few studies examined the water relations between the trees and the crop in farmers' field conditions. {O}bjectives. {O}ur aim was to explore the effect of {F}. albida trees on millet water potential and the implications for millet yield in {F}. albida parklands. {M}ethod. {S}ixty-eight {F}. albida plots scattered in five villages were selected in the 2019 rainy season. {I}n each plot, a pair of millet subplots, 'close-to-tree subplot' and 'open subplot', was monitored. {W}e measured millet predawn and midday leaf water potential (?p, ?m), top soil bulk density, water content and temperature, and grain and straw yields at harvest. {R}esults. {P}airwise comparisons of ?p and ?m of millet indicated better and more stable water status and lower soil temperature and bulk density in close-to-tree subplots. {S}oil water was sometimes lower in close-to-tree subplots, perhaps because the higher crop biomass in this location resulted in higher water loss through crop transpiration. {T}ree effects on millet grain and straw yield were positive or null. {C}orrelations between millet yield and ?p, ?m measured around flowering were weak. {C}onclusions. {G}iven their common positive effects on millet water status and yield, {F}. albida trees could play a key role in promoting sustainable agriculture under the changing climate conditions. {M}illet yield increase due to the tree proximity was likely due to changes induced by the tree on multiple environmental resources. {T}he interactions of micro-pedoclimatic conditions, livestock and tree management (e.g. density, pruning intensity) on the tree effects should be the focus of future studies.}, keywords = {{SENEGAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iotechnologie, {A}gronomie, {S}oci{\'e}t{\'e} et {E}nvironnement}, volume = {27}, numero = {3}, pages = {182--195}, ISSN = {1370-6233}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.25518/1780-4507.20477}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088558}, }