@incollection{fdi:010088422, title = {{H}igh-throughput root phenotyping : opportunities and challenges for the adaptation of arid and semi arid crops to future climates}, author = {{G}rondin, {A}lexandre and {B}hosale, {R}. and {A}tkinson, {J}.{A}. and {F}aye, {A}. and {J}ones, {D}.{H}. and {B}enson, {E}. and {B}urridge, {J}ames and {S}ine, {B}. and {V}adez, {V}incent and {P}ridmore, {T}. and {W}ells, {D}.{M}. and {L}aplaze, {L}aurent and {K}ane, {N}.{A}. and {B}ennett, {M}.{J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}merging constraints associated with climate change are posing an increasing threat to crop yields. {I}n the arid and semiarid regions of {A}frica, crop failure, due to extreme events such as drought, is predicted to cause major food security issues. {R}oot traits can improve crop resilience to drought and poor soil conditions by increasing the crop's ability to acquire water and soil nutrients. {H}owever, selection based on root traits in agronomically meaningful contexts poses practical challenges. {I}n fact, phenotyping represents a major bottleneck for root traits breeding, with trade-offs between precision and throughput. {I}n this chapter, we will describe advances in low- and high-throughput root observation and sampling methods that can be easily deployed to measure root traits in field conditions. {W}e will further describe a high-throughput root phenotyping pipeline that has recently been implemented to phenotype root architectural and anatomical traits in pearl millet grown in {W}est {A}frican {S}ahelian conditions. {T}hese new methods can facilitate the selection of next generation crops with improved root systems that are more adapted to future climates.}, keywords = {{AFRIQUE} {DE} {L}'{OUEST} ; {ZONE} {SAHELIENNE}}, booktitle = {{C}rop adaptation and improvement for drought-prone environments}, numero = {}, pages = {258--282}, address = {{M}anhattan}, publisher = {{N}ew {P}rairie {P}ress}, series = {}, year = {2022}, ISBN = {978-1-944548-47-6}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088422}, }