@article{fdi:010088210, title = {{H}ow butterfly communities are structured and have changed in urbanized areas of {M}arseille: a 12-year monitoring survey}, author = {{T}ernisien, {M}. and {D}eschamps-{C}ottin, {M}. and {L}izee, {M}. {H}. and {M}arch, {L}aura and {R}obles, {C}. and {V}ila, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e used a 12-year survey of butterflies in 24 parks in {M}arseille ({S}outh-{E}ast {F}rance), to highlight the overall decline of butterfly biodiversity (richness, abundance, diversity) in this {M}editerranean city. {T}his study confirms the importance of the urban gradient in the composition and structure of butterfly communities with a clear difference between the city centre and the outskirts. {T}he study also highlights the preponderant role of local factors. {W}hile the distance from the natural environment remains a major factor, nectar resources and habitat diversity are local factors that can positively drive biodiversity. {I}n contrast, management, as currently practised, has a negative effect on biodiversity. {T}his implies that management, nectar resources and habitat diversity in parks are the key action levers at local scale. {T}hus, our results show that the response is not linear, from the most urban to the least urban, but seems to be closer to a patch/mosaic structure according to the importance of local factors. {T}he long-term survey shows that butterfly communities show a simplified pattern: generally, parks on the outskirts tend to resemble those of the intermediate level and parks of the intermediate level tend to resemble those of the city centre. {T}he long-term survey shows that butterfly communities have lost in complexity with the loss of {M}editerranean species probably linked to the disappearance of their host plants. {F}inally, this long-term study suggests that it is possible to influence biodiversity through management with direct action in the management of green spaces.}, keywords = {{L}ong-term survey ; {L}epidoptera ; {U}rban parks ; {M}anagement ; {U}rban ecology ; {H}abitat quality ; {FRANCE} ; {MARSEILLE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{U}rban {E}cosystems}, volume = {[{E}arly access]}, numero = {}, pages = {[12 p.]}, ISSN = {1083-8155}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1007/s11252-023-01377-1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088210}, }