@techreport{fdi:010088427, title = {{M}easuring insecurity-related experiences and preferences in a fragile state : a list experiment in {M}ali}, author = {{B}ertelli, {O}. and {C}alvo, {T}homas and {L}avallee, {E}. and {M}ercier, {M}. and {M}espl{\'e}-{S}omps, {S}andrine}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}easuring behaviors and preferences in times of conflict is of great interest for understanding conflict dynamics and designing conflict-resolution interventions. {Y}et, data users often cast doubts on the reliability of sensitive self-reported measures, especially in fragile contexts. {W}e study sensitive experiences and preferences related to insecurity in a fragile {S}tate - {M}ali - by explicitly addressing potential response biases using a {L}ist {E}xperiment ({LE}) method. {W}e survey 1,500 individuals across the entire country and randomly assign respondents to answer sensitive questions through the {LE} or direct questions ({DQ}) techniques to measure response biases. {W}e focus on three experience-related items (physical assault victimization, firearms' possession, willingness to engage in violence) and two preference-related items (support for the military regime and trust in foreign armed forces in {M}ali). {R}esults show significant biases affecting responses about preference-related items. {O}ur analysis confirms that popular support for the military regime and mistrust in the foreign armed forces are large, but suffer from a substantial overestimation. {M}isreporting is not uniformly distributed across the population, but varies depending on gender, education and conflict exposure. {F}urther results suggest that such heterogeneity in response bias can yield fake significant correlations between individual characteristics and sensitive items' prevalence rates depending on the survey technique used.}, keywords = {{MALI}}, address = {{P}aris}, publisher = {{DIAL}}, series = {{W}orking {P}aper}, pages = {42 multigr.}, year = {2023}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088427}, }