@article{fdi:010088131, title = {{L}andform-regolith patterns of {N}orthwestern {A}frica : deciphering {C}enozoic surface dynamics of the tropical cratonic geosystem}, author = {{C}hardon, {D}ominique}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he tropical cratonic geosystem encompasses non-orogenic continental domains of the tropical belt that developed and preserved {C}enozoic lateritic regolith mantles (i.e., the products of intense rock weathering). {T}hese domains represent a significant part of the continental landsurface contributing to regulate global biogeochemical cycles. {H}ere {I} address the surface evolution mechanisms of the tropical cratonic geosystem based on a comprehensive review and an original map of the landform-regolith associations (combinations of reliefs and regolith mantles of specific nature and age) of {N}orthwestern {A}frica, an archetype of the tropical cratonic geosystem. {T}he landform-regolith pattern is a composite record of long-term climate variability modulated by the composition of the bedrock. {R}elictual, pan-tropical associations attest to (i) very intense, greenhouse-driven weathering starting in the {L}ate {C}retaceous and culminating at the {E}arly {E}ocene thermal maximum, (ii) intense {L}ate {O}ligocene weathering driven by seasonally humid climate, (iii) dry erosional climate during the {E}arly and {L}ate {M}iocene, with a return to moderate weathering-prone, seasonally dry climate around the {M}iocene climatic optimum (18-11 {M}a) and at the {E}nd-{M}iocene (7-6 {M}a). {P}ost {M}iocene functional landform-regolith associations are latitudinally zoned, reflecting installation of the modern climatic zonation in the tropics. {M}odern regional susceptibility to erosion has to be partitioned among the functional landform-regolith associations, which tend towards pedoclimatic equilibrium, and relict associations, which are mostly fossil. {M}oreover, results show that (i) past etchplains and pediplains ("paleo-surfaces") are unreliable topographic gauges of mantle-driven deformation, (ii) staircase patterns of successive etchplains or pediplains attributed to positive epeirogenic pulses are invalid and (iii) low-temperature thermochronology fails to document final rock exhumation paths in cratonic contexts.}, keywords = {{L}aterite ; {C}atena ; {P}ediment ; {G}lacis ; {P}ediplain ; {E}tchplain ; {L}andform ; evolution processes ; {E}peirogeny ; {AFRIQUE} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}arth-{S}cience {R}eviews}, volume = {242}, numero = {}, pages = {104452 [32 p.]}, ISSN = {0012-8252}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1016/j.earscirev.2023.104452}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088131}, }