@article{fdi:010088235, title = {{T}he spatio-temporal distribution of acute encephalitis syndrome and its association with climate and landcover in {V}ietnam}, author = {{B}rindle, {H}. {E}. and {B}astos, {L}. {S}. and {C}hristley, {R}. and {C}ontamin, {L}ucie and {D}ang, {L}. {H}. and {A}nh, {D}. {D}. and {F}rench, {N}. and {G}riffiths, {M}. and {N}adjm, {B}. and van {D}oorn, {H}. {R}. and {T}hai, {P}. {Q}. and {D}uong, {T}. {N}. and {C}hoisy, {M}arc}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground {A}cute encephalitis syndrome ({AES}) differs in its spatio-temporal distribution in {V}ietnam with the highest incidence seen during the summer months in the northern provinces. {AES} has multiple aetiologies, and the cause remains unknown in many cases. {W}hile vector-borne disease such as {J}apanese encephalitis and dengue virus and non-vector-borne diseases such as influenza and enterovirus show evidence of seasonality, associations with climate variables and the spatio-temporal distribution in {V}ietnam differs between these. {T}he aim of this study was therefore to understand the spatio-temporal distribution of, and risk factors for {AES} in {V}ietnam to help hypothesise the aetiology. {M}ethods {T}he number of monthly cases per province for {AES}, meningitis and diseases including dengue fever; influenza-like-illness ({ILI}); hand, foot, and mouth disease ({HFMD}); and {S}treptococcus suis were obtained from the {G}eneral {D}epartment for {P}reventive {M}edicine ({GDPM}) from 1998-2016. {C}ovariates including climate, normalized difference vegetation index ({NDVI}), elevation, the number of pigs, socio-demographics, {JEV} vaccination coverage and the number of hospitals were also collected. {S}patio-temporal multivariable mixed-effects negative binomial {B}ayesian models with an outcome of the number of cases of {AES}, a combination of the covariates and harmonic terms to determine the magnitude of seasonality were developed. {R}esults {T}he national monthly incidence of {AES} declined by 63.3% over the study period. {H}owever, incidence increased in some provinces, particularly in the {N}orthwest region. {I}n northern {V}ietnam, the incidence peaked in the summer months in contrast to the southern provinces where incidence remained relatively constant throughout the year. {T}he incidence of meningitis, {ILI} and {S}. suis infection; temperature, relative humidity with no lag, {NDVI} at a lag of one month, and the number of pigs per 100,000 population were positively associated with the number of cases of {AES} in all models in which these covariates were included.{C}onclusions{T}he positive correlation of {AES} with temperature and humidity suggest that a number of cases may be due to vector-borne diseases, suggesting a need to focus on vaccination campaigns. {H}owever, further surveillance and research are recommended to investigate other possible aetiologies such as {S}. suis or {O}rientia tsutsugamushi.}, keywords = {{V}ietnam ; {E}ncephalitis ; {S}patio-temporal ; {C}limate ; {V}egetation ; {V}accination ; {VIET} {NAM}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{BMC} {I}nfectious {D}iseases}, volume = {23}, numero = {1}, pages = {403 [15 p.]}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1186/s12879-023-08300-1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088235}, }