@article{fdi:010088268, title = {{T}he role of bacterial vaccines in the fight against antimicrobial resistance : an analysis of the preclinical and clinical development pipeline}, author = {{F}rost, {I}. and {S}ati, {H}. and {G}arcia-{V}ello, {P}. and {H}asso-{A}gopsowicz, {M}. and {L}ienhardt, {C}hristian and {G}igante, {V}. and {B}eyer, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{V}accines can be highly effective tools in combating antimicrobial resistance as they reduce infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria and antibiotic consumption associated with disease. {T}his {R}eview looks at vaccine candidates that are in development against pathogens on the 2017 {WHO} bacterial priority pathogen list, in addition to {C}lostridioides difficile and {M}ycobacterium tuberculosis. {T}here were 94 active preclinical vaccine candidates and 61 active development vaccine candidates. {W}e classified the included pathogens into the following four groups: {G}roup {A} consists of pathogens for which vaccines already exist-ie, {S}almonella enterica serotype {T}yphi, {S}treptococcus pneumoniae, {H}aemophilus influenzae type b, and {M} tuberculosis. {G}roup {B} consists of pathogens with vaccines in advanced clinical development-ie, extra-intestinal pathogenic {E}scherichia coli, {S}almonella enterica serotype {P}aratyphi {A}, {N}eisseria gonorrhoeae, and {C} difficile. {G}roup {C} consists of pathogens with vaccines in early phases of clinical development-ie, enterotoxigenic {E} coli, {K}lebsiella pneumoniae, non-typhoidal {S}almonella, {S}higella spp, and {C}ampylobacter spp. {F}inally, group {D} includes pathogens with either no candidates in clinical development or low development feasibility-ie, {P}seudomonas aeruginosa, {A}cinetobacter baumannii, {S}taphylococcus aureus, {H}elicobacter pylori, {E}nterococcus faecium, and {E}nterobacter spp. {V}accines are already important tools in reducing antimicrobial resistance and future development will provide further opportunities to optimise the use of vaccines against resistance.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{L}ancet {M}icrobe}, volume = {4}, numero = {2}, pages = {{E}113--{E}125}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1016/s2666-5247(22)00303-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088268}, }