@article{fdi:010088147, title = {{Y}ellow-legged gull populations ({L}arus michahellis) link the history of landfills to soil eutrophication and time-related vegetation changes on small {M}editerranean islands}, author = {{M}utillod, {C}. and {B}aumberger, {T}. and {P}rudent, {P}. and {S}aatkamp, {A}. and {V}idal, {E}ric and {L}e-{M}ire-{P}echeux, {L}. and {A}ffre, {L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}eabird colonies have a strong influence on both the physical and chemical soil parameters and plant communities of the islands where they settle to nest. {S}cientists have studied the effects of the demographic explosion of seabird populations, but few have explored the long-term effects when the colonies were in decline. {T}he aim of this study was to investigate diachronic changes over a 24 year period of soil parameters, floristic composition and plant functionnal types ({R}aunkiaer growth forms and {G}rime life strategies) up to the decrease of the number of nesting yellow-legged gulls ({L}arus michahellis {N}aumann, 1840) on {M}editerranean islands. {W}e used 78 permanent plots to survey the vegeta- tion and the soil parameters on 9 islands and one mainland area within the {C}alanques {N}ational {P}ark (south east of {F}rance), for three periods (i.e., 1997, 2008, 2021). {S}ince 1997, the increase of nesting gulls has caused a nitrogen and p{H} increase and organic carbon and {C}/{N} ratio de- crease, although the values were still higher than mainland plots without nesting gulls. {T}his has led to changes in plant species composition e.g., higher values of {N} favouring the development of ruderal plant species, still present in high frequency in 2021. {F}urthermore, plant species highly tolerant to disturbances (i.e., {R} {G}rime strategy) in harsh environ- ments were still favoured even after the decline of gull abundance. {H}owever, both the frequency of the chamaephytes and the vegetation cover has increased with the decline of gull colony. {I}n 2021, measures of trace elements' concentra- tions and calculation of pollution load index ({C}u, {P}b and {Z}n) reveals relatively low multi-contamination levels on the mainland and the archipelagos.{O}n naturally oligotrophic and semi-arid {M}editerranean islands, gull colonies induce a persistent alteration in soil char- acteristics that still influences plant communities (composition and functional types), 11 years after the decline in bird abundance.}, keywords = {{L}ong-term diachronic survey ; {S}eabirds ; {T}race elements ; {P}lant community ; {L}and-use history ; {FRANCE} ; {MEDITERRANEE} ; {MARSEILLE} ; {CALANQUES} {PARC} {NATIONAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cience of the {T}otal {E}nvironment}, volume = {878}, numero = {}, pages = {162948 [14 ]}, ISSN = {0048-9697}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162948}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088147}, }