@article{fdi:010088225, title = {{A} conceptual framework for assessing farmers ? soil knowledge : lessons from the {L}ake {A}laotra {R}egion in {M}adagascar}, author = {{R}avonjiarison, {N}. and {A}lbrecht, {A}lain and {P}enot, {E}. and {R}azafimbelo, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}escription of the subject. {F}armers' knowledge is a significant source of information about cultivated soil knowledge. {O}bjectives. {T}his paper focuses on farmers in the {A}laotra {L}ake {R}egion in {M}adagascar to identify their knowledge of the soil and soil fertility and to propose a conceptual framework for developing participatory approaches. {M}ethod. {T}he methodology is based on surveys conducted with 100 farmers randomly selected within five {C}ommunes (villages) to (i) study their knowledge on soil, (ii) design local soil map, and (iii) identify local soil fertility assessment. {F}or each task, an exploratory survey with non-directive individual interviews followed by more in-depth surveys with semi-directive individual interviews and restitution workshop were conducted. {R}esults. {T}he results revealed two types of local soil classifications according to toposequence. {T}welve and nine local soil types were identified respectively in the southern zone and in the northern zone. {M}oreover, farmers used 14 main local indicators to assess the fertility of these soils. {F}armers??? soil classification was found to comply with previous pedological studies and even provided complementary details to the reference {F}rench {S}oil {C}lassification ({CPCS}). {F}inally, the local soil fertility indicators have been proved to be identical to those used by other farmers in other countries and are scientifically validated to be effective. {C}onclusions. {T}his paper offers a new conceptual framework that may be effective for agricultural development service and scientific research in other contexts. {I}t provides a foundation for supporting a common language between farmers and researchers, one that may prove instrumental in future projects including the co-conception of sustainable, innovative agricultural practices.}, keywords = {{I}ndigenous {P}eoples' knowledge ; soil classification ; smallholders ; soil surveys ; land evaluation ; {MADAGASCAR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iotechnologie {A}gronomie {S}oci{\'e}t{\'e} et {E}nvironnement}, volume = {27}, numero = {1}, pages = {42--60}, ISSN = {1370-6233}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.25518/1780-4507.20177}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088225}, }