@article{fdi:010088246, title = {{D}ecoding the {DNA} and {RNA} viromes of a tropical urban lagoon}, author = {{A}ndrianjakarivony, {F}. {H}. and {B}ettarel, {Y}van and {C}ecchi, {P}hilippe and {B}ouchard, {S}. and {C}hase, {E}. and {D}esnues, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{H}uman and livestock sewage is one of the major causes of excess nutrients, leading to the eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems and potentially to the emergence or spread of pathogenic viruses. {T}his study aimed to investigate the composition and diversity of aquatic viromes in a highly anthropized lagoon, to identify the presence of pathogenic taxa and to explore their use as possible viral indicators of faecal contamination. {F}or this, water and sediment samples were collected in the {E}brie {L}agoon ({I}vory {C}oast) at seven stations with contrasting levels of eutrophication. {T}he {DNA} viromes of the planktonic and the benthic compartments were highly divergent, but were not influenced by the level of eutrophication. {C}onversely, the {RNA} viromes in the water column were comparable to those found in sediment, but showed significant differences between the stations. {W}e detected the presence of viral {DNA} and {RNA} sequences we had assigned as indicators of faecal contamination (smacovirus, pecovirus and pepper mild mottle virus) as well as human pathogens (human cyclovirus, coxsackie {B} virus and picobirnavirus), which were all enriched in the most eutrophicated sites. {T}hese findings suggest that the examination of viromes represents a promising tool for assessing the state of human-induced contamination of aquatic ecosystems.}, keywords = {{COTE} {D}'{IVOIRE} ; {EBRIE} {LAGON}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {M}icrobiology}, volume = {[{E}arly access]}, numero = {}, pages = {[20 p.]}, ISSN = {1462-2912}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1111/1462-2920.16463}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088246}, }