@article{fdi:010088093, title = {{I}sland formation adjacent to a large-scale slope failure in {C}entral {P}eru : the {N}azca {R}idge subducted relief hypothesis}, author = {{H}erbozo, {G}. and {A}mpuero, {J}ean-{P}aul}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{V}ertical tectonics and mass wasting activity along convergent margins are geodynamic processes commonly associated with the subduction of oceanic plate structures. {A}t the {C}entral {P}eruvian margin, the connection of the small {H}ormigas de {A}fuera {I}slands ({HAI}) (12 degrees {S}) with a large-scale slope failure suggests the surficial expression of the subducted relief of the {N}azca {R}idge. {T}his hypothesis is supported by the idea that the {T}uamotu {R}idge relief on the {P}acific {P}late is the analog of the subducted roughness of the {N}azca {R}idge based on their mirror-image location relative to the {E}ast {P}acific {R}ise. {H}ere, we use bathymetry, multichannel seismic data, subbottom profiling data and published findings to analyze the massive slope collapse near the {HAI}. {A}t the shelf break, the {HAI} reflect uplift of the metamorphic basement and mark a {N}-{S} transition between post-{P}liocene onlapping sediments and seafloor erosion of an uplifted, tectonically deformed sequence. {W} of the shelf break, the {HAI} scar is a trench-parallel, two-horseshoe-shaped escarpment in the upper slope (1300 m high and 1690 km(2) area) that has lost mass with a total volume of 810 km(3). {W}ithin this large escarpment, two cliffs show differences in size, seafloor morphology, and basement uplift. {A}n embayment at the base of the {HAI} scar aligns with a downslope mass of 285 km(3) volume in the middle slope. {A} bathymetric bulge of 800 m height characterizes the toe of this mass deposit. {W}hen the {HAI} are projected onto the {T}uamotu {R}idge northeastern flank, a seamount-shaped platform-like feature of 12,000 km(3) is found. {O}ur study area coincides with the well-known and highly coupled segment of the {C}entral {P}eru subduction, which suggests an association with the history of large megathrust earthquakes in this area such as the great 1976 {MW} 8.8 {C}allao-{L}ima earthquake. {B}ased on these findings, we postulate that the formation and spatial association of the small {HAI} with the {HAI} mass wasting result from the tectonic control imposed by the subducted roughness of the {N}azca {R}idge.}, keywords = {{N}azca {R}idge subducted roughness ; {T}uamotu {R}idge relief ; {P}eruvian ; convergent margin ; {H}ormigas de {A}fuera {I}slands ({HAI}) ; large-scale slope ; failure ; {C}entral {P}eru megathrust ; {PEROU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eomorphology}, volume = {432}, numero = {}, pages = {108693 [17 p.]}, ISSN = {0169-555{X}}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1016/j.geomorph.2023.108693}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088093}, }