@article{fdi:010088007, title = {{D}eveloping a science-based framework for the management of drifting {F}ish {A}ggregating {D}evices}, author = {{C}apello, {M}anuela and {M}erino, {G}. and {T}ravassos-{T}olotti, {M}ariana and {M}urua, {H}. and {D}agorn, {L}aurent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}ish {A}ggregating {D}evices ({FAD}s) are man-made floating objects deployed by fishers to aggregate tuna and facilitate their catch. {C}urrently, more than half of the global tropical tuna purse-seine catches occur at {FAD}s. {T}he fast development of the purse-seine fisheries operating on drifting {FAD}s ({DFAD}s) has raised concerns regarding their impacts on tuna populations, on non-target species like sharks, as well as on the pelagic and coastal habitats. {C}onsequently, the management of {DFAD} fisheries is a priority for all tuna regional fisheries management organizations. {D}ue to the little availability of science-based advice to support management decisions, resolutions on {DFAD}s have been mainly based on precautionary principles. {I}n this study we propose a science-based framework for the management of {DFAD}s, relying on indicators and operating models. {A} set of models and indicators that help evaluate the ecological impacts of {DFAD}s is presented, considering the case study of {DFAD} fisheries management in the {I}ndian {O}cean. {T}he objective of this framework is to assess and predict the effects of {DFAD}s on coastal and pelagic ecosystems, in order to support and/or evaluate past, present and future management actions.}, keywords = {{OCEAN} {INDIEN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {P}olicy}, volume = {153}, numero = {}, pages = {105657 [10 ]}, ISSN = {0308-597{X}}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1016/j.marpol.2023.105657}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088007}, }