@article{fdi:010088269, title = {{O}n incidence-dependent management strategies against an {SEIRS} epidemic : extinction of the epidemic using allee effect}, author = {{N}guyen-{H}uu, {T}ri and {A}uger, {P}ierre and {M}oussaoui, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e developed a mathematical model to study the effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions ({NPI}s) on the dynamics of an epidemic. {T}he level of intervention was assessed as a fraction of the population being isolated and depended on the level of incidence of the epidemic in the population. {W}e performed a mathematical analysis of the model and showed that, depending on the choice of the prevalence-dependent isolation function, it is possible to create new endemic equilibria and to change the stability of the disease-free equilibrium for which the epidemic vanishes. {T}he model was then applied to the case of the {COVID}-19 pandemic. {S}everal {NPI} management strategies were considered. {I}n the case of an {NPI} intensity increasing with the level of infection, it is possible to avoid the initial epidemic peak of great amplitude that would have occurred without intervention and to stabilize the epidemic at a chosen and sufficiently low endemic level. {I}n the case of an {NPI} intensity decreasing with the level of infection, the epidemic can be driven to extinction by generating an "{A}llee" effect: when the incidence is below a given level, the epidemic goes extinct whereas, above it, the epidemic will still be able take hold at a lower endemic level. {S}imulations illustrate that appropriate {NPI}s could make the {COVID}-19 vanish relatively fast. {W}e show that, in the context of the {COVID}-19 pandemic, most countries have not chosen to use the most efficient strategies.}, keywords = {{SEIRS} model ; non-pharmaceutical interventions ; target endemic level ; {A}llee effect ; {COVID}-19}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}athematics}, volume = {11}, numero = {13}, pages = {2822 [25 ]}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.3390/math11132822}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088269}, }