@article{fdi:010087978, title = {{T}axonomic note on {E}llochelon vaigiensis ({Q}uoy and {G}aimard, 1825) ({M}ugilidae : {M}ugiliformes) from {W}est {N}ew {G}uinea, {I}ndonesia}, author = {{A}nnisa, and {A}ndy {O}mar, {S}.{B}. and {M}arasabessy, {F}. and {E}rnawati, and {K}agiling, {R}. and {M}anangkalangi, {E}. and {N}icodemus{T}uhumury, {R}.{A}. and {F}ebriadi {M}andala, {W}. and {O}hee, {H}.{L}. and {P}olikarpus {M}elmambessy, {E}.{H}. and {M}ote, {N}. and {H}ocd{\'e}, {R}{\'e}gis and {P}ouyaud, {L}aurent and {K}adarusman,}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}llochelon vaigiensis is a monotypic, catadromous, and widespread species throughout {I}ndo-{P}acific region. {T}axonomy of the species is ancient and somewhat confused by morphological resemblance. {H}ere, we present and compare the morphological characteristics of {E}. vaigiensis from 3 distinct areas, respectively from the type locality ({W}aigeo {I}sland, {R}aja {A}mpat), from {C}endrawasih {B}ay ({B}iak {I}sland), and {K}aimana ({V}enu and {A}iduma {I}slands). {A}ll the samples belong to {E}. vaigiensis following the species diagnosis given by {H}arrison and {S}enou (1999). {N}o significant differentiation is found for all meristic and morphological characters between specimens caught from the type locality and {B}iak {I}sland. {N}evertheless, specimens from {K}aimana have a slender body width compared to specimens from {W}aigeo {I}sland (type locality) and {B}iak {I}sland. {S}pecimens from {K}aimana also display a longer head and a larger eye diameter than specimens from {B}iak {I}sland. {A} canonical discriminant analysis made on all morphometric data confirms the morphological differentiation of {K}aimana?s specimens compared to the type locality and {B}iak {I}sland. {T}hese results suggest the possibility of the presence of cryptic species in {E}. vaigiensis and emphasize the necessity to conduct molecular taxonomy to definitely solve the taxonomic status of {K}aimana specimens.}, keywords = {{INDONESIE} ; {NOUVELLE} {GUINEE} ; {CENDRAWASIH} {BAIE} ; {BIAK} {ILE} ; {VENU} {ILE} ; {AIDUMA} {ILE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}rends in {S}cience}, volume = {19}, numero = {17}, pages = {5750 [11 ]}, ISSN = {2774-0226}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.48048/tis.2022.5750}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010087978}, }